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- A Unique Tanya
It took five y to integrate the long-standing regular Hebrew Tanya to its page-by-page corresponding English translation, producing the first bilingual Tanya.
The Rebbes persistent appeals for its completion, and jubilant reception of the finished product, bear witness to the tremendous regard the Rebbe held for this Tanya. One might conclude that its publication is one of the more significant milestones in the dissemination of Chassidus in the twentieth century!
The Tanya was presented to the Rebbe. hot off the press during the farbrengen one day before Shavuos 5735 (1975). The excitement is palpable as the Rebbe, surrounded by the Tanya committee from England, refers to Mr. Jaffe as the governor of England and asks him to summon all English Citizens to the Rebbes dais. The Alter Rebbes niggun is then commenced by the Rebbe! (An unprecedented event.) An unusual and exciting open-air farbrengen at the front door of 770 is the culmination of a positively charged, exhilarating, period in Lubavitch.
This book is the first publication dedicated to depicting the details of this historic and epic period, as recorded by Zalmon Jaffe in his personal diary: My Encounter with the Rebbe, Installment 7 (1976).
Sotcover 95 pp.