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  1. Written by experts in the field, this journal is an exploration of the intersection of halachah, medical ethics, and contemporary medical issues, and offers insights into the application of halachic principles to complex medical situations.


    Alan Kadish, MD

    Editor’s Preface

    Edward Lebovics, MD

    Risk Assessment in Halachah

    Rabbi Mayer Twersky

    Management of Profound Multi-Organ Failure

    Rabbi Prof. Avraham Steinberg, MD

    Allocation of Scarce Resources

    Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

    Adult ECMO and Mechanical Circulatory Support

    Jonah (Yonah) Rubin, MD; Rabbi Dr. Jason Wiener, BCC

    Halachah’s View of the Requirement to Follow the Established Standard of Care

    Rabbi Moshe Rotberg

    Medical Uncertainty in Halachah

    Rabbi Boruch Fogel

    COVID-19 Vaccines: Clinical Trials

    Rabbi Dr. Zvi Loewy

    Bikkur Cholim and the Contagious Patient

    Rabbi Ephraim Glatt, Esq.; Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD

    The Role of Medical Expertise and Rabbanim in the Pandemic

    Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky

    Confronting the Pandemic in the Community

    Rabbi Mordechai Willig

    Dishonest Acquisition of Potentially Life-Saving Care

    Rabbi Yossi Sprung; Judah Eisenman

    Vaccinating Adults and Children against COVID-19 in Israel and the US

    Zvi Ryzman

    Vaccine Hesitancy in the Orthodox Jewish Community

    Sarah H.D. Becker, MD

    Othering the Jews during the Calamitous Black Death of the 14th Century and the COVID-19 Pandemic of the 21st Century

    Margot Lurie; Edward C. Halperin, MD, MA Learn More

  2. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.

    Every individual is a closed door; while we can observe a person’s exterior, we have no entry into their mind.

    In recent years, the topic of mental health has become more widely discussed in open forums, but still retains a taboo-like nature. Though publications on the range of issues have certainly increased, it is still uncommon to come across a first-hand account from a sufferer. How much more so in the frum world, where there is yet greater reluctance to discuss these issues openly.

    Depressed is an open and honest personal account by Yehonatan Palmer of what it is like to suffer from depression as a frum man. This is a raw account by the author, who honestly felt the need to share his story with a wider audience to help others suffering from depression, for them to know they are not alone. At the same time, this insider’s account will help those looking in to understand this debilitating — yet common — illness. Learn More

  3. A Guide to Good Health — Mental Health

    Letters and talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Learn More

  4. Rabbi Professor Avraham Steinberg is a pediatric neurologist, a rabbi, and an ethicist. He is currently the director of the Medical Ethics Unit and the chairman of the IRB at Shaare Zedek Medical Center. He is also the head of the Editorial Board of the Talmudic Encyclopedia.

    Steinberg is the author of the Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics (in Hebrew and English) and Ha’refuah K’halachah (in Hebrew). He is the laureate of the prestigious Israel Prize and the Worthy Citizen of Jerusalem award (Yakir Yerushalayim). Involved with many public committees and legislations in Israel concerning medical ethics, Steinberg has discussed many modern issues in medicine with the Gedolim, including Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l, Rav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, zt”l, Rav Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg, zt”l, Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l, and many others. He has published many of their halachic rulings on these issues.

    Ari Judah Ciment, son of Larry and Helen Ciment, is board certified in internal medicine and pulmonary and critical care medicine. He has been practicing in Miami Beach, Florida, since 2008. In addition to many medical field achievements, he has been an invited grand rounds lecturer for several hospitals and universities. As a medical ICU attending in a residency teaching program, he regularly teaches classes on a variety of topics, including pulmonary embolism, sepsis, ARDS, and now COVID novel therapies.

    Dr. Ciment is currently president of the medical staff with the Mount Sinai Medical Center and is on the board of the Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach, serving on their medical committee. In addition, he served as adjunct professor on Jewish medical ethics at Touro College and has arranged several medical ethics symposiums, most notably, with the renowned ethicist Rabbi Avraham Steinberg as well as BU ethicist Michael Grodin.

    Dr. Ciment is the author of Pirkei Dr. Ari (Mosaica Press, 2019), which blends the weekly parashah with an ethic from Pirkei Avos. His hobbies include basketball, tennis, guitar, and studying Talmud. He lives with his wife, Elissa, and their three children, Tehila, Jack, and Sam, in Miami Beach, Florida. Learn More

  5. An Interactive Journey in Jewish Medical Ethics

    Volume One Abortion Learn More

  6. Many things are beyond our control. Our health isn't one of them. The Torah tells us to guard our health. This book tells us how.

    To your health presents a unique blueprint on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent serious disease. This books light, easy-to-read format is enhanced by tips and success stories.

    The principal of healthy eating habits enumerated in these pages are solidly based on the Rambam's teachings, as well as on modern medical findings. Learn More

  7. Is your child anxious, too sensitive, or frequently angry?

    Is she overly talkative or withdrawn?

    Is he having problems at home, school, or play?

    The Parent-Child Dance will show you how to help your child and improve your relationship.

    Discover the reasons behind your child's behavior

    Help him feel more confident

    Give her the keys she needs to develop self-awareness

    Help him connect with his peers

    Create a more joyful parent-child relationship.

    The Parent-Child Dance gives you the tools you need to understand and shape your child's behavior. It's packed with over 80 activities, ideas and tips developed by an award-winning occupational therapist. The activities in The Parent-Child Dance have already helped hundreds of real-life children and their families — and they can be done in your own home, without special training or expensive equipment.

    About the Author:

    Miriam Manela OTR/L is the founder and director of Thrive Occupational Therapy. She is an award winning pediatric occupational therapist and consultant, specializing in children's behavior. Learn More

  8. All liturgy FULLY TRANSLITERATED in English, including the complete "MINCHA" and "MAARIV" services for the Shiva home!

    This outstanding compact-size book will guide you through the difficult times of illness and death, presenting Jewish tradition in a way that is both sensitive and instructive. Endorsed by leading rabbis, hospital chaplains, and family counselors, this all-in-one guide will help you know what to do when faced with these life-changing challenges.

    Written for people of all backgrounds, levels of observance, and understanding, this book is a fitting companion for family and friends, including visitors at the funeral and Shiva home.


    An overview of life, illness and death in Jewish thought.

    Laws and customs for visiting the sick.

    Jewish perspective on end-of-life issues (e.g. living wills, organ donations, etc.).

    Dealing with the last moments of life - what everyone should know.

    Before the funeral, at the cemetery, following burial.

    Mourner's Kaddish, Shiva, Shloshim, Yartzeit, and Yizkor.

    All necessary liturgy, including Mincha (afternoon), Maariv (evening) prayer services, and Mishnayot, along with easy-to-read English transliteration and translation.

    Inspirational readings and meditations. Learn More

  9. Chanie Goes to the Dentist
    Bubby nodded and said, “Chanie, dear,

    I know this may not be pleasant to hear,

    But I think that a cavity is causing you pain.

    You’ll have to see your dentist, Dr. Shain.”

    A cavity?! Horrible images passed through my head;

    My heart and mind were filled with dread.

    Would it hurt to have it fixed? What would I do?

    And what if the dentist found not one cavity–but two?!

    Fear of the dentist—and particularly of having a cavity filled—is quite common among many people, especially young children. The very idea of a cavity filling may cause children to think of all the scary “what-if” scenarios that could occur in such a situation. Of course this only serves to increase their fear exponentially. In Chanie Goes to the Dentist, written by the author of the popular Moshe Goes to Yeshiva, the “dentist fears” that children like Chanie may have are quickly, calmly, and effectively laid to rest as the exact procedure of what occurs at Chanie’s cavity-filling appointment is recounted and explored in a straightforward, child-friendly, and yes, fun way. Your child will love the book’s rhymes and endearing illustrations, and before long will shed his or her “dentist fears,” along with Chanie, too! Learn More

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