Rebbetzin Feige Responds

Rebbetzin Feige Responds

Availability: In stock

A popular and insightful counselor deals with real-life situations


  • "Your daughter-in-law is dressing in a way that doesn't reflect your standards of tznius. Should you talk to her, and what should you say?
  • "Twenty years later, a woman who bullied a schoolmate wants to make amends. How can she do it?
  • "Going to my in-laws and hearing their criticism has become a nightmare. Can I save this relationship?

Our lives and our relationships often seem to be growing more and more complex. Where can we go for wise counsel, good advice, and, most important of all, a Torah perspective on our lives and challenges?

We can go to Rebbetzin Feige.

Additional Information

In Store Item # N/A
Author Rebbetzin Feige Twerski
Translator N/A
Illustrator N/A
Editor N/A
Language N/A
Format N/A
Pages N/A
Publisher Artscroll Publishers
Published N/A
Product Dimensions N/A
item fits into USPS envelope N/A