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  1. A miraculous day is entirely within our reach.

    Dr. Jacob Freedman is back! In this helpful, practical guide, the renowned psychiatrist, educator, Mishpacha columnist, and bestselling author of Off the Couch shares his wit and wisdom for living a meaningful life.

    This book is chock-full of tools, tips, and the doctor’s own personal experiences. From self-care and self-growth to dealing with daily challenges and the work-life balance, this candid and fascinating book, written in Dr. Freedman’s inimitable, down-to-earth style, will empower you to build yourself and the people you care about.

    “It is with the greatest pleasure and respect that I write this endorsement for Dr. Freedman’s new book, The Things I Told My Patients. Dr. Freedman brings us an honest, refreshing, and respectful look at the profession of psychiatry and mental health treatment. His gentle, sensitive, and human approach enriches us all and brings respect and dignity to those suffering with these difficult challenges. Both he and his writings are a gift to our community.”— Rabbi Shimon Russell, LCSW, author of Raising a Loving Family

    “Over the years, I have found Dr. Yaakov Freedman to be sensitive, sincere, practical, and professional.”— Rav Noach Orlowek, shlita, world-renowned Jewish educator.

    “Dr. Freedman extends the warmest invitation into a very sacred room, a room where lives slowly transform.”—Rabbi Shlomo Katz, Rav of Kehilat Shirat David Learn More

  2. “The need to be acknowledged and validated is primary for human beings — perhaps, in fact, the most important need of all.” And with that, Rebbetzin Feige Twerski opens her newest book, an anthology of essays addressing the highs and the lows of life, including sections on dealing with challenges, relationships, and life cycles.

    Rich with warm reflections, sweet anecdotes, and timeless Jewish wisdom, this book will inspire and entertain, as readers draw lessons from every moment in life — from the minute to the monumental.

    Rebbetzin Feige Twerski is the mother of eleven children and many grandchildren, whose number she refuses to divulge. Alongside her husband, Rabbi Michel Twerski, shlita, she serves as rebbetzin to her community in Milwaukee and counsels people all over the globe. The rebbetzin is a popular lecturer, speaking on a wide variety of topics to audiences in America and overseas. She is the author of Ask Rebbetzin Feige and Rebbetzin Feige Responds (both published by ArtScroll), as well as The New Normal, The Future of Happiness, and The Future of Friendship (Mosaica Press). Learn More

  3. Renowned Torah educator and bestselling writer Rabbi David Sutton joins with noted therapist Dr. David Katzenstein, DSW, LCSW-R, to give us a book designed to help change our lives for the better.

    The Art of Being You gently guides us on a journey to:
    • Embrace healthy emotional processing instead of avoiding it
    • Unlock the secrets of emotional wellness and inner peace
    • Find comfort in discomfort, fostering growth through challenges
    • Cultivate patience and understanding towards others and ourselves
    • Harness the power of faith and reliance on G-d during trying times

    Drawing from true stories, Torah insights from Jewish sages, professional therapeutic guidance, engaging black and white illustrations, and daily exercises tailored to be practical, accessible, and relatable The Art of Being You is a guide that leads us towards a contented, satisfying, and more meaningful life. Learn More

  4. How can we create more positive relationships?

    Why is it so hard to get along with some people?

    Can I save a soured relationship?

    What if only one party is willing to work on a relationship?

    Rabbi Aryeh Goldman, a mashpia with years of experience in helping others with their relationships, tackles these questions and more, sharing Torah-based insights in clear and relatable language.

    This carefully structured book takes a realistic and honest, as well as optimistic and encouraging approach to the challenges that face us as we try to navigate the sticky but crucial realm of interperson¬al relationships.

    Rabbi Goldman digs to the roots of these challenges and shows how we can strengthen our own inner-characters and motivate ourselves to build stronger relationships and achieve real growth in every area of our lives. Learn More

  5. Original man was comprised of holiness and spirituality, but when Adam sinned, he introduced physicality to the mix. Man would never be the same; the complete state of purity in which man had existed was sullied, and there would always be a struggle between good and evil, spiritual and physical.

    The act of teshuvah enables us to return to our desired state. Teshuvah enables us to rid ourselves of the taint of sin and allows us to fully reconnect with our soul and Maker.

    We expend much effort to study and understand the process of teshuvah. Rabbi Rapps’s work is profound and deeply meaningful, especially during the period leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Every English-speaking God-fearing person will find their life tangibly enhanced as they read and study this sefer, written by a preeminent scholar and expert in the realm of Jewish thought as expounded by the Maharal, the Ramchal, Rav Tzadok Hakohen, and the Sefas Emes. Our mutual rebbi, Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, spoke highly of Rabbi Rapps and accepted responsibility for him and his writings as he encouraged me to publish his columns in the Yated.

    May this work inspire and motivate its readers to perform proper teshuvah and help prepare the world for the ultimate redemption.

    Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

    Rabbi Ahron Rapps, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Zichron Shraga, is a talmid of Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin and of Rav Moshe Shapiro, zt”l. He writes articles on divrei machshavah in Yated Ne’eman and has been giving shiurim on those inyanim in many venues. He has also been a madrich to his many talmidim over the years. He previously authored Emerging from Darkness: Chanukah, dealing with the Yom Tov of Chanukah as well as inyanim of galus and geulah. He is the rav of Kahal Sharei Tefilla of Blue Ridge in Waterbury, Ct. He can be reached at [email protected]. Learn More

  6. The Queen of England, in response to a request for life advice, commented, “If I had to give only one piece of advice, it would be to invest in human connections. There is nothing more important in life than connecting with other people, and I think the last year or so has made that very clear.” Recent global events have necessitated rethinking so many aspects of our lives. It is time to reimagine how to better connect with the significant people around us as well.

