Books about Prayer

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  1. Inspirational Insights, stories and lessons, making one's davening more powerful

    My Essence Is Tefillah is an adaptation of the highly popular, two-volume sefer, Ani Tefillah, written by Rav Binyamin Zev Shisha. This beautiful sefer focuses on the importance of tefillah and kedushas beis haknesses in an extremely comprehensive manner. Chock-full of gems from the ba'alei mussar and other Torah sources, both Chassidishe and Litvishe, the book also includes hundreds of stories of tzaddikim to illustrate various concepts.

    Readers will find a detailed discussion of the morning preparations for tefillah, followed by an examination of the different parts of the tefillos themselves and the significance of the shul, the place that is designated for davening. Other chapters discuss tefillah b'kavanah in depth; the great advantages of tefillah b'tzibbur; the power of "amen"; and much more.

    Based on the enthusiastic feedback garnered by the Hebrew and Yiddish editions of this book, our hope is that My Essence Is Tefillah will serve as an invaluable guide to all those who wish to grow in their avodas hatefillah and pour out their hearts before Hashem with meaning and passion. Learn More

  2. Saying Kaddish for a loved one. It is one of the most well-observed Jewish traditions. However, its cryptic language often makes this sacred and hallowed prayer feel unrelatable. This powerful and inspiring book changes that. Rabbi Yechiel Spero uses classic Torah sources, insights, and — of course! — stories to explore the essence and, indeed, the soul of Kaddish.

    Within the The Soul of Kaddish you will find chizuk, hope and encouragement in the words of Kaddish. There are chapters on doing teshuvah, acceptance of loss and bereavement, insights into comfort and consolation, and even a section on Mashiach and Techiyas Hameisim.

    In times of challenge and growth, this book will transform you. Learn More

  3. Includes an in-depth discussion on Talking in Shul

    Three times a day, we have a chance to meet with the King. 
    How many of us truly utilize this precious opportunity?

    Tefillah with Meaning introduces us to a whole new dimension of tefillah. This sefer addresses commonly asked questions, such as why aren't my tefillos being answered, why do bad things happen to good people, and why should I daven if everything is decreed on Rosh Hashanah?

    In addition, it offers invaluable insights into tefillah and a treasure trove of halachos related to davening. Inspiring true stories relate how people who refrained from talking during davening merited miraculous salvation—and show us that we, too, can do the same.

    Noted author Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits brings us yet another masterpiece to enlighten, illuminate, and educate. After reading this sefer, you will never look at tefillah the same way—and your life will forever be enhanced. Learn More
  4. Said a berachah on food? That’s good.
    Said a berachah with deep kavanah? That’s better.
    Said a berachah and let every word bring you closer to Hashem?
    That’s ... AWESOME!

    The Awesome Power of Berachos

    Based on Make Your Berachos Meaningful

    Berachos. You say them so often: when you eat, when you daven, when you do certain mitzvos. You’ve probably been doing that since you were a little kid.

    Now it’s time to take your berachos to the next level. A level so awesome, it will transform your life! In The Awesome Power of Berachos, you’ll learn about the many benefits of saying a berachah. You’ll read all about kavanah, and learn how to power up your focus and concentration. You’ll learn to beware of “microwave berachos” and about the connection between berachos, treasure hunts, and coffee beans. You’ll discover the hidden meanings in every single word of berachos and how “berachos bring berachos” – the incomparable benefits and blessings Hashem grants you when you say a berachah properly.

    Written in an upbeat and interesting way, with lots of stories, summaries at the end of each chapter, sections on specific berachos, and explanations of each word of the berachos, The Awesome Power of Berachos is a must-read for young and old, in school settings or at home.

    You will be saying about 3 million berachos in your lifetime. Learn to say them right! Learn More

  5. Two Timeless Tefillos. Two Priceless Gifts. Bentshing takes a long time. Is it all necessary? Hallel is so beautiful. What’s the deeper meaning behind it?

    These two powerful tefillos, recited on a regular basis, have unlimited value. They’re opportunities for growth and connection to our Creator as we recognize His endless kindness and love.

