Children & Youth

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  1. Many children struggle with various difficulties and challenges and as a result feel very, very sad and unfortunate. Loyal readers who have followed the Ahrele series know my life story. You know that I, too, had to cope with extremely difficult challenges from a very young age. I, too, felt very unfortunate. I had a lot of anger bottled up inside me; I couldn't understand what I had done to deserve so many difficulties.

    I was paralyzed - and that came along with a lot of physical and emotional pain and suffering; I had to be far away from my home and family for years - and that made me feel terribly lonely; I was so jealous of other children because they had relatives who visited and brought them treats and games, while my only visitor was my mother, who only came once a week for a short visit.

    I stuttered for years, which made it hard for me socially. Other people were not always very understanding, and I often felt that everyone looked down on me. Who better than me can understand what you're going through? It is from this place of understanding that I want to share with you, dear boys and girls, what helped me stop feeling pathetic and sorry for myself and begin building my personality - slowly and with lots of siyatta d'Shemaya.

    Already at a young age I understood that I would not be able to change reality. Hashem gives each person a certain set of circumstances to work with, based on the qualities of his neshamah and his unique mission in this world. We have no control over that. None of us can decide who his father or mother will be, who his siblings will be, or what blood type he will have. Hashem decides that.

    But how to deal with the reality we are given is completely in our hands. The Torah commands us to "choose life," and the Gemara teaches us: "Ein ha-davar talui ela bi - Only I can help myself." Once I understood this and accepted my situation, I stopped complaining about how unfair my life was and focused instead on just one thought: What can I do in my present circumstances to help myself? That was the beginning of my growth. As long as a person is complaining, grumbling, jealous of others, and thinking about everything he doesn't have - he cannot grow. Such thoughts weaken him and prevent him from making any progress. When a person accepts the reality of his life, on the other hand, and focuses on what he can do within his reality to help himself, he is in a position to really grow. Everything actually depends on a person's perspective, because our perspective creates our thoughts and decisions, and those, in turn, create the reality of our lives.

    The stories in this book will, b'ezras Hashem, illustrate this lesson. Learn More

  2. Come join Chanie's adventures as we watch her travel through her day in Wyoming. Watch the role she happily fulfills as a busy young outreach worker

    Hi! My name is Chanie and I'm six years old.

    I live out West in a picturesque town nestled in a valley, surrounded by tall mountains. From the windows in our house you can see cowboys riding their horses, leading their cattle to graze. And when we go out hiking, we have to remember to take along our bear spray, in case we bump into a bear!

    Today we're going on a trip to the park with Camp Gan Yisrael, Where we're celebrating Abby's Jewish birthday. She's turning six!

    ...Chanie of Wyoming is the ninth book in the Young Lamplighters series. These books allow young readers to peek into the lives of the boys and girls form all around the globe. They will meet children who, together with their, are trying to help Jews learn more about their heritage.

    Via these first- person accounts, readers will visit the most fascinating places. They will be drawn int othese children's lives as they learn all about the cities and countries in which they live.

    Fascinting facts and interesting descriptions alongside authentic professional photographs are included throughout the book These stories will broaden horizons while demonstrating the art of giving and caring for your fellow Jews.

    ... Come join Chanie's adventures as we watch her travel through her day in Wyoming. Watch the role she happily fulfills as a busy young outreach worker. Learn More

  3. Rav Yisrael Baal Shem Tov was a very great tzaddik who lived in Europe a few hundred years ago. He was the founder of Chassidus. The Baal Shem Tov was well-known for his righteousness, holiness, and deep love for every Jew.

    In The Story of the Baal Shem Tov, the first book in a brand new series of biographies for junior readers, you will read all about the life and times of the Baal Shem Tov, as well as some of the miraculous stories told about him. Prepare to be amazed and inspired! Learn More

  4. Beautifully illustrated by Aharon Z. Bernstein and written by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer in his trademark engaging style, this book will help make an important chapter of Jewish history come alive for your children and will leave them wanting more, as they grasp the incredible challenges that Dovid Hamelech overcame without ever losing his connection to Hashem. Learn More
  5. Let your child shine at the Shabbos and Yom Tov table!

    A compilation of Divrei Torah written in a clear and simple style for children to read and share at the Shabbos table!

    Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Learn More

  6. Tefillos of Chodesh Tishrei for Soldiers of Tzivos Hashem Learn More
  7. Do you know who invented airplanes?

    Bullet trains? Velcro? The answer is Hashem!

    In fact, every new idea was inspired by observing His world.

    In this fascinating and entertaining book, you'll learn the principles behind major advances in technology and see how they were all derived from Hashem's creation. Filled with stunning pictures, entertaining graphics, and easy-to-read information, Hashem Invented Skyscrapers takes you on an amazing journey of beauty and wonder toward a deeper appreciation of Gadlus HaBorei. Learn More

  8. They came to him from far and wide. They streamed to him to receive his blessings, his advice, his handshake, his warmth. And whether or not they were his chassidim, R' Menachem Mendel Schneerson tended to each one as a father to his son.

    In this book you will read twenty-five amazing stories about the holy Lubavitcher Rebbe. You'll read about his greatness in Torah, the unique ways in which he served Hashem, and his powerful love for each and every Jew. With every page that you turn of Stories of The Rebbe, you will find yourself, too, standing before the saintly Rebbe, basking in his greatness, and longing to emulate his exalted ways... Learn More

  9. Great things come in small packages!

    What is the longest word in all of Tanach?

    How many tons of meteor dust fall on planet Earth every year?

    Which shul has the largest electric bill in the world?

    Which world record has been held by every single person ever born?

    Which color increases our appetite the most?

    What single person owns 1/6 of the world’s land?

    Where is the light bulb that has been burning for 114 years?

    Filled with amazing photos, facts and stats, this power-packed little book for young readers will take you around the world and beyond – from the tallest to the smallest, from the fastest to the rarest to the weirdest – all in one incredible, instructional, inspiring little volume…where the wonders of Creation and Judaism come together. Learn More

  10. 12 Things That You May Not Know About Everyday LIfe
    12 Things That You May Not Know about Everyday Life is filled with fun and unusual information. Nothing is too odd or too trivial to be included. Learn weird and fun information about steam and sunflowers, snow and sleep, umbrellas, plastic…

    Jam-packed with incredible, fascinating information, its colorful, appealing photographs are designed to engage and intrigue. 12 Things will whet your child’s appetite to embark on a lifelong journey of discovering more about the amazing world we live in. Learn More

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