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  1. In Mareh Kohen, the stirring liturgical poem recited on Yom Kippur, the radiant appearance of the kohen gadol after completing the avodah of the holiest day of the year is compared to the look of a chosson on his wedding day, and with good reason. A newlywed bride and groom emerge from under the chuppah with radiant faces, envisioning all their dreams unfolding before them, sure that their home will be a model of happiness and holiness.

    But sometimes, once the routine of ordinary life sets in, that radiance gives way to tension and sadness; the young spouses look like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, dragging themselves around as if old age has caught up with them prematurely.

    Is this disenchantment inevitable? What does it take to sustain a marriage and keep it blissful, all the way from the chuppah to the golden years?

    This illuminating book, by Rav Dovid Levy of the Pele Yoetz Center in Jerusalem, explains how to build a strong and durable framework for marriage. No matter what challenges come their way, a couple that puts this knowledge to practice will be able to look to each other and yes, really find the ahavah, achvah, shalom v'reus that everyone was singing about at their sheva brachos. Learn More

  2. In The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage, Rabbi Reuven Epstein provides a thorough and practical handbook for individuals navigating the journey of dating for marriage. This book is designed for singles, and those supporting singles through this process, covering everything from the initial research stages to the date itself. This book demystifies the secrets to dating successfully to ultimately walking down the aisle.

    With a focus on guiding readers through the various stages, this book includes essential questions that anyone exploring this stage should ask others… and themselves. Organized into progressive sections, starting with "The Dater's Mindset," this book offers a comprehensive analysis, equipping individuals with strategies to uncover the potential in each date.

    This book is as much a self-discovery book as it is a dating guidebook. "The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage" is a vital resource for Jewish singles and an essential manuscript that addresses all aspects of the dating journey.

    “This work is a must for all considering entering shidduchim”

    — From the approbation of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits Learn More

  3. Written by a husband-and-wife team who have been teaching taharas hamishpachah to a wide spectrum of men and women for over a decade — and who have ongoing interaction with well-known poskim — Wellsprings of Taharah is an ideal resource for chassanim, kallahs, married couples, and marriage instructors.

    No matter your background or stage in life, you will gain new insights and attain a newfound appreciation for the laws of Jewish family purity from this work. With comprehensive explanations, practical tips, Torah-true hashkafah, and illustrative stories, Wellsprings of Taharah is a significant and welcomed addition to Torah literature.

    “This is a wonderful sefer which will contribute to the klal.”

    — Rav Asher Weiss

    “This work covers the full gamut of the topics relevant to taharas hamishpachah. I commend the authors for a quality presentation.”

    — Rav Zev Leff

    “Everything was done with expert knowledge. [This sefer is] beautifully organized and is written in exact and clear easy-to-understand language.”

    — Rav Dovid Yosef

    Rabbi Yitzchak and Miriam Goldberg are well-known educators, residing in Sanhedria, Yerushalayim. Rabbi Goldberg has been learning in kollel for close to two decades, currently learning in the Torah Ore beis midrash. He received semichah from Dirshu, and has been meshamesh Harav Yitzchak Berkovits, shlita, for more than a decade. He has also sat in numerous batei horaah, most notably that of Harav Nissim Karelitz, zt”l. He is currently partaking in a program learning Choshen Mishpat under the guidance of Harav Elchanan Peretz, shlita, a talmid muvhak of Harav Hagaon Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg, zt”l, the previous rosh yeshiva of Torah Ore.

    The Goldbergs have been teaching chassanim and kallahs for over a decade, as well as providing halachic and marital counseling for married couples. The Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael have been directly involved with Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg, both in the preparation of this sefer as well as in the shiurim they offer, guiding them in the halachos and hashkafos of taharas hamishpachah and other marriage-related matters. With the ongoing hadrachah of these Gedolim, the Goldbergs are ideally suited to address the ever-growing challenges that face our generation in these areas from a Torah-true perspective.

    Rabbi Goldberg is also the author of Matza Chen, a sefer on hilchos shaliach tzibbur, and Mrs. Goldberg is the author of Purely Inspired, a compilation of inspirational taharas hamishpachah stories.

    Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg offer separate in-person sessions and recorded series for men and women in taharas hamishpachah, shalom bayis, emunah, and tefillah, which have become popular internationally. You can learn more about them at Learn More

  4. The Balabusta's Daily Organizer Sep. 2023- Dec. 2024, Desktop Edition Learn More
  5. No more whispering behind closed doors!

