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    • Why is G-d’s knowledge of the future not a contradiction to your free choice?
    • Why do women make the berachah She’asani Kirtzono?
    • Why must we express gratitude to a friend if everything comes from G-d?

    In this groundbreaking work, Judaism’s most challenging questions are addressed with solid proofs and spectacular stories, amassed from thirty years of intense Torah learning. Readers will come away inspired, with a lucid understanding of many of the foundational ideas in Judaism.

    “Rabbi Hool has produced a thought-provoking work that will benefit thinkers of all backgrounds and levels of religious knowledge. It is not only deep but very readable as well — an unusual combination!”

    Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

    “My dear talmid, Rav Doniel Hool, has faithfully transferred the teachings of Gedolei Yisrael that he has heard firsthand over decades of learning in yeshiva.”

    Hagaon Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky

    “I have my own ‘why’: Why is this book called Why? if Rabbi Hool gives such enlightening answers?”

    Rabbi Shraga Kallus

    About the Author:

    Rabbi Doniel Hool, raised in Kingsbury, London, has been learning full-time for over thirty years, with most of that time in Ponovezh in Bnei Brak and in Mir Yerushalayim. He is a sought-after public speaker in both English and Hebrew, and he has recently completed a sefer on all the Tosafos in Maseches Kesubos.

    He and his wife, Avigayil, live in Yerushalayim and have nine children and a growing number of grandchildren. Learn More

  1. Renowned Torah educator and bestselling writer Rabbi David Sutton joins with noted therapist Dr. David Katzenstein, DSW, LCSW-R, to give us a book designed to help change our lives for the better.

    The Art of Being You gently guides us on a journey to:
    • Embrace healthy emotional processing instead of avoiding it
    • Unlock the secrets of emotional wellness and inner peace
    • Find comfort in discomfort, fostering growth through challenges
    • Cultivate patience and understanding towards others and ourselves
    • Harness the power of faith and reliance on G-d during trying times

    Drawing from true stories, Torah insights from Jewish sages, professional therapeutic guidance, engaging black and white illustrations, and daily exercises tailored to be practical, accessible, and relatable The Art of Being You is a guide that leads us towards a contented, satisfying, and more meaningful life. Learn More

  2. It is the year 2448 after the creation of man. The recently liberated B’nei Yisrael are suddenly attacked by a lone, savage tribe of war-mongers—the Amalekites—in the wilderness of Refidim, not far from Har Sinai. And only this nation, of all the many nations that the Jewish People would combat throughout history, was proclaimed by G-d to be His eternal enemy.

    If you thought the nation of Amalek was an irrelevant, extinct nation that existed once upon a time, think again…Confrontations with Amalek explores the deep spiritual and physical roots of this relentless nation, their inaugural appearance in the Torah, and their ongoing impact on world history, Jewish history, and our own lives today.

    “The author has created a portal for Jews of every denomination and background to plumb the depths of Torah learning, while keeping the context and content relevant and exciting. His ability to grasp ideas, see patterns, and present them in a cohesive way, is remarkable.”

    Rabbi Glenn Black, Chief Executive Officer, NCSY, Torah High

    The Author Lives in Toronto with his wife and six children. He is graduate of Ohr HaEmet and is an occasional speaker at the Kehila Center in Toronto. Learn More

  3. The Maharal of Prague opened up what was for most scholars an inaccessible portion of the Talmud. With the works of the Maharal, a new light was revealed… Dr. Moshe Kuhr is a seeker of truth, and has dedicated his life to the study and teaching of the Maharal and many other of the great teachers of Israel. He has made a great contribution to helping ensure the richness of learning and the continuity of the Jewish People.

    –Rabbi Yaacov Haber

    For many readers, Nesivos Olam is simply a closed book. We all hear about it and admire it as a classic, but few of us ever open it up to actually study it… The translation is flowing and felicitous, and the additional commentary, albeit brief, is penetrating and thoughtful. We owe the Kuhrs a debt of gratitude for a true labor of love.

    –Rabbi Yitzchak A. Breitowitz

    Dr. Kuhr has translated and elucidated this work with grace, finesse, and reverence. All those who value true Torah scholarship will find Paths of the Maharal a treasure of Jewish wisdom and tradition, philosophy and worldview.

    –Rabbi Berel Wein

    Moshe David Kuhr, a native of Dayton, Ohio, attended Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in Baltimore and attained his medical degree from the University of Chicago. After forty-three years of pediatric practice, he made aliyah with his wife, Phyllis, to Katamon, Jerusalem, where he learns, teaches, and writes. His Torah mentors include Rabbi Boruch Milikowsky, z"l; Rabbi Berel Wein; Rabbi Moshe Tendler, z"l; Rabbi Avraham Pessin, z"l; Rabbi Yaacov Haber; and more recently, Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz. His published works include The Lion Cub of Prague: Genesis; The Lion Cub of Prague: Exodus, Leviticus; The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers, Deuteronomy (Gefen Publishing); and Igeret Hakodesh: The Holy Letter (Mosaica Press). The Kuhrs have four sons, three of whom have made aliyah, and twelve grandchildren, ten of whom live in Israel.

    Idan Kuhr is a retired lawyer and teacher. He obtained a Juris Doctorate degree at the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law, and a Bachelor of Arts degree at Yeshiva University. He collaborates with his wonderful, inspiring father, Moshe Kuhr, whenever he gets the chance. He lives in New York City. Learn More

  4. Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of God, Divinity Of The Torah, And Purpose Of Life

    An indispensable guide for every Jewish man and woman in the workplace...

