Leather Talis bag and/or Tefillin(s) Bags Style 270 BK.
Leather Talis Bag Style 270The bag normally comes with a shoulder strap, but you can choose not have one by checking the box below.
The XL size is meant for a talis and two pairs of tefillin. The large size is meant for a talis and one tefillin/or a siddur.Talis Bag SetsLarge Talis Bag Set (one Talis Bag and one Tefillin Bag)
XL Talis Bag Set ( one XL Talis Bag with Rashi & Rabbainu Tam Tefillin Bags)Leather Tefillin Bags(s) Style 270Choose
Tefillin Bag
Rashi & Rabbeinu Tam
A Double bag is meant to hold Rashi & Rabanu Tam bags and comes with a shoulder carry strap
Chabad Bar Mitzvah SET (Rashi & Rabbienu Tam and the Double Bag)Takes up to a week to ship