    Intimacy is vital to authentic marital relationships and profoundly affects each of us in deep and meaningful ways.
    Bringing this ever important subject to the forefront of Jewish conversation, Morozow and Slonim beckon the reader to join them in an exploration of the spiritual side to intimacy.

    Expertly weaving together Torah, halacha, chassidut, and psychology, they imbue the conversation with inspirational insights and practical advice.

    With an empathetic emphasis on contemporary issues — from the effect of social media on a couple’s intimacy to the dangers of pornography and other forms of objectification of women’s bodies, from the importance of female sexual pleasure to scientific breakthroughs regarding fertility — this groundbreaking book is vital and inspirational reading for women of all ages, levels of observance, and Jewish backgrounds.

    As a physician and Nishmat trained 

    yoetzet halacha … I know how important it is for women to have such information and how much accurate knowledge prevents suffering … I highly recommend this book.
    Deena Zimmerman, MD, MPH, IBCLC

    Morozow and Slonim carry their balancing act through with panache, delicacy and realism, all shot through with holiness, practicality and even humor. They take the most popular topic in the world, and project an inspirational view of the marriage relationship … Such an important book.
    Kate Miriam Loewenthal, PhD Learn More

  6. With haskamos from the leading poskim of the previous generation, Sefer Orchos Taharah is a classic. The halachos are written in a clear, concise manner, making it the option of choice for anyone wanting a quick reference or a full review. The explanations found at the back of the sefer give the reader a glimpse into the depth, complexity, and mesorah that goes into every psak. They are all-encompassing and unambiguous, appealing to layman and scholar, young and old alike.

    With this new, easy-to-read translation, Rabbi Tessler makes this sefer, so integral to a Jewish home, more accessible to men and women who want to learn, review, and retain these beautiful and important halachos.

    [T]he translation is thorough, accurate, and reads exactly as intended by Rabbi Isaac Kahana… I cannot recommend this sefer enough.

    –Rabbi Shmuel Weiner

    Sefer Orchos Taharah is a very popular sefer… Rabbi Netanel Tessler, shlita, has done a beautiful job in translating it into English…easy to read and accessible to all.

    –Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst

    A unique gift to the Torah world. Reb Netanel has prepared many chassanim for marriage and understands the complexities and challenges that face our youth in building Torah-true homes… [T]his volume will be a significant addition to the olam haTorah.

    –Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Senter

    About the Author

    Rav Yitzchok Isaac Kahana, hailing from a family of rabbanim, learned by the poskei ha’dor of the last generation, including Rav Moshe Aryeh Friend, the Gaavad of Yerushalayim; Rav Henoch Padwa, the baal Cheshev V’Ephod; the Maharitz Dushinsky; and Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss, the Raavad of Yerushalayim and the baal Minchas Yitzchok. He was the rav in Brachfeld before becoming a rav in Zupnick, where Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss was rav previously. The constant stream of people asking his halachic and hashkafic guidance at his beis horaah is a reflection of his tireless efforts and deep-rooted drive to understand and have a crystal clear understanding of halachah in order to help each and every one of them.

    About the Translator

    Rabbi Tessler is a talmid of Yeshivas Ohr Hameir in Peekskill, New York. After marrying and settling in Eretz Yisrael, he learned in Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom under Rabbi Yaakov Hillel before becoming a first-seder rebbi in Yeshivas Aderes Hatorah, headed by Rabbi Senter, where he taught for five years. During his years in Eretz Yisrael, Rabbi Tessler developed deep relationships with Rabbi Shmuel Weiner and Rabbi Leizer Haltufsky, with whom he remains in close contact, and received semichah from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg.

    Rabbi Tessler is a sought-after chassan rebbi, as well as an EMT and a graduate of Harvard Business School Online. Upon moving to Toronto, he became the director of first seder at the Thornhill Torah Educational Center, where he gives the daily shiur. Learn More

  7. Rabbi Yosef Shapiro has shared the personal struggle that he and his wife went through on their path to parenthood. This is a powerful story that offers information, hope, and encouragement for those on similar journeys. A Rabbi who counsels infertile couples in his community, Rabbi Shapiro has the unique vantage point to offer practical tips to those who are struggling, as well as advice to friends and family supporting them. In It Together will open your eyes to the world of infertility. When you read this book, be ready to cry during moments of pain, laugh during moments of joy, and experience the whirlwind of emotion that is ever-present during a couple's journey through infertility.

