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  1. For centuries, the brilliant light of Rashi – Rav Shlomo ben Yitzchak of medieval France - has illuminated the world of Torah, earning him the esteemed title of "The Father of Commentators." With unrivaled clarity and grace, Rashi's commentary on the Torah has become an integral – and truly indispensable – part of Chumash study.

    There are more people studying Torah today than ever before, and their level of knowledge and sophistication is higher than ever. They know that beneath the deceptively straightforward exterior of Rashi's commentary lies a depth that has captivated the intellects of esteemed talmidei chachamim for more than eight centuries, and they wish to dig a bit deeper, to understand not just what Rashi says, but the underlying concepts. They want to gain a deeper look into Rashi’s thought process and better understand those places where the commentators disagree with Rashi. What motivated Rashi with his specific remark? How does the wording in the Torah reveal Rashi's intent? To which passage in the Targum does Rashi allude?

    This new series will take you to a whole new level of understanding of the foremost commentary on Chumash. It will satisfy scholar, student and layman alike, and will become recognized as the standard comprehensive treatment of Rashi.

    The Elucidated Rashi on Chumash features:

    • An expanded translation and elucidation, written in a contemporary, readable style, and drawing upon the major commentaries on Rashi.
    • An introduction to each Rashi, providing a preview of the topic.
    • Notes discussing “What’s bothering Rashi?”
    • Insights containing in-depth analysis of Rashi’s words.
    • Explanations of underlying concepts and deeper looks into those places where the commentators disagree with Rashi.

    The Elucidated Rashi belongs in every Torah home. Regardless of your level of knowledge or scholarship, The Elucidated Rashi will enhance your understanding of the foundational Chumash commentary. Learn More

  2. For centuries, the brilliant light of Rashi – Rav Shlomo ben Yitzchak of medieval France - has illuminated the world of Torah, earning him the esteemed title of "The Father of Commentators." With unrivaled clarity and grace, Rashi's commentary on the Torah has become an integral – and truly indispensable – part of Chumash study.

    There are more people studying Torah today than ever before, and their level of knowledge and sophistication is higher than ever. They know that beneath the deceptively straightforward exterior of Rashi's commentary lies a depth that has captivated the intellects of esteemed talmidei chachamim for more than eight centuries, and they wish to dig a bit deeper, to understand not just what Rashi says, but the underlying concepts. They want to gain a deeper look into Rashi’s thought process and better understand those places where the commentators disagree with Rashi. What motivated Rashi with his specific remark? How does the wording in the Torah reveal Rashi's intent? To which passage in the Targum does Rashi allude?

    This new series will take you to a whole new level of understanding of the foremost commentary on Chumash. It will satisfy scholar, student and layman alike, and will become recognized as the standard comprehensive treatment of Rashi.

    The Elucidated Rashi on Chumash features:

    • An expanded translation and elucidation, written in a contemporary, readable style, and drawing upon the major commentaries on Rashi.
    • A short introduction to each Rashi, providing a preview of the topic.
    • Notes discussing “What’s bothering Rashi?”
    • Insights containing in-depth analysis of Rashi’s words.
    • Explanations of underlying concepts and deeper looks into those places where the commentators disagree with Rashi.

    The Elucidated Rashi belongs in every Torah home. Regardless of your level of knowledge or scholarship, The Elucidated Rashi will enhance your understanding of the foundational Chumash commentary. Learn More

  3. A Comprehensive Running Commentary on Parashas Bereishis & Parashas Noach

    Would you like to finally understand the account of Creation through the lens of the classic commentators? Would you like to know the story of mankind from its birth until Avraham Avinu’s time?

    In this unique work, covering the first 2000 years of mankind, you will get an amazingly clear explanation of the Torah. Step-by-step, through outlines, overviews, and an engaging running commentary (largely narrative), you’ll discover its wondrous breadth and depth.

    • See the big picture and get in depth analyses — you choose how much detail to go into
    • Understand fundamental topics
    • Enjoy reading a really clear, elucidated translation
    •  Explore the main approaches of the commentators
    •  Find clarity and order in the Torah

    Includes 550 stimulating questions lining the margins – perfect for the Shabbos table!

    • Why did Hashem create the world?
    • How did Adam and Chavah’s yetzer hara change after they sinned?
    • How did Hashem teach Kayin to repent and elevate himself?
    • Why did humans become weaker after the Flood?
    •  How did Avraham confront his idolatrous world?