    In Hearts Full of Praise, Rabbi Dovid Weinberger presents heartwarming, inspirational stories and insights from our gedolim on the significance and impact of Hallel and Birkas HaMazon. This book will help you understand and appreciate the power of these two tefillos to such an extent, you’ll never say them the same way again. Learn More

  6. The Musaf prayer is considered a highlight of the Shabbos davening, yet its significance is underappreciated, and the depth of meaning that lies in and between its lines, on even a simple p’shat level, is easily overlooked.

    This familiar Shabbos Shemoneh Esreh abounds with a host of intriguing questions, which are explored by Rav Elchanan Adler in this erudite work. Geared toward the scholar and layperson alike, this sefer is a boon for anyone interested in gaining greater understanding and appreciation for the Musaf prayer.

    Also included is a brief overview of the Korban Musaf and its relationship to the Musaf prayer.

    “This sefer is sweet and utterly delightful, its priceless insights organized with clarity, in good taste, and with sophisticated appeal.”

    Rav Asher Weiss, Machon Minchas Osher L’torah V’horaah, Yerushalayim

    “I perused the sefer that you honored me with; it is a vessel containing blessing, full and overflowing…”

    Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, Chief Rabbi of the Old City of Yerushalayim

    Rav Elchanan Adler is a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (RIETS). He studied previously in the Mirrer Yeshiva under Harav Elya Brudny, shlita, and Harav Shmuel Birnbaum, zt”l, and in Yeshivas Beis Yosef-Novardok, under Harav Yaakov Jofen, zt”l. He received semichah from Harav Dovid Feinstein, zt”l. Besides being a popular and beloved Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Adler has distinguished himself in the area of Bi’ur Tefillah and is the author of numerous sefarim (in Hebrew and English), including: Mitzvas HaShabbos, Asher Chanan, Yerach Tov, Eis Lechenina, Tzvi Sifarah, and Anim Zemiros: Elucidating, Demystifying and Appreciating the Shir Hakavod. Learn More

  7. When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation? A conversation that not only changed the way you think about your life, but also how you choose to live it.

    The Amidah prayer is a daily conversation with God that allows us to address our personal and spiritual aspirations while balancing our physical wants and spiritual needs. This volume explores the nineteen berachot of this prayer, revealing the relevance of each one to our own lives.

    DMC: The Amidah will empower you to:

    • Take active control of your life
    • Overcome limiting beliefs about yourself
    • Deal with challenges and adversity
    • Find fulfillment in your relationships
    • Strengthen your connection to God
    • Live life with a sense of purpose and optimism

    “Rabbi Kosowsky goes through each berachah of the Amidah, showing how the inspired and holy words of the Anshei Knesset Hagedolah speak to our concerns, our dreams, our pain, and our joys.”

    –Rabbi Yitzchak A. Breitowitz, Rav, Kehillat Ohr Somayach

    “DMC: The Amidah asks and answers the very questions that trouble so many young adults.”

    –Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky, PhD, Dean, Ida Crown Jewish Academy

    Rabbi Ira Kosowsky is the director of Machon Maayan, a post-high school seminary in Israel. He believes in personal and religious growth through open discussion, in-depth Torah study, and community involvement. Rabbi Kosowsky has established student leadership programs in many countries including England, South Africa, and the United States. He also holds an MA in Bible from Bernard Revel Graduate School, and received rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University and Yeshivat Hamivtar. He lives in Chashmonaim with his wife and family. Learn More

  8. How can we turn tefillah into a more meaningful, enjoyable, and spiritually uplifting experience?

    Rabbi Eliezer M. Niehaus, Rosh Kollel, noted author, and beloved rebbe, gives us the opportunity to do so with this enthralling and informative sefer. Bringing the elevated words and concepts of our great Rabbis down to earth, he gives us a fresh understanding of what tefillah is all about, how to prepare for it, and how to elevate it — and us — along the way.

    Including hundreds of practical tips and secrets of a successful prayer, HeavenWords will ensure that our words — and ourselves — soar heavenwards.

    “Your sefer entitled ‘Heavenwords’ emphasizes the importance of the tefillos of Klal Yisrael to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.”

    - Rav Shmuel Shmuel Kamenetsky

    “My talmid, Rabbi Eliezer Niehaus has authored an outstanding sefer on tefillah… I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to make his tefillah more inspiring.”