    How can you – a Jewish man or woman in the workplace - combine unflinching faith, a productive career, with a flourishing family life? In From Hire to Higher, Libby Fisher charts a path to success that encompasses a treasure trove of encouragement, practical solutions, Torah insights, and wisdom based on first-hand experience, and 30 years of conducting “workplace workshops.”

    The author addresses a variety of challenges as they relate to hashkafa and ethics, such as bonding between male and female workers, maintaining integrity, the importance of boundaries, out of office functions, social graces, juggling work and family, burnout, and much more. The result is a comprehensive resource that will empower you to navigate your role at home and at work with renewed faith, strength, and confidence. Learn More

  5. Original man was comprised of holiness and spirituality, but when Adam sinned, he introduced physicality to the mix. Man would never be the same; the complete state of purity in which man had existed was sullied, and there would always be a struggle between good and evil, spiritual and physical.

    The act of teshuvah enables us to return to our desired state. Teshuvah enables us to rid ourselves of the taint of sin and allows us to fully reconnect with our soul and Maker.

    We expend much effort to study and understand the process of teshuvah. Rabbi Rapps’s work is profound and deeply meaningful, especially during the period leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Every English-speaking God-fearing person will find their life tangibly enhanced as they read and study this sefer, written by a preeminent scholar and expert in the realm of Jewish thought as expounded by the Maharal, the Ramchal, Rav Tzadok Hakohen, and the Sefas Emes. Our mutual rebbi, Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, spoke highly of Rabbi Rapps and accepted responsibility for him and his writings as he encouraged me to publish his columns in the Yated.

    May this work inspire and motivate its readers to perform proper teshuvah and help prepare the world for the ultimate redemption.

    Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

    Rabbi Ahron Rapps, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Zichron Shraga, is a talmid of Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin and of Rav Moshe Shapiro, zt”l. He writes articles on divrei machshavah in Yated Ne’eman and has been giving shiurim on those inyanim in many venues. He has also been a madrich to his many talmidim over the years. He previously authored Emerging from Darkness: Chanukah, dealing with the Yom Tov of Chanukah as well as inyanim of galus and geulah. He is the rav of Kahal Sharei Tefilla of Blue Ridge in Waterbury, Ct. He can be reached at [email protected]. Learn More

  6. Hashem told the Jewish people, “I gave you the Torah; however, I am unable to part from it. So, I ask you: Please make a place for Me, so that wherever you will go, you will take Me along as well.” (Midrash, Vayikra Rabba 33:1)

    Learning Torah is not just about amassing facts. It is not merely knowing what is right and wrong. Torah is about discovering Hashem. It is about generating connection. It means bringing Hashem into your life and taking Him with you wherever you go.

    In a clear and lucid fashion, Mazal Tov, My Torah provides an in-depth understanding of why we learn Hashem’s Torah. It leads the reader to an appreciation of the beauty of Torah and empowers him to learn with a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment. It gives him a taste of the exquisite simchah described by the Ohr Hachaim: “If people would sense the sweetness and pleasure of Torah learning, they would pursue it as if they were madmen, and an entire world filled with silver and gold would be worth nothing to them, since Torah contains all the good that exists in the world. Learn More

  7. The stormy teenage years are a period of potentially explosive growth to maturity — but also a period of possible spiritual disaster. Think Big presents Rabbi Halberstadt’s legendary formula for navigating that difficult journey and achieving greatness.
    Rabbi Ilan Halberstadt is famous for his ability to inspire young teenage men with the fascination of Torah study and their personal spiritual growth. Over the years, many have said that his teaching and direction have changed their lives.

    “This book addresses the issues facing Jewish young men in today’s world in a forthright manner — Rabbi Halberstadt pulls no punches when dealing with the temptations they face. In illuminating a path around those pitfalls and dangers, he plots a course to real maturity and greatness. This book gives a ‘larger than life’ sense of inspiration that will change any young man who understands its message, quite possibly to an amazing degree.”

    Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, author of The Thinking Teenager’s Guide to Life and other works

    “The teenage years are the most powerful years in a person’s life...yet they are like a powerful engine, with no steering wheel and very weak brakes! [This book provides] thoughtful and practical guidance for this crucial period... One gains both a ‘big picture’ in terms of direction and very sound practical advice on making the most of it.”

    Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington Learn More

  8. From the team that brought us the bestselling classics Mesillas Yesharim and Shaarei Teshuvah comes another monumental work, Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos.

    The Jaffa Edition Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos includes:

    • Phrase-by-phrase translation, in the format of the Schottenstein Talmud, the Sapirstein Rashi, and Ramban, which shows us the richness and depth of the sefer, a classic work of both mussar and Torah hashkafah.
    • Extensive explanatory notes, based on a broad range of commentaries, as well as Torah and mussar classics, give us a deeper understanding of this classic work.
    • The unique Insights section brings the words of Shaar HaBitachon into our lives, showing us how we can live in tranquility when we fully trust in Hashem's goodness - and how to achieve that trust. Learn More
  9. Torah & Rationalism, Understanding Torah And The Mesorah
    For all those seeking the truth of Torah, the writings of HaRav Chaim Zimmerman zt"l are required reading. Torah & Rationalism is presented for the two different readers.

    For the Torah Jew, this book will intellectually secure his mind by demonstrating the structure of Torah and Halachah in a rational way. And, for the person who lacks an understanding of Torah, but is seeking the truth. For this individual, this book will provide a unique system of thinking, and challenge the reader with a genuine test of their search. Learn More

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