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  1. Parshas Hashavua Comics 
    Based on the mashalim of the Chafetz Chaim

    You're invited on an exciting journey, like no other trip you've ever taken before...
    Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by.
    Join Yanky and his friends as they meet fascinating characters from the tales of his wise Zeidy Ephraim.
    Each story is an adventure and a Parshas Hashavua lesson - all wrapped up in a colorful comic.

    Timeless Tales. Stories that keep kids coming back for more! Learn More

  2. Parshas Hashavua Comics 
    Based on the mashalim of the Chafetz Chaim

    You're invited on an exciting journey, like no other trip you've ever taken before...
    Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by.
    Join Yanky and his friends as they meet fascinating characters from the tales of his wise Zeidy Ephraim.
    Each story is an adventure and a Parshas Hashavua lesson - all wrapped up in a colorful comic.

    Timeless Tales. Stories that keep kids coming back for more! Learn More

  3. Parshas Hashavua Comics 
    Based on the mashalim of the Chafetz Chaim

    You're invited on an exciting journey, like no other trip you've ever taken before...
    Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by.
    Join Yanky and his friends as they meet fascinating characters from the tales of his wise Zeidy Ephraim.
    Each story is an adventure and a Parshas Hashavua lesson - all wrapped up in a colorful comic.

    Timeless Tales. Stories that keep kids coming back for more! Learn More

  4. Translation And Commentary Following The Interpretative Method Of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch By His Grandson Rav Dr. Raphael Breuer

    The commentary of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch to the Chumash is based on his interpretative method of precise elucidation of the text and meaning of the words.

    His grandson, Rav Dr. Raphael Breuer, applied this same method for his commentary to Megillas Esther, and has brought to light these timeless words in an original, inspiring fashion. This English is written in a modern, clear idiom and will attract scholar and student alike. Learn More

  5. Parshas Hashavua Comics 
    Based on the mashalim of the Chafetz Chaim

    You're invited on an exciting journey, like no other trip you've ever taken before...
    Fly on the wings of your imagination to a small village from days gone by.
    Join Yanky and his friends as they meet fascinating characters from the tales of his wise Zeidy Ephraim.
    Each story is an adventure and a Parshas Hashavua lesson - all wrapped up in a colorful comic.

    Timeless Tales. Stories that keep kids coming back for more! Learn More

  6. As a well-known mashpiah in a beis midrash, Rabbi Munk masterfully creates warm and enlightening soundbites that weave the parashah and contemporary wisdom into short bite-sized lessons. He zeroes in on issues that face today's generation in a style that stirs the soul and inspires both young and old.


    "The divrei Torah are full of yiras Shamayim and hashkafas haTorah … b'ezras Hashem it will be a big benefit to all of Klal Yisrael."

    HaRav Simcha Bunim Cohen, shlita, Rav, Kahal Ateres Yeshaya

    "Pearls of wisdom and amazing chiddushim that speak about lofty matters."

    HaRav Chaim Zvi Senter, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Aderes HaTorah Yerushalayim

    "Real life experiences to open the mind and heart of the reader. Short, sweet, and to the point… a worthwhile investment of one's time."

    Rav Gavriel Friedman, shlita, senior lecturer, Aish HaTorah Jerusalem

    About the Author

    Rabbi Yosy Munk grew up in Brooklyn, NY, and learned in Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah. During his beis midrash years, he continued his learning by HaRav Meir Stern, shlita, and developed a close relationship with Rav Mordechai Schwab, zt"l, the Mashgiach of the Passaic yeshiva. He also learned in Yeshivas Bais Hatalmud in Bensonhurst and heard shmuzen from Rav Shlomo Brevda, zt"l.

    Together with his wife, the daughter of Rav Moshe Possick, shlita, from Torah Umesorah, Rabbi Munk moved to Lakewood, NJ, and learned in Beth Medrash Govoha for eighteen years. He joined Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Newman, shlita, in Yeshiva Mayan Hatorah, where he serves as a sho'el u'meishiv and has had the opportunity to develop a strong connection with the bachurimand grow together with them. Rabbi Munk has been sharing divrei Torah with the students every Friday for the last twelve years. Learn More

  7. A Collection of Original Parables, Based on the Weekly Torah Portions Learn More

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