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  1. Chizuk And Inspiration For Today's Generation On The Parashah

    In today’s generation, many of us are yearning for the light of the tzaddikim that can save us from the brokenness of the modern world. We’re searching in their sefarim for a deeper connection to Hashem. We’re longing for the cure that can revive our souls. In the teachings of Rebbe Nachman we can find that cure! Rebbe Nachman has the sweet medicine that can heal us of all our illnesses. He knows exactly how to soothe our pain and inspire us to serve Hashem. Even when we’re feeling very weak and we’re lost in despair. He can give us our chizuk that renews our hope and brings us completely back to life. Welcome to The Rebbe’s Pharmacy! Learn More

  2. We welcome the malachim, the angels, to our Shabbos table. We welcome family, friends, students, strangers searching for their heritage. Now let us welcome a very, very special guest to join us for Shabbos: the Sar HaTorah, Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita.

    As we read through Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Chumash, we can almost hear the voice of this incomparable gadol b'Yisrael, in his Torah insights, his guidance in all matters large and small, and, particularly, in his stories, warm and personal, of his illustrious family. Here we will read about his father, the Steipler Gaon; his father-in-law, Rav Elyashiv; his uncle, the Chazon Ish; and, of course, his wife, Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky.

    Rabbi Shai Graucher is an almost-daily visitor to Rav Chaim. He pored through all of Rav Chaim’s many Torah writings, learned with him, and collected his insights and comments on the Chumash. He has been privileged to hear many stories directly from Rav Chaim and his family and these, too, are included. Everything has been adapted and translated for maximum readability and clarity.

    The result of these labors? A unique work that will engage and illuminate everyone - men and women, parents and children, talmidei chachamim and laymen alike.

    Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Chumash is an instant classic, a sefer that belongs on every Shabbos table. Learn More

  3. One of the most amazing things about the Torah taught by Rav Pam zt'l, the beloved mechanech often called "the Chafetz Chaim of our day," is that so many years after his passing, in a century where everything has speeded up and brevity is at a premium - his messages to us still fill our needs so perfectly.

    Look at the very first d'var Torah in Messages from Rav Pam. The revered Rosh Yeshiva shares with us a fascinating Midrash, an insight into the nature of Shabbos, and gives us a takeaway message that will improve our lives and our interpersonal relationships - all in five short and readable paragraphs.

    In his famous Friday morning "shmuess," Rav Pam used the parashah as a springboard for insights and advice on how to live as a Torah-true Jew. He had an uncanny ability to find in the weekly parashah practical solutions to contemporary challenges, both personal and communal. Rabbi Sholom Smith, a talmid muvhak, a faithful disciple who learned from him for decades, took careful notes - over 2,000 pages of them! - and has drawn upon them to bring his rebbi's wisdom indeed, his rebbi's beloved voice - to a new generation of students hungry for guidance.

    Listen to Messages from Rav Pam. Enjoy it with your family, your guests, yourself. And watch as these brief messages make a huge difference to your Shabbos table... and to your life. Learn More

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