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  1. The renowned rabbi-psychiatrist gives straight answers to tough questions Learn More
  2. Five Dynamics of Leadership that can change the world. Learn More
  3. Torah-Based Psychotherapy and Tools for Growth and Healing Learn More
  4. This gift set includes these great small books by Esther Gross

    • MA-Zel Tov, You're Married, Now What?
    •  AmA-Zing Parenting
    • CHA-ZAK
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  5. Do you want to starve your spirit… or feed it?

    Do you want to keep your potential hidden… or unlock it?

    Do you want to just act alive… or really be alive!

    As a master therapist and acclaimed public speaker, Mordechai Weinberger LCSW has helped literally thousands of people build better, more satisfying, and happier lives. Now he shares with us his understanding of the human personality and the ten most powerful concepts he's developed to unlock the strength that lies within each of us.

    In this self-help masterpiece, we'll find the way to shed the fears that block our confidence and self-esteem. As we "unlock" our innate power to forgive, to try new things, to connect to our true natures, to accept and grow from our failures, to set boundaries and build self-discipline, we will find a new kind of life unfolding — a life we can embrace with vigor and excitement. The author's ten key concepts work to bring success and satisfaction to all ages and stages, from teenagers to married couples to parents to business entrepreneurs. Case studies and true-life examples show us how to bring these techniques to actual life situations and use them most effectively.

    The author's style is upbeat and often humorous, grounded in a thorough understanding of what makes us who we are — and who we can be.

    Alive! gives us the tools for self-awareness and self-transformation, so we can leave negativity, anger, and frustration behind, and instead fearlessly reach higher, using our strengths, achieving our goals and finding inner peace. That’s real living! Learn More

  6. This comprehensive and colorful workbook is a tool for parents, educators and social service professionals working with children who struggle with a variety of social, emotional or developmental issues. The workbook is separated into six sections: Bullying, Friendship, Attention Deficit Hyperactvity Disorder, Executive Function, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Anxiety. Each section contains twelve worksheets and a quiz or diagnostic.

    The perfect method for anyone working with struggling children!

    About the author:An acclaimed educator and social skills specialist, Mrs. Rifka Schonfeld has served the Jewish community for over thirty years. She founded and directs the widely acclaimed educational programs Strategies for Optimum Success (SOS), servicing all grade levels and subjects, specializing in kriyah and English reading. She is the author of the "My Friend" series, each dealing with a specific skill for children: My Friend the Bully, My Friend the Troublemaker, My Friend the Volcano and My Friend the Worrier. In addition, her Recipes for Success is a compilation of handy cards with tips for parenting children with the various social issues. Learn More

  7. Fire. Water. Wind. Earth. Understand the four elements - and you will better understand others, and yourself. Master their secrets - and you will master your relationships.

    Rav Chaim Vital, Rambam, the Gaon of Vilna, the Aruch Hashulchan and the Baal HaTanya are just a few of the many Torah Sages who discuss the four elements that compose all matter - including all of humanity: fire, wind, water and earth. These elements represent different traits that make up our personalities.

    By better understanding these elements, and the way they play out in human behavior, we can better understand ourselves and the people around us. And by achieving that understanding, we can vastly improve our relationships.

    Rabbi Mordechai Weinberger LCSW is a master therapist, acclaimed public speaker, and popular radio show host who has helped thousands of people build better, more satisfying, and happier lives. Using fascinating case studies, and a considerable dose of humor, Rabbi Weinberger shows us how to identify our own "elements" as well as those of others; how to capitalize on our traits so they lead to success and not disaster; how to balance our natures and complement our strengths, making them even more effective; and how to interpret people’s behavior so we can deal properly with them. He explains how a husband with a "fiery" temperament can understand his wife, whose nature is dominated by "wind."”A businessman characterized by the traits of "earth" will be afraid of risk; perhaps he needs to strengthen his attitude of “"water" in order to succeed.

    Yes, it's fun to take Rabbi Weinberger's quizzes and figure out which traits dominate in your personality, and in that of your spouse, your child, your mother-in-law, your boss. And it's fun to read about the various case studies, and see how people can understand, and misunderstand, each other. Indeed, this book is a lot of fun.

    And it's also life-changing. For the better. Much better. Learn More

  8. Living Simchah, Finding the joy in everything

    Life is boring / frustrating / painful / disappointing (pick one)

    It doesn't have to be.

    I'll be happy if I get a new car / better job / great shidduch (pick one)

    Not necessarily.

    So where, then, can I find the simchah, the joy in learning, in mitzvahs and in life?

    It's easier than you think. Just pick up this book and start learning how to live simchah!

    Rabbi Hadar Margolin is a man on a mission - and that mission is to bring more simchah into our lives. As we see in Living Simchah, simchah is much more than a fleeting emotion. It's a powerful force, a way of life mandated by the Torah itself.

    Living Simchah offers us step-by-step guidance to help us infuse all of our actions with simchah. In these short, readable segments, we will learn what simchah really is (and what it isn't). What the benefits are of living a life of simchah. How to deal with the "down days." Why simchah is a choice - and a mitzvah - and why Hashem wants us to live that way.

    These brief segments contain so much: Torah hashkafah, quotations from classic works of Mussar, Chassidic writings, and Jewish thought, true-life stories, practical advice and, yes, jokes and quips to keep us smiling as we journey to true simchah.

    Learn More

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