    "I highly recommend to anyone dealing with infertility, whether personally or by association, that they take the time to read this book. "

    Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky

    "Most impressive is how they shared their experiences and went to print to make use of their pain, disappointment, and gained knowledge in the service of those in need of support. "

    Rav Yitzchak Berkovits

    "For Rabbis and others in the helping professions advising couples, the experiences and emotions he so selflessly shares are irreplaceable if we want to accompany these couples as they walk this path. "

    Excerpt from the foreword by Rav Ilan Feldman Learn More

  8. Choosing the person with whom to spend the rest of your life is a major decision. Yet there has probably never been more confusion, more conflicting ideas, or more fear regarding how to find one’s zivug than we have today.

    M’nucha Bialik, an experienced shidduch coach and former “older” single, clears up the fog! The accumulated guidance of her newsletters, teleconferences, webinars, and workshops are all organized in this one book, inspiring and empowering at the same time. Now you too can join the many young men and women of all ages who have been led by M’nucha, step-by-step, on the road to finding their bashert.

    Whether you are just beginning to date or have been dating for years; a shadchan, mentor, parent, or friend; or simply fascinated by the topic — here is the source for skills, knowledge, and clarity to successfully navigate the shidduch maze with calmness.

    M’nucha Bialik has authored an important work that attempts to give both men and women the tools they need to make responsible decisions. The book contains chapters identifying external and internal obstacles to the shidduch process; the importance of knowing yourself; what to look for and what is less important; juggling and prioritizing values; tefillah and bitachon; how to deal with rejection and disappointment; and how to develop menuchas hanefesh (serenity of spirit) — a beautiful middah for both marrieds and singles. What makes the work especially valuable is the inclusion of exercises that translate the teachings of each chapter into actual practice. This work truly has the power to transform lives for the better.

    Rabbi Yitzchak A. Breitowitz

    Mrs. M’nucha Bialik helps you… become more open to Hashem’s hashgachah. The book gives you much needed guidance towards maintaining a positive attitude, plus chizuk and practical advice in navigating your way through one of life’s difficult journeys.

    Tziporah (Heller) Gottlieb

    This book will iy”H be of great help for all those just entering the shidduch scene, as well as for those who have been dating for a while.

    Rabbi Moshe Chalkowski Learn More


    The straight-talking marriage book that Klal Yisrael has been waiting for.

    Every smart young couple starts their marriage with the same dreams, goals, and ideals. They’re one hundred percent sure that they will live in married bliss forever.

    Until they aren’t.

    Until the bickering, fighting, and loneliness become second nature and they are left wondering where they went wrong. Unfortunately, making a happy marriage is not intuitive, and most couples make the same fatal errors when trying to build their Torah home. They’re not aware that these minor infractions are ruining the most precious relationship of their life.

    Ten Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make will give you a new level of understanding for what makes a marriage work. It will coach you on the practical techniques you need in order to increase the intimacy and love in your marriage.

    Make sure that your marriage doesn’t succumb to the same mistakes that Rabbi Shafier has seen so many others make. Avoid these ten fundamental errors and build the most satisfying relationship imaginable.

    “I found the book enjoyable, easily understood, enlightening, and inspiring. This is truly an aid in enabling one to understand oneself and one’s spouse. I recommend this work to all couples who want to strengthen their marriages, whether or not they are experiencing problems. I also recommend it to all those in the process of finding a spouse as an excellent preparation for marriage.”

    HaRav Zev Leff shlita

    Learn More
  10. Talking Divorce, A Torah-based guide for navigating & surviving difficult relationship decisions

    Clarity at Your Fingertips

    Marriage Crisis • Divorce • Co-Parenting • Remarriage

    This new practical, no-nonsense book gathers essential information and practical guidance from rabbis, attorneys, and mental health professionals for navigating relationship breakdowns, reconciliation considerations, divorce, and life thereafter. Whether you are currently in a marital crisis, are torn between thoughts of reconciliation and divorce, or are already divorced, this sensitive guide clears up many misconceptions, illuminates relