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  1. Tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem.

    The best esrogim go missing, an entire bedroom is filled with feathers, Reb Chaim dresses up as a Rebbe, Moshe Cossack promises matzah for Pesach, there is a potato shortage in Krestir, an old bus breaks down on the way to Meron, Gemara and Rashi heal a troubled soul, the Rebbe pays a thief handsomely, and more. Learn More

  2. An exciting, educational book with fun foldout pages.

    Megillas Esther comes alive in this adorable book for young children.

    With fun rhymes, charming illustrations, and foldout pages, Let's Take a Peek at Purim will be cherished by both children and parents alike. Learn More

  3. Translation And Commentary Following The Interpretative Method Of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch By His Grandson Rav Dr. Raphael Breuer

    The commentary of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch to the Chumash is based on his interpretative method of precise elucidation of the text and meaning of the words.

    His grandson, Rav Dr. Raphael Breuer, applied this same method for his commentary to Megillas Esther, and has brought to light these timeless words in an original, inspiring fashion. This English is written in a modern, clear idiom and will attract scholar and student alike. Learn More

  4. Brings the story of Purim to life!

    Take a captivating journey back in time and meet the characters of the Persian town of Shushan. Learn about the miraculous events that brought us the holiday of Purim.

    Discover how we celebrate Purim today and observe its special mitzvos. These mitzvos bring the Jewish people together as we celebrate and share what we have with others. Learn More

  5. The world prepared for the decree that called for the end to Hashem’s holy nation.

    It was a decree that was known in the heavens and the earth. The passing years in exile were counted, eagerly waiting to see if the Jewish nation would rise again and return to their land and rebuild the Beis Hamikdash. Those who hoped that the prophesy for their return to the holy land would be a lie now looked toward a new date, a date of annihilation. Haman rejoiced when his lottery for extinction fell out during a time of the year that their greatest leader was taken from them, the month of Adar, and it was also the month that even the Jewish people had suffered from the plague of darkness in Egypt. But in the end, it was the downfall for he and his people, and only light for the Jewish nation. It was a radiance that stemmed from a heartfelt teshuvah that even mirrored the devotion that was expressed by Har Sinai. Such a tremendous teshuvah was initiated, which brought on tremendous closeness between Hashem and Yisrael that caused the entire decree to be eradicated.

    The heavenly influence that was procured during these days is showered down upon Yisrael every year during this time, as this closeness is awakened. The days of Purim are celebrated with simchah and tefillah, as the heartfelt tefillos are so powerful during this time that it can bring down the nation of Amalek and bring forth the coming of Mashiach immediately!

    “Rabbi Ginian offers a compendium of commentaries written in a free-flowing style to make the words of the Navi come alive with breadth and depth.”

    -Rabbi Zev Leff

    “A tremendous yashar koach for the gevaldic seforim you produced. I have really enjoyed them and learned a lot from them.”

    -Rabbi Daniel Estreicher

    “On one hand, his blend of meforshim written as a running commentary of the pesukim reads like a story. Yet, on closer examination, we gain great insights into the events that occurred and what we as members of Klal Yisrael are to learn ‘l’doros,’ for generations to come.”

    -Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn

    “With your help, we will be able to better take advantage of the timeless messages of the Nevi’im.”

    -Rabbi Mordechai Kornfeld Learn More

  6. Of all the masks we may encounter over the course of Purim, the most intriguing is the one worn by Purim itself…

    On the one hand, Purim commemorates and celebrates the miracle that Hashem performed for the Jewish People at the time. In this retrospective sense, it "faces backwards."

    On the other hand, however, it also "faces forwards" in the sense that it provides a vision toward the future. It contains many messages that reveal extremely profound concepts and fundamental truths…the festival of Purim is a time when these ideas can be encountered, accessed, and absorbed anew.

    Ultimately, these two different "directions" do not conflict with each other, for the day of Purim is not just a historical event; it is an ongoing presence in the Jewish calendar and in its national experience.

    Behind the feasting and merriment which accompany the day of Purim lie some of the most profound and meaningful ideas of Judaism. Drawing on a fascinating array of sources, renowned teacher and author Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein (author of the bestselling Teshuva, Aggadah, and Darkness to Destiny Haggadah) guides the reader on an eye-opening journey towards a deeper appreciation of the Jewish people's most colorful festival.


