Keeping In Touch #4.
Either consciously or subconsciously, everyone is looking for something to give his life meaning and purpose. If, at some point, the pieces come together and one discovers such meaning, that inspired moment will never be forgotten.Countless Jews and non-Jews around the world experienced such a moment during their first encounter with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. Whether by direct meeting with the Rebbe, through a relationship with one of his more than 3500 emissaries throughout the world, or through exposure to his insights and teachings, this encounter guided their steps and put them in touch with their creator; it put them in touch with the spark of their creator, which is the G-dly soul within themselves; and it enabled them to fan that spark within others.In Keeping in touch, some of these insights and teachings have been distilled. The result is a handbook that empowers its readers to tackle life afresh, inspired by a sense of meaning and direction.Keeping in touch is dedicated to the rebbe`s emissaries around the globe, the idealistic men and women who live by its message and share it with others.