    Not just another parashah book. Enjoy and understand the Torah like never before!

    Praise for Journey of Faith on Sefer Bamidbar by the same author:                                                                                                                                                               

    “A masterpiece… It is very inspiring.” —RABBI YISROEL BELSKY ZT”L

    “The scope of this work is phenomenal!” —RABBI ZEV LEFF

    “Authoritative, insightful, and extremely well presented.” —RABBI BEREL WEIN

    “Serious enough to satisfy the mature and sophisticated student, yet laid out with a clarity that makes it accessible even for the younger student” —RABBI AHRON LOPIANSKY

    “Moving from the general to the specific… the reader emerges with a real sense of what the text of the Torah actually says and what it is trying to teach.” — RABBI YITZCHAK BREITOWITZ

    “Comprehensive, educational, inspiring, yet at the same time and extremely enjoyable read.” —RABBI DOVID KAPLAN Learn More

  4. In these volumes, bestselling author and master teacher Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein takes the reader on a journey through the Chumash. Each chapter begins with questions on a particular topic or episode, some disarmingly simple and others somewhat more nuanced. With our curiosity piqued, Rabbi Bernstein proceeds to draw upon a vast array of commentators from throughout the generations, guiding us toward a new level of understanding — one that is eye-opening, exhilarating, and profoundly satisfying. This work will bring the reader’s understanding and appreciation of the Chumash and its commentaries to entirely new heights.

    This wonderful sefer of my dear friend, HaRav Immanuel Bernstein, shlita, contains profound discussions and insights on the Chumash drawn from the gedolei hadoros. This sefer is simply overflowing with illuminating ideas and concepts.”

    Rav Asher Weiss

    Rabbi Bernstein’s sefarim are tools for growth and an appreciation of Torah.”

    Rav Yisroel Reisman

    May it be the will of Hashem Yisbarach that our community drink from the wellsprings that the author has dug.”

    Rav Dovid Cohen

    Born and raised in London, Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein learned in Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael, Jerusalem, and received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Chaim Walkin. Rabbi Bernstein currently teaches in Yeshivas Machon Yaakov, Jerusalem, as well as in various seminaries, and gives a popular weekly shiur on Chumash that is open to the public and available online. He is the author of six books, Teshuvah: A Guide for the Heart and Mind during Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur; Aggadah: Sages, Stories and Secrets; Darkness to Destiny: The Haggadah Experience; Purim: Removing the Mask; The Call of Sinai: A Deeper Look at Torah, the Omer, and the Festival of Shavuos; and Chanukah: Capturing the Light (Mosaica Press). He lives in Jerusalem with his family. Visit him at Learn More
  5. We miss him so much.

    His warmth. His love. His authentic caring for every talmid; indeed, for every Jew. His ahavas haTorah, his vision, his humility and his extraordinary determination not to let a debilitating illness stop him from teaching -- and building -- Torah.

    Yes, how we miss Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt’l, the beloved Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim. His talmidim throughout the years fondly recall the special atmosphere of Rav Nosson Tzvi’s erev Shabbos shmuessen, when, with his trademark smile and delight in Torah, he would share thoughts on the parashah and personal insights on life.

    In Rav Nosson Tzvi Speaks, these shmuessen have been carefully chosen and adapted for print. As we read these beautifully thought-out pieces, we are treated not only to Rav Nosson Tzvi’s chiddushim, but also to those of his rebbeim, Rav Chaim Shmulevitz and Rav Chaim Kamil, zt’l, whose teachings influenced him so greatly.

    These are fascinating and insightful essays. More: In these essays Rav Nosson Tzvi shows us how to achieve major levels of ameilus and hasmadah, and lofty levels of bein adam lachaveiro, urging us to seek and achieve greatness.

    Rav Nosson Tzvi’s teachings will enrich our everyday lives. And they will help us feel, and, yes, emulate, the achrayus, ahavas Torah and ahavas Yisrael that defined him. Learn More

  6. Rav Moshe Feinstein’s voice speaks to a new generation...

    During his lifetime, thousands of Jews flocked to hear Rav Moshe Feinstein, the acknowledged Torah leader of the generation, speak. His depth and breadth of knowledge, his understanding of Torah and of human nature, his awesome humility all came through clearly in his shmuesssin and derashos.

