Novels & Short Stories

  1. A collection of 101 Short Stories, Insights & Sayings Containing Life-Long Lessons Learn More
  2. Enthusiasm

    Do you wish you could live a more joyful life? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to take on new challenges in a positive, confident way while others are simply glad to get through their day?

    If so, you have the right book. In it, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin explains how all of your experiences are colored by the quality of enthusiasm that you bring to them. An insightful and articulate guide, Rabbi Pliskin offers every reader deeper understanding into his or her own mindset, demonstrating how you can change your "internal script" to react to situations in a positive, upbeat manner.

    This is the book that will lift you out of your doldrums and enhance your life. Without a shred of forced cheerfulness, Enthusiasm will teach you to tap your inner resources and develop the genuine qualities that will keep you smiling.

    Rabbi Zelig Pliskin is a popular speaker and renowned author who has made it his mission to help every individual maximize his or her potential. Learn More

  3. Regular Price: $7.75

    Special Price $5.99

    A Place of Their Own Learn More
  4. "It's Also Good" is and illustrated story in poetic form about Nachum Ish Gamzu, a man who had so much faith in G-d that he truly felt about each event in life that "This too is good", no matter how difficult was the challenge. The story shows how Believing is Seeing -- Nachum's faith led to great miracles for him and his community. The book is suitable for children as well as adults. Learn More
  5. Amazing, Authentic, Inspiring Comremporary Stories and First Person Accounts of Happenings Around and About the Western Wall Learn More

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