Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

  1. Outside Inside

    Are "you" the way you dress? No matter which way you answer the question, this book will be eye-opening for you. In a refreshing, straightforward style, the author of 'The Magic Touch' addresses the subject of tzniut, loosely translated as "modesty", providing insight and inspiration for all. Modest attire and behavior are the external expression of the humility and propriety we internalize from within. But who are we? How does the way we dress affect who we are inside? An eye-opening, unique perspective for both men and women of every background and Jewish skill level. Learn More

  2. A digest of the laws of family sanctity and mikveh.

    Central to Jewish life, and the Jewish nation as a whole, are the laws of taharat hamishpacha, family sanctity. Kitzur Dinei Taharah presents a general overview of the laws of niddah, mikveh, etc., following the rulings of the Rebbes of Chabad-Lubavitch. Bi-lingual, Hebrew/English edition. Learn More

  3. It's a question many young singles have asked themselves at one point or another. Here are some very convincing answers to the question. Author Doron Kornbluth presents some hard-and-fast evidence that will educate and enlighten. Citing dozens of research studies, he shows how inter-faith marriages affect not only the couple's relationship, but their children's futures, their family dynamics, and their own personal happiness. This is an intellectually stimulating, eye-opening book that will challenge you to think deeper about who you are--and what you want from life. Learn More
  4. This manual combines the best wisdom available today in the world of marriage counseling with the timeless wisdom of our holy Sages. In a world where marriages are suffering and need the most support possible, this book offers understandable and practical methods for bolstering and strengthening a Jewish marriage. If you wish to enhance your relationship, achieve real intimacy and create a safe space for your marriage to flourish, this book will help you succeed.

    “Rabbi Avraham Peretz Friedman’s book Marital Intimacy belongs on every Jewish bookshelf. If it were read by every Jewish couple, the divorce rate would plunge and the couple’s happiness index would skyrocket. Similarly, Setting a Table for Two is a basic operating manual for the most complex of all “machines”—marriage. It is an indispensable guide for newly-weds and those who have been married for decades. I’m amazed that Rabbi Friedman could cram so much Jewish wisdom into one small book.”
    — Sara Yoheved Rigler Author

    “Setting a Table for Two contains the formula and perspective to achieve a truly successful marriage. Unlike so many manuals and self-help books, this volume is based on the wisdom of the Torah. The concepts presented are sourced from the teachings of Talmud and our great Rabbis. Avraham Peretz Friedman eloquently conveys these principles and values. This greater spiritual purpose and framework is combined with down-to-earth, practical strategies for implementation....

    If you are willing to commit to the values and ethics described in this book, and to practice their implementation with dedication and determination, you will have the tools to create a truly fulfilling marriage.... The rewards will be great — true satisfaction and profound moments of intimacy, joy, and exhilaration in your marriage.” — Rifka Twerski Ganz
    Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Learn More

  5. Shalom Bayis needs more than just giving in.

    Being mevater is a beautiful ideal, one for which every Jew can and should strive. Marriage would be a non-stop battle if we insisted on always getting our way. Indeed, couples who can graciously and sincerely concede to the other’s needs possess a master key to harmony.

    However, vatranus — or more accurately, a superficial simulation of this trait — can also mask and sometimes trigger deep and profound problems in a marriage.

    Is your go-to strategy of giving in producing negative or dangerous side-effects in your marriage? Ask yourself some questions:

    • Do you feel controlled by your spouse?
    • Are there many things you refrain from saying to your spouse for fear of his/her reaction?
    • Do you feel that you give and give and get very little in return?
    • Would your spouse be surprised to find out what you really feel and think?
    • Are you unable to enjoy life and feel good about yourself when your spouse is down on you?
    • Are you unable to enjoy life and feel good about yourself when your spouse is down on you

    For most couples, and virtually all couples that are unhappy, giving in simply does not cover every area of conflict.

    Only an angel can constantly acquiesce without feeling defeated.

    Fortunately, tools exist that can enable you to establish yourself as a separate individual whose hands are on the controls of your own emotional life. You can exist and thrive as a couple, even in a state of disagreement, even in a state of conflict, even when one of you is occasionally unhappy with the other. You and Me Equals We is about those tools and how to use them.

    To have a happy, healthy marriage, you don’t have to be an angel. But you do have to be you.


    It is clear that this book is the fruit of much labor, effort, and profound thought. The author understands and knows how to plumb the depths of people’s traits, and recognizes the powers and properties of the soul. For years he has helped many people with sage advice, and with Hashem’s help, he has been successful.


  6. Your marriage is a unique vessel that you and your spouse are crafting together. It is your one-of-a-kind base from which to serve Hashem, build your family, and realize your G-d-given potential.

    Inside Marriage, the sixth book in the Inner Torah series, takes you to the heart of this most remarkable joint undertaking. Both inspiring and practical, it connects you to your highest aspirations while grounding you in skills needed to navigate everyday challenges.

    The book is purposely written as a series of short pieces to accommodate the busyness of life today and to make it easy for you and your spouse to read together if you’d like. There is no end to the learning and growth that marriage offers. Whatever your circumstances, you’ll benefit from the insightful, kind, elevated, and realistic perspective you’ll discover in Inside Marriage. Learn More

  7. When a loved one passes away, it is a time of darkness and mourning for those left behind.

    Presented from the authentic Torah viewpoint and filled with chizuk and emunahWhen You’ve Lost a Loved One will bring light and hope to those feeling bereft and lost in a world forever altered. In his soft and uplifting style, Rabbi Keilson transforms the year of aveilus to one of healing and comfort—for aveilus is very real, but so is nechamah. And there is room for both.

    “I rejoiced when they told me that your precious sefer…to strengthen broken hearts with emunah, is about to come out.”

    Rav Yitzchok Kolodetsky

    “Harav Dov Keilson has taken upon himself to strengthen and give solace to people who have experienced sadness in their lives…the broken hearts of Klal Yisrael will gain great chizuk from this sefer.”

    Rav Yaakov Bender

    About the Author:

    Rabbi Dov Keilson resides with his family in Far Rockaway, New York, and serves as the mashgiach ruchani of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo/Yeshiva Darchei Torah for the past twenty-two years. He counsels talmidim throughout the day and gives mussar vaadim at night. He is the author of three books prior to this one and gives classes to young men in preparation for marriage as well. He is sought after for his guidance and advice, which is given over with warmth and heart. Learn More

  8. Are you searching for your soulmate?

    Is the person you are dating now the one?

    Daniel Ratner, sought-after speaker and life coach, is here to guide you to happily ever after. With his proven and successful Four Phases of Love formula, you will reach the loving and fulfilling marriage you’ve always dreamed of.

    Infinite Marriage offers concepts that are simple and relatable, guidelines that are easily remembered with the use of catchy phrases, and a dating worksheet to help you discover your soulmate and “merit your bashert”!

    “Original, creative, and innovative…”

    Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg

    About the Author:

    Coach Ratner is a former world-class rare coin dealer and real estate developer in America. He now lives in Israel, teaching and giving stimulating seminars throughout the country. His focus is on personal growth, relationships, and spiritual motivation. He also has a weekly show, “The Living in Clarity Podcast,” on YouTube and all major podcast outlets. You can find him speaking weekly at the Aish Essentials program in the Old City of Jerusalem, or at Learn More

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