    - Rav Moshe Meiselman

    “This sefer will definitely bring a great strengthening to tefillah, a matter which unfortunately is treated lightly.”

    - Rav Shlomo Kanievsky

    “Rav Eliezer has produced a whole sefer on the avodah of tefillah and has again excelled in presenting such a major topic in avodas Hashem in a way that talks to everyone — layman and scholar alike.”

    - Rav Elchonon Meir Fishman Learn More

  9. Chazal in Perek Shirah gathered eighty-five elements of the natural world, each one declaring a certain truth, its own shirah. Minerals, plant life, aquatic life, and animal life all take their place in a glorious shiras ha’briah. What, however, are those truths, cryptically encoded in the shiros? What messages should we meditate on while reciting the words of Perek Shirah?

    In Exploring Perek Shirah, each shirah is examined through the lens of Chazal to discover its inner meaning. The origin and purpose of this ancient text are also examined to discover the spiritual foundation of our natural world.

    “This work is literally an encyclopaedic compendium on Perek Shirah... I found [it] fascinating, informative, and inspiring.”

    Rabbi Zev Leff

    “Today there is a worldwide thirst for understanding the meaning of Perek Shirah, and Rebbetzin Tugendhaft has done a remarkable job in making it accessible to the wider public.”

    Dayan Y.Y. Lichtenstein

    Rebbetzin Shoshana Tugendhaft grew up in a Rabbinic home in London and went on to marry Rabbi Dovid Tugendhaft, Rov of the Beis Hamedrash Nishmas Yisroel, London. She studied at the Michlala in Jerusalem for two years and later achieved an undergraduate degree in History (BA hist. hons). While bringing up her children, she continued to give shiurim to women and to high school girls, both within institutions and on a private basis. These covered a range of topics from Chumash to Pirkei Avos, Halacha and Philosophy. She teaches Kallah classes and Bas Mitzvah classes as part of her communal responsibilities but is known for her passion for teaching Jewish History. To this end she has developed her business of conducting private tours of the British Museum in London, a world renowned museum of civilizations. In her capacity as a tour guide she takes Shul groups, school groups, tourists and families around the museum to learn about their heritage in an exciting and dramatic environment. She uses her research into archaeology to bring her Nach classes to life, both in Beis Yaakov where she teaches and for her adult interest groups. Some of her shiurim can be found on and a tour at the museum can be booked via her website Rebbetzin Tugendhaft can also be hired to give virtual tours of the museum on Zoom and can be contacted via email at [email protected].

    Writing this book has been a labour of love and incredibly rewarding for her. She is very grateful to all the generous people who helped to bring this book to light and looks forward to publishing further with Mosaica in the future, b’Ezras Hashem. Learn More

  10. Touched by His Blessing, The Beauty of Bircas HaMazon through Stories & Insights

    “Want a sandwich?”

    “No thanks. I don’t feel like bentching.”

    What you have lost, if you’ve ever expressed such hesitation, is a golden opportunity to tap into the enormous power contained in Bircas HaMazon -- the only berachah that is a mitzvah d’Oraisah, ordained by the Torah itself. You’ve lost a chance to say “thank You" to Hashem, who has given you so many blessings, so many gifts.

    A lost opportunity indeed.

    In Touched by His Blessing, bestselling author Rabbi Yechiel Spero gives us a book that will transform the way we “bentch" -- and the way we live our lives. We will discover the power of Bircas HaMazon to enhance our emunah. To alleviate our stress about our financial situation. To bring about a deeper connection with Hashem.

    Touched by His Blessing brings us inspirational insights, fascinating halachic discussions -- and, of course, stories. Stories of both famed tzaddikim and simple Jews who said Bircas HaMazon with devotion and love. We will meet the Jew who survived as “the chef of Auschwitz" through his care in bentching. We’ll gaze with wonder upon the siddur used by the Ba’al Shem Tov -- and at its pages of Bircas HaMazon, stained with his tears. We will read stories about the amazing power of Bircas HaMazon to protect our property, our livelihoods, and transform our very lives.

    We will be privileged to be Touched by His Blessing. And we will never, ever say “I don’t feel like bentching” again!

    Special section: Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundations Illuminated Bircas HaMazon featuring text, linear translation, inspirational commentary and illustrations; also available in full color from Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundations. Learn More

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