Rabbi's Responsa - Moadim.
Rabbi’s Responsa: Moadim by Rabbi Akiva Willig is a comprehensive exploration of halachic discourse surrounding Jewish festivals. This seminal work addresses a wide array of halachic questions related to the moadim, tracing each issue from its roots in the Gemara and Rishonim to contemporary poskim. Rabbi Willig's rigorous analysis, endorsed by leading Torah scholars, offers both scholarly depth and practical insights, making it an essential resource for students and scholars alike, and a significant contribution to halachic literature.
“Overflowing with Torah… the author analyzes each sh’eilah in all its details…from the Rishonim and the poskim through modern-day poskim.”
Rav Hershel Schachter
“The author’s thought process is clear and his reasoning straightforward in arriving at halachah l’maaseh.”
Rav Asher Weiss
“This sefer has many interesting sh’eilos and teshuvos. Whoever wants to learn how to pasken sh’eilos will find it useful to learn from this sefer.”
Rav Dovid Cohen
“Ben chacham yismach av…This sefer is a collection of [the author’s] responses on the topic of moadim. I went through the entire sefer…everything is written in clear language. [The author] cites from Shas and poskim as well as provides his own chiddushim composed in the derech of the Torah. The subjects discussed are old and new, simple and complicated, and always interesting.”
Rav Mordechai Willing
About the Author:
Rabbi Akiva Willig serves as the rav of Beis Medrash of Woodmere, an energetic kehillah of Torah and tefillah, which he founded over ten years ago. The son of a distinguished rav and rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Willig was exposed to the beauty and complexity of halachah from a young age. A native of Riverdale, New York, Rabbi Willig studied for many years in RIETS and at the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim.