Hyperemesis: A Spiritual Perspective.
"What this amazing book does is explain... how keeping the mother healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually, in turn benefits her baby. This beautifully written book is compelling reading. Ruthie's understanding of the condition from both a medical and personal perspective is truly impressive. Through her experience and intelligent analysis of 'the good, the bad and the ugly' aspects of this distressing condition, she is able to bring a form of peaceful spiritual acceptance, which I am confident will help other sufferers cope and give their friends and families important insight into the condition." —Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy, Consultant Obstetric Physician, Guy's and Thomas' Hospital, London, England
"This book is an invaluable resource for dealing with this very debilitating condition affecting countless pregnancies. Long overdue and certain to help many couples." —L Joel Kessler, MD, OBGYN, Santa Monica, California