Leather Bags Style 770 YG - Choose from Black, Navy, Brown, or Tan Leather.

Leather Bags Style 770 YG - Choose from Black, Navy, Brown, or Tan Leather.
Price From: $110.00

Availability: In stock

Leather Talis Bag Style 770YG
The bag normally comes with a shoulder strap, but you can choose not have one by checking the box below. The XL size is meant for a talis and two pairs of tefillin. The large size is meant for a talis and one tefillin/or a siddur.
Leather Tefillin Bag Style 770YG
This Product is available in a bag that says Teffilin, a Rashi & Rabbeinu Tam set, or a Double Teffilin Bag. A double teffilin bag is an outer bag (with a carry strap) which is meant to have a Rashi & Rabbeinu Tam Bag set in it.


Leather Talis and/or Tefillin Bag Style 770 YG

First choose a leather color and then;


1. Tefillin Bag

2. Rashi and Rabbainu Tam Tefillin Bags (for two pairs of Tefillin)

3. Double Tefillin Bag (to Hold Rashi and Rabbainu Tam Bags)

4. Large Talis Bag. Big enough for a Talis and one Pair of Tefillin.

5. Large Talis Bag Set. One Large Talis bag and One Tefillin Bag

6. XL talis Bag. Big enough for a talis and two Pairs of Tefillin

7. XL Talis Bag Set. One XL talis bag and Rashi and Rabbainu Tam bags

8. Chabad Bar Mitzvah Set. Double Tefillin Bag and Rashi/ Rabbainu Tam Bags

Additional Information

In Store Item # No
Product Dimensions No