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  1. What do matzah bakers do? Let’s spend some time at a matzah bakery and watch how bakers make matzos.

    Our Community is a series with authentic photographs, written in question-and-answer format. Children will be fascinated to read about and identify with the helpers found in Jewish communities.

    Level M / Grade 2-3 Learn More

  2. A great Pesach book for little ones!

    This delightful book will excite your child about the wonderful mitzvah of matzah that comes just once a year! Learn More

  3. The period between Pesach and Shavuos comes with the customs and sadness of mourning and the joyful halachos of counting S’firas Ho’Omer. In this book, Rabbi Meyer Bodner adapts the style and clarity of his distinguished father’s widely circulated sefarim (Halachos of Muktza, Halachos of Brochos, etc.) to elucidate the practical need-to know customs and halachos of S’firas Ho’Omer.

    For example:

    • May one attend and dance at a friend’s wedding and Sheva Brochos on days when it is his custom to show aveilus?
    • Is it permitted to listen to relaxing music when it is his custom to show aveilus?
    • May a women cut her nails, tweeze her eyebrows or have electrolysis done while keeping the customary aveilus?
    • Is it permitted to take a haircut or shave on the first day of Shloshes Yemei Hagbola?
    • May a bar mitzvah celebration be scheduled on a day other than the boy’s birthday (not bo b’yom)?
    • If one mistakenly counted the days but omitted the weeks, or cannot remember if yesterday he counted correctly, may he continue counting with a brocha?
    • May a woman count with a brocha and may she be motzi her friend?

    Reviewed for halachic accuracy by Rabbi Shmuel Felder shlit”a and edited and reviewed by Rabbi Yisroel Pinchos Bodner shlit”a, this sefer accurately provides the answer to these and a myriad of other questions and quandaries concerning the customs and halachos of S’firas Ho’Omer. Learn More

  4. Comics

    You've all heard a lot about the Pesach Haggadah.

    Now we'd like to invite you on an exciting journey like no trip you've ever taken before...

    Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by.

    Join Yanky and his friends as they meet fascinating characters from the tales of his wise Zeidy Epraim.

    Each story is an adventure and a Haggadah lesson - all wrapped up in a colorful comic.

    Gather round to receive this year's afikomen present from Zeidy Ephraim.

    Timeless Tales. Stories that keep kids coming back for more! Learn More

  5. The Laws of Pesach 5784-2024 - Blumenkrantz Learn More
  6. Embark on a captivating journey alongside Levi and his classmates as they go on an exciting trip to the Matzah bakery.

    Brace yourself for a delightful experience as they delve into the ago-old tradition of Matzah baking. Learn More

  7. Connect and grow with the Jewish Year by discovering its essence.

    What kind of shekalim do we give today and how do we purchase korbanos with them?

    What happens when the highest lights crash into the lowest worlds?

    Why can we absorb Purim only when drunk?

    How is the story of Adar the story of our generation?

    What are the pieces of the Purim mystery and what is the picture that they paint?

    AMOS HANAVI (8:11) predicted that preceding Mashiach’s arrival there would be a famine — not for bread and water, but for the word of Hashem. This explains why more and more people find themselves needing the nourishment of the deeper layers of Torah.

    Festivals of Faith, presenting the Torah of Rav Moshe Wolfsonshlita, Rav of Beis Midrash Emunas Yisrael and Mashgiach Ruchani of Mesivta Torah Vodaath, attempts to satisfy this hunger and quench this thirst.

    Written in a light and engaging style, the Festivals of Faith series draws from the mystical layers of Torah as transmitted through the channels of Chassidus.

    Sprinkled throughout are astounding gematrios, marvelous sidebars, and next-level appendices — and each chapter ends with a practical takeaway.

    This series opens up the rich resources of the Jewish year, enabling our emunah to blossom with the Festivals of Faith. Learn More

  8. Join Avi and Esti on a journey to discover how to become your own queen or king.

    Your crown awaits you… Learn More

  9. Costumes, mishloach manos, noisemakers, parties — but what about Megillas Esther? Do they know the real story, according to the words of Chazal?

    In the Gates of the Palace, by renowned author and educator Genendel Krohn, fills in all the details, based on the tradition from our Sages throughout the millennia. Beautifully illustrated by Tova Katz, the miracles and lessons of Purim come alive, infusing our children with a greater appreciation of Hashem’s Master Plan. Learn More

  10. Flying With The Tzaddik, A Chanukah Vision By R' Nachman Of Breslov
    Imagine you’re sitting in front of your holy Chanukah candles, taking in their amazing radiance. Then, unexpectedly, you hear a knock on the door. You open the door and a brilliant light shines into your home - a tzaddik has come to visit you. You sit down with him and begin to tell him what you’re going through. He responds to you in such a way that comforts you and awakens a yearning for Hashem in your heart. You learn together with the tzaddik, and you realize that his teachings can completely transform your life. Afterwards, the tzaddik says he has to go, and he invites you to follow him outside the door. You build up your courage, and leave your home... Just then, the tzaddik lifts you up, and you start flying with him in the sky!

    This is a glimpse into the Chanukah vision by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov that gives us new hope, brings us closer to the great tzaddikim, and inspires us to find Hashem in all aspects of our lives. Learn More

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