    "It is known that the festival of Purim is both concealed and exalted, its laws and customs are hidden and mystifying. In this unique sefer, the author explains the essence of the day as well as the avodah which accompanies it."

    Harav Osher Weiss

    "I thank you for this major contribution to the appreciation of Purim… I urge everyone to make use of this tool to enhance the Purim Day."

    Harav Yisroel Reisman

    About the Author:

    Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein was born and raised in London, learned in Yeshivas Ateres Israel in Jerusalem, and received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Chaim Walkin. Rabbi Bernstein currently teaches in Yeshivas Machon Yaakov, Jerusalem, as well as various seminaries, and gives regular shiurim on Chumash and Talmud which are open to the public. He is the author of the best-selling Darkness to Destiny: The Haggadah Experience, Aggadatah, and Teshuva (all from Mosaica Press) and lives in Jerusalem with his wife and five children. Learn More

  7. You’ve all heard a lot about Purim. Now we’d like to invite you on an exciting journey, like no other trip you’ve ever taken before…

    Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by.

    Join Yanky and his friends as they meet fascinating characters from the tales of his wise Zeidy Ephraim.

    Each story is an adventure and a Purim lesson – all wrapped up in a colorful comic.

    Gather round to receive ‘mishloach manos’ from Zeidy Ephraim.

    Timeless Tales Stories that keep kids coming back for more! Learn More

  8. This beautiful sefer includes:

    Original Hebrew text of the Megillah

    Original Hebrew commentary of Rashi (with vowels)

    Rashi elucidated - a clear, easy-to-read English translation of Rashi's commentary - and much more: a deep, word-by-word, concept-by-concept commentary on Rashi that is perhaps the most comprehensive available today.

    Extremely sensitive to Rashi's (very) precise wording, this commentary is crucial to a proper understanding of the Megillah, and vital to the study of Rashi in general.

    Hundreds of footnotes with sources and advanced explanations

    About the author:

    Rabbi Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg is a student of Rav Aryeh Leib Bakst, zt"l, and, Rav Zvi Kushelevsky, shlita. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master's degree in Education from the University of Detroit. Translator of ArtScroll's Sapirstein edition of Rashi, as well as several other Torah classics, Rabbi Herczeg is also author of Sefer Keren David on Tractates Arachin, Nazir, and Makkos; Mareh Rachel on Rashi to Mishle; and other works of Torah scholarship. Rabbi Herczeg has lectured in many congregations and institutions of Jewish learning throughout the United States and Canada. Learn More

  9. Here's a great way for kids to learn about the yomim tovim (holidays) and have fun at the same time! On each big, beautiful page, they can search and find objects connected to each yom tov as they count from 1 to 10! Then, at the end, they can test their smarts as they match up each object with its yom tov.

    Learning and enjoyment for kids ages 3 to 8! Learn More

  10. The Laws & Customs of Purim
    Shaar Hamidrash: A full section of Midrash & Chassidic teachings on the Purim story brought in the Megillah. Includes Hundreds of Q&A on the Megillah story compiled from classical Midrashim and Chassidic teachings! Meaning of the Holiday: Compilation of Chassidic teachings and Q&A on the meaning of the Purim Holiday which enter rejuvenation to your Purim experience! Shaar Halacha: Full summary of Shulchan Aruch Harav chapters 685-697! Chabad Practice & Customs as well as the custom of the Rabbeim emphasized in each relevant law! Hundreds of practical Q&A allocated from the sea of Poskim! Wealth of footnotes including explanations, background, and the ruling of all the other major Poskim! Covers the month of Adar; Taanis Esther; Erev Purim; Purim! Do you know the answers to these questions? In Midrash: How did we accept the Torah at the times of Mordechai? Why is Hashem’s name not mentioned explicitly in the Megillah? Was Achashveirosh of royal lineage? Was Esther married to Mordechai? Why are the letters of “Taf” “Shin” “Zayin” written in small? In Halacha: Must one specifically give half dollars as Machatzis Hashekel?‎ What is the law of one who travels to Jerusalem on Purim? May women eat prior to hearing Megillah? ‎ What is the law if one missed a word in the Megillah Must the receiver know the identity of the person who sent him Mishloach Manos? Does the Rebbe’s decree against drinking more than a Revius of Mashkeh apply likewise on Learn More

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