Leather Bags Style 170 YG

Leather Talis Bag Style170 YG
The talis bag normally comes with a shoulder strap, but you can choose not have one by checking the box below.
  •  Large Talis Bag (meant for a talis and one tefillin/or a siddur.)
  •  XL Talis Bag (meant for a talis and two pairs of tefillin.
Talis Bag Sets Style 170 YG
  • Large Talis Bag Set ( includes a talis bag and a tefillin bag)
  • Large Talis Bag Set (includes large talis bag and a tefillin bag)
  • XL Talis Bag Set (includes a XL talis bag,a Rashi bag, and a Rabbeinu Tam bag.)
Leather Tefillin Bag Style 170 YG
  • Teffilin
  •   Rashi & Rabbeinu Tam set
  •  Double Teffilin Bag. (A double teffilin bag is an outer bag with a carry strap which is meant to carry a Rashi & Rabbeinu Tam Bag set in it.
  • Chabad Bar Mitzvah Set.(includes a double bag, a Rashi bag, and a Rabbeinu Tam bag)

Bags take up to a week to ship

Availability: In stock

Price From: $92.00

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Price From: $92.00
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