    The intelligent, honest, and sincere voice of my dear friend Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen pierces through the cloudy confusion of our times. Study and savor this marvelous work on better understanding the human condition.

    Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Congregation Aish Kodesh, Woodmere, NY

    This book brings [the author’s] rich spiritual diversity to the fore as he shares his thoughts on the complex times in which we live, with the purpose of bringing people closer together.

    Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman, Rosh Beis HaMedrash, Hasmonean, London

    [C]reative insight, clarity of thought, penetrating understanding, and heartfelt writing on the relationships of today.

    M. Gary Neuman, world-renowned psychotherapist, New York Times bestselling author

    Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen is a dynamic Torah personality who has been referred to as the “Renaissance Rabbi.”

    Rabbi Cohen graduated from Columbia Law School and holds a master’s degree in family therapy from the University of North Texas. He has done course work at the Columbia Business School, Yad Vashem, and the Tikvah Fund. He has also learned under some of the great Torah luminaries of this generation.

    Rabbi Cohen is the author of the book We’re Almost There: Living with Patience, Perseverance, and Purpose, published by Mosaica Press in 2016, presenting a pathway for confronting challenges. He is the host of the Jewish Philanthropy Podcast (JPP), with thousands of listeners, and a skilled fundraiser as a Senior Relationship Officer at the Orthodox Union.

    He has served eighteen years in the pulpit rabbinate, in Manhattan, the Five Towns area of New York, and, early in his career, in New Jersey. He is a sought-after speaker around the world and is comfortable with all types of audiences. He can be reached at [email protected]. Learn More

  7. From the team that brought us the bestselling classics Mesillas Yesharim and Shaarei Teshuvah comes another monumental work, Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos.

    The Jaffa Edition Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos includes:

    • Phrase-by-phrase translation, in the format of the Schottenstein Talmud, the Sapirstein Rashi, and Ramban, which shows us the richness and depth of the sefer, a classic work of both mussar and Torah hashkafah.
    • Extensive explanatory notes, based on a broad range of commentaries, as well as Torah and mussar classics, give us a deeper understanding of this classic work.
    • The unique Insights section brings the words of Shaar HaBitachon into our lives, showing us how we can live in tranquility when we fully trust in Hashem's goodness - and how to achieve that trust. Learn More
  8. We all live with a deeply rooted desire to understand our unique purpose in this world. That discovery is the key to making every moment meaningful and living a truly empowered life. But are we searching in the right places?

    The Four Elements of an Empowered Life takes you on a journey inward — to understand your unique purpose and to discover your inner worlds, represented by the four elements of fire, wind, water, and earth. Drawing on a wide range of sources, including classic Torah texts, Kabbalistic works, psychology, and modern-day thinkers, as well as the author’s own personal experiences in Jewish education and outreach, Rabbi Buxbaum presents a close-up look at the constant struggles that are taking place within each of these inner worlds. These pages are filled with practical tools and habits that will help you master the elements and become the greatest possible version of yourself — empowering you to accomplish the mission that only you can achieve in this world.

    “In a society filled with well-intentioned people who are [trying] to “fix the world,” Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum reminds us most powerfully that we first have to fix ourselves… [U]ses authentic and ancient Jewish sources, drawing much on mysticism, and succeeds in translating to a language that is accessible to the modern student.”

    -Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh HaYeshiva, YGW–Tiferes Gedalyah

    “A fascinating armchair journey to discovery of self…”

    -Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein, senior lecturer, Aish HaTorah Discovery Seminars

    “Filled with deep ideas, fascinating insights, and real plans for living a greater and more empowered life.”

    -Charlie Harary, motivational speaker, author of unlocking Greatness

    Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum is a passionate Jewish educator, motivational speaker, and life coach in the Greater Washington, DC, area, working with both families and young adults from all different Jewish backgrounds. A student of Yeshivas Toras Moshe and the Mirrer Yeshiva, Rabbi Buxbaum received rabbinic ordination from Aish HaTorah and Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, zt”l. Rabbi Buxbaum was the rabbi of Aish HaTorah of Greater Washington for eight years before launching the Lev Experience together with his wife, Devorah, with the mission of empowering individuals to find greater meaning, purpose, and possibilities in life by deepening their connection to Jewish wisdom and values. Rabbi Buxbaum also lectures for various other educational institutions in Maryland and is a frequent scholar-in-residence throughout America. This is his first book. Rabbi Buxbaum, his wife, and their six children live in Silver Spring, Maryland. Learn More

  9. Through a mix of nature, nurture, social conditioning and free will, we each possess a personalized lens that frames, forms, clouds and distorts the way we see ourselves and the world around us. In order to live in the most meaningful and effective way possible, each of us needs to continually assess and adjust the default frames we have developed.

    In Positivity Bias, we learn that life is essentially good; that positive perception is applicable and accessible to all; that it derives from objective, rational insight, not subjective, wishful imagination, and that positive living is a matter of choice, not circumstance.

    An inspiring and life-enriching tapestry woven from hundreds of stories, letter, anecdotes, and vignettes - Positivity Bias highlights how the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, considered the most influential rabbi in modern history, taught us to see ourselves, others, and the world around us. Learn More

  10. Life's Ladder, Reaching New Heights in Avodas Hashem H/C

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