Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach

Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach provides an in depth analysis, of what Chazal discuss about the possibility of Moshiach coming from the maisim.

Boruch Hashem the sefer has received haskamos from prominent Rebonim from around the world.

The possibility of Moshiach coming from the maisim, appears to have been a common belief among Chazal.

The sefer also demonstrates, that the Rambam did not rule out Moshiach coming from the maisim Halachically.

The Kuntres is written in a way of l'Hagdil Torah u'la'Hadira, and it's intent is to shine light on this topic. In order to help increase peace and unity between Yidden.

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