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  1. An eye-opening book that clarifies our understanding of the Kohanim's clothing!

    Based on ten years of extensive research, Rabbi Dovid Meyers has once again opened up a challenging subject and made it easily understandable. Like he did in his first book, The Mishkan Illuminated, Rabbi Meyers goes through all the pesukim that describe the special clothing that the Kohanim wore in the Beis Hamikdash and clarifies their intent with a comprehensive commentary and illuminating illustrations.

    This groundbreaking work features:

    • The Hebrew text from Parashas Tetzaveh
    • English translation of the verses
    • In-depth, yet easy-to-read, explanations of all aspects of the Bigdei Kehunah
    • Extensive footnotes and supplementary notes, which provide immense detail and clearly explain many differing opinions
    • Full-color, precisely detailed illustrations that reflect the author's painstaking research Learn More
  2. The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, for the first time ever, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English. Learn More
  3. The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English. Learn More
  4. The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos revolutionizes Torah study, Jewish life, and G-dly experience. Now, a curated selection of the original Likkutei Sichos is available in English. Learn More
  5. What is the connection between the poetic, beautiful, and complicated haftaros and the standard Torah portion read every week in synagogue? The Sages, with their penetrating wisdom, chose sections of Neviim to provide us with meaningful insights into the parashah. Correspondingly, exploring these parshiyos in depth helps us understand the breathtaking significance of the Neviim.

    In this insightful and original work, Rav Chaim Willis illustrates how the weekly haftarah imparts fundamental ideas that are relevant to our own lives and the times we are living in today.

    “Harav Chaim Willis has written a deep and thoughtful sefer explaining the broader picture of the haftarah and its thematic connection to the parashah. True to the teachings of his rebbi, Rav Noach Weinberg, every chapter ends with ‘Toras Chaim,’ a way of integrating lessons taught to us by these haftaros into our personal avodas Hashem.”

    Rav Ahron Lopiansky

    “The methodology is one of profound, straight thinking…”

    Rav Yitzchak Berkovits

    The son of a New York City police lieutenant, Rabbi Chaim Willis grew up in a liberal Jewish home. He received a BA in Chinese from the University of Michigan and then went on to pursue his interests in world affairs and journalism, traveling to India, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Jordan, and eventually Israel. While at the Western Wall, he was offered the opportunity to meet a truly wise man, Rabbi Noach Weinberg. Impacted by Rabbi Weinberg’s deep Jewish wisdom, Rabbi Willis chose to explore Jewish ideas at Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem, delving into the original sources of both Jewish thought and practice. It was there that he became an Orthodox Jew, received rabbinical ordination, and joined Aish HaTorah’s fight against assimilation in the Jewish world. In 1979, Rabbi Willis co-founded the first Aish HaTorah branch in the United States in Saint Louis, Missouri. He is currently the executive director of Aish South Africa in Johannesburg and has recently moved back to Israel.

    He has written two books: Sages Online, about Pirkei Avos, and Living a Deeply Insightful Life, based on Rabbi Noach Weinberg’s “48 Ways to Wisdom” shiurim. Learn More

  6. A Meaningful Lesson From Each Aliyah In The Weekly Parashah

    Inspired by the concept of Daf Yomi and, The Daily Aliyah by Rabbi Shlomo Ressler presents a Torah insight for every aliyah, corresponding to the seven days of the week.

    Whether you’re a seasoned learner or just starting on your journey, this unique book will empower you to reflect, introspect, and engage with the Torah by focusing on one aliyah a day.

    “Rabbi Shlomo Ressler, with [his] clever, original idea, has opened up the weekly parashah in its entirety for people around the world... by presenting us with a Torah insight for every aliyah [corresponding to] the seven days of the week, he has allowed us to broaden our horizons.”

    Rabbi Paysach Krohn

    “Drawing from the wellsprings of Rishonim and Acharonim, from the Gedolim of both the Lithuanian Yeshiva world and from the Chassidic community, the breadth of this sefer is truly remarkable. Broken up by aliyah, readers will surely be inspired by the gems that one can find in each and every parashah.”

    Rav Mordechai Burg

    “Rav Shlomo has been able to utilize his gracious heart, connect, and draw wisdom from all people with whom he communicates and from all sources of Torah. His connection of heart and mind has enabled him to gain the knowledge to write thoughts and insights of the Torah and then impart that depth of wisdom to all people.”

    Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg

    Shlomo Ressler was born in Israel, moved to Los Angeles when he was seven, and now lives in White Plains, New York with his wife and four boys. Shlomo has been involved with founding the Jewish a cappella group, Six13; the non-profit, Lelamed; the blended learning, Jewish day school, WTA; and the charity platform, Daily Giving. Shlomo is a strong advocate for personal growth and hopes that his work will inspire individuals to engage with Torah on a daily basis.

    Learn More
  7. The sefer whose segulah captivated Klal Yisrael:

    The Zera Shimshon's Commentary on Chumash, translated and elucidated

    The Zera Shimshon on Chumash includes:

    • The full text of the Zera Shimshon's commentary on Chumash, fully vowelized (menukad)

    • An elucidated translation designed to help the reader follow the Zera Shimshon's often-complex ideas.
    • An Introduction to each derush, with explanations to enhance our understanding of the Zera Shimshon’s commentary.
    • Explanatory notes that offer more important background material.

    Rav Shimshon Chaim Nachmani, a renowned 18th century Italian rav and talmid chacham, is the author of the Zera Shimshon commentary. In his famous Introduction, he speaks about the loss of his only son, and promises great blessings to those who will learn his commentary. People all over the globe have attested to the power of the "segulah" of the Zera Shimshon.


    "...the person who learns the commentary, will sit at his table surrounded by his children and family; beautiful blessings, all given wholeheartedly to the person who studies this work. A house filled with everything good.... The blessings will begin in this world and carry on in the world to come..... “ from the author's Introduction to Zera Shimshon Learn More

  8. Geared for children of all ages, this carefully selected collection of Divrei Torah has inspired Jewish children of all backgrounds around the world. Each Dvar Torah is presented in a clear, concise and easy-to-understand format, while staying true to the sources and Chassidic concepts, as taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Beautify your Shabbos and Yom Tov table with this unique book, which is sure to become a family favorite for years to come. This second volume includes 64 Divrei Torah on all Parshiyos and Yomim Tovim Learn More
  9. This groundbreaking edition of the first book of the Bible features a new foundational English translation, an anthology of commentaries representing the full spectrum of Jewish learning spanning 33 centuries, and an abundance of illustrations, maps, and infographics. Never before has the English reader been given direct, unmediated access to this wealth of moral, legal, philosophical, mystical, and psychological wisdom and guidance. Includes Hebrew Chumash with Onkelos and Rashi in a separate exquisitely designed volume. Learn More
  10. Out Of The Box, Parashah Insights To Inspire A Conversation

    Out of the Box is a vibrant, colorful guide to life, presented through the lens of the weekly parashah. Rav Yair unpacks deep Kabbalistic and Chassidic concepts and provides practical real-world applications to inspire personal and spiritual growth. The ideas introduced here will enhance your understanding of the familiar text and will spark meaningful conversations at every Shabbos table.

    “Rav Yair Halevi is a Jewish educator par excellence. His passion for Am Yisrael is overflowing. The Torah he teaches is uplifting, deep, and focused on the power we each have to strengthen the communities around us through recognizing our own unique mission.”

    Rabbi David Aaron, author of The God-Powered Life

    “We live in one of the most significant times of the Jewish people. Out of the Box, based on the teachings of Rav Yair, reflects the profound insight that we are not at the end of the journey but at a critical juncture… The continuation of this journey is dependent on our ability to undergo transformative spiritual growth that will impact our lives and relationships… Out of the Box shares teachings that allow us to take this path.”

    Rav Yaakov Nagen

    Rav Yair HaLevi Eisenstock is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Torah V'Avodah–Chovat HaTalmidim in Jerusalem. Since assuming the role in 2018, he has inspired hundreds of young adults to look at Torah as a means to engage and have a relationship with the world around them.

    Rav Yair previously worked with Kol HaNearim, which brings American high schoolers to Israel for the summer to work with at-risk children in different homes across the country. He also taught at Yeshivat Or Chaim in Toronto and Yeshivat Orayta in the Old City. He attended Yeshivat Otniel and learned under Rav Re'em HaCohen and Rav Menachem Froman.

    He currently lives with his wife, Tanya, and children, Ohr Eitan, Adiel, and Roni, in Efrat. Learn More

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