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  1. I am the king's horse. I live in the biggest stall in the Persian royal stables.

    King Achashverosh never comes to visit me. He is a busy man, always planning parties, and wars, and then more parties.

    But tonight, something strange is going on. Haman is in the courtyard, waking me up with his racket.

    I don't know what he's up to, but something tells me I'm not going to like it...

    About the Author:

    Leah Sokol spent many Purims thinking about ways to write a book based on Megillat Esther, and many Pesachs asking for horseback riding lessons for her afikomen. She now lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, down the road from a riding stable. She is the author of several books for young readers.

    Joni Aliza Boroda is an illustrator, sculptor, art teacher, and lifelong horse enthusiast. Aliza grew up on air force bases all over the world before settling in Boston. She now lives in Haifa with her husband and three wonderful children. Learn More

  2. Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin has become a symbol of spiritual endurance for Jews around the world. Many take inspiration from his published letters opening a window to life in a place called prison, and a Jew's ability to grow in Emunah and Bitachon in the most desolate situation. Emanating from a place of darkness, his messages are a beacon of light and hope.

    The letters in this book contain words of inspiration, Tishrei gems, and a profound view into the world of a man whose body was imprisoned but whose spirit remained free. Here is an intimate glimpse into one Jew's path through a most painful odyssey, and the secret of his soaring faith and trust. Learn More

  3. The study of Shulchan Aruch at times is very challenging in terms of clarifying the final stance of the learned subject. This especially applies in instances that many cases and opinions exist within a given topic. In addition, throughout the generations hundreds of practical questions on the laws in Shulchan Aruch arose. Getting a proper grasp on the laws of Yom KIppur especially faces this challenge due to the complexity of the cases and the range of opinions. Even amongst the currently available English literature, the opinion of the greatest of the Achronim, the Shulchan Aruch Harav, is many times omitted or not given its proper presence. Likewise, the Chabad custom related to Yom Kippur is not given their proper presence. This Sefer tackles all the above deficiencies. A clear summary of the rulings of the Shulchan Aruch Harav and Chabad custom, supplemented with the opinions of the Mishneh Berurah and Kaf Hachaim. This is accompanied with hundreds of practical Q&A that were compiled from classical Halachic sources. All this is compiled with informative footnotes that lend the reader background information and other opinions voiced on the subject matter. Learn More
  4. It's not easy being a teenager in Eretz Yisrael in the days of King Antiochus. Fifteen year old Elisha is curious about the mysteries new building in Yerushalayim, while his newly married cousin, Rivka, is suspicious of the changes that threaten to disturb her peaceful existence. Rumors abound that a large army is on its way.

    Will Rivka have the courage to stand up for her beliefs and will Elisha win the battle raging in his soul? Learn More

  5. It’s exciting and interactive for children to guess the rhyming Shavuos riddles, then open the flap to reveal the answers. Cleverly designed so the very young will learn as they go… all about the giving of the Torah, the special holiday mitzvos and foods, the customs and observances of Shavuos, and more!

    “Hashem had a special gift to give-

    His Torah that teaches the way to live.

    Each year, I am the yom tov when,

    The Jews accept the Torah again!

    Who am I?*

    Bright, colorful illustrations of a joyous family celebration bring the holiday to life. This sturdy, hard bound book makes a great gift for boys and girls ages 3 and up. Perfect for preschool classrooms, story time and children’s parties!

    Shavuos Guess Who? A Lift-the-Flap Book

    Ages 2-5 Learn More

  6. Pesach While You Sleep,The Easy Way to Cook Ahead for Yom Tov
    Whether you are a newbie making Pesach for the first time, or a seasoned balabusta in search of some fresh slow-cooker recipes, Pesach While You Sleep is the go-to book for you!

    It's two weeks to Pesach. You just discovered you will be staying home for Yom Tov this year - and hosting guests, too. AND you don't even have a Pesach kitchen!

    You have very little time on your hands, yet you have many people to feed for an entire Yom Tov.

    You and your family go out all day Chol Hamoed, yet the crew clamors for supper even before your key touches the front door.

    Recipes for disaster?

    Not if you use Julie Hauser's methods!

    Having made plenty a Pesach in a pinch, Julie devised an ingenious Pesach cook-ahead system - with just the use of a folding table, a few slow-cookers, and some basic supplies and ingredients. Now you can learn her easy, time-saving, stress-reducing methods, too!

    Chock-full of scrumptious, Pesach-dik slow-cooker recipes - all super easy and freezer-friendly-this handy guide and recipe book helps you gain control over the mammoth job of cooking for Pesach. Learn More

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