    Rabbi Avraham Fishelis z”l was a talmid muvhak, devoted student, of Rav Moshe, as well as a principal at his yeshivah, Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem. In his multivolume Hebrew Sefer Kol Rom, he presented insights from thousands of Rav Moshe’s shemuessin and derashos.

    Rav Moshe on Chumash has adapted Sefer Kol Rom into a flowing English work. These pieces on the Chumash contain gems of hashkafah and Jewish thought, insights and life lessons. This new sefer is perfect for the Shabbos table or to be savored by anyone looking to be inspired once again by the gadol hador. Learn More

  7. Did you know?

    Every Parsha has a different amount of pesukim. Our sages have chosen a word known as a mnemonic with the same gematria to remember the number of pesukim.

    This groundbreaking book explores the connection between the mnemonic the number of pesukim and the theme of the Parshah. Plus every Parsha has an amazing inspirational story and a great joke.

    A book for every home and every personal library! Learn More

  8. The comprehensive commentary of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch to the Chumash is based on his interpretative method of precise elucidation of the text and meaning of the words.

    His grandson, Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer, applied this same method for his commentary to Yehoshua and Shoftim, and has brought to light the timeless words of the Tanach in an original, inspiring fashion. This English version of Rav Breuer's commentary to Yehoshua and Shoftim is written in a modern, clear idiom and will attract scholar and student alike. Learn More

  9. What if... a child born during the Holocaust is given one name by his parents at his bris, and another by Jews who hid him and saved his life. When his parents return to take him back at the end of the war, which name should he use?

    What if.... a thief feels sorry for his victim, a widow about to marry off her daughter, and he returns the money he was going to steal and even adds more of his own funds. May the victim use money that was probably stolen from someone else?

    What if... a rich man offers a donation for every student enrolled in a kiruv school. If a boy enrolls, but leaves after just a few weeks, does he still have to make that donation?

    The What If? series has become a beloved part of the Shabbos table for tens of thousands of families. Based on the popular Hebrew-language series Chashukei Chemed, written by noted rav and posek, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita, and translated and arranged in the order of the weekly parashah by Rabbi Moshe Sherrow, the What If? books include hundreds of real-life halachic questions, each accompanied by a brief, practical scenario to illustrate the case, and an analysis that is understandable and easy to follow.

    What If? reaches people of all ages and backgrounds. The questions, stories, and halachic explanations are clear and simple, so that even youngsters can discuss them. At the same time these fascinating halachic queries and responses hold the interest of those well-versed in Torah scholarship.

    What if... you want the conversation at your Shabbos table to be even more animated? More meaningful? And, yes, more fun for family and guests? Just open up What If? volume 4, and let the Torah conversation begin! Learn More

  10. A Distant Mirror, Exploring the Lives of Women in Tanach
    The purpose of this book is to present you with a cast of characters who are defined by the Torah as your role models. Their voices are in the Text, the Midrash, the Talmud, the works of the earlier and later scholars, and the fruit of the pens of greats of the last centuries. 

    Will we ever understand their true greatness? The answer is, of course, no. The women depicted will always remain beyond your reach and mine; their spiritual stature places them beyond our limited vision. Nonetheless, the Torah presents them for us to learn from their lives. To do so, you must learn to listen and then to step back with the recognition that you have at best heard the echo of their voices.

    A Distant Mirror is structured to give you the information presented in the text under the heading, "What Does It Say?" Next, you will find a taste of what the commentators tell you, under the heading, "What Does It Mean?" And finally, essays on practical ways in which you can bring these women into your lives as your role models under the heading, "What Does This Mean for You?" along with true stories of how other women did just that.

    Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, popular teacher, lecturer, and Hamodia columnist, is the author of Battle Plans (with Sara Yocheved Rigler), Return, You Are Here, Let's Face It!, Our Bodies Our Souls, The Balancing Act, This Way Up, and More Precious Than Pearls.

    "A Distant Mirror, by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, is a guidebook for life, with many wonderful insights and messages for women as well as for men on how to deal with life's various situations.

    The book is full of profound insights into the human personality and conveys a tremendous optimism and belief that people can reach their potential for greatness."

    - Rabbi Hershel Reichman, President, Learn More

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