Veha'arev Na, #2, More Halachic Challenges and Solutions Based on the Weekly Parshah.
Some of the discussions in this volume:
A man locked inside a closed store has yarhtzeit. Can he make a minyan with nine passersby, who stand outside the glass door?
A gentile undercover policeman dresses as a Jew to guard a shul. May he put on tefillin to complete the disguise?
Gavriel fell asleep reading a Torah pamphlet on Shabbos and when he awoke, had backwards letters printed on his forehead. Can he wash them off?
A minyan of exactly ten men discovers that all of them need to say Kaddish, with no one left to answer Amen. What should they do?
A confused Israeli fighter pilot is about to attack his own troops. With only seconds to spare, can he be shot down?
Shmuel's broker heard incorrectly and bought the wrong stock - which then tripled in price. Does he deserve a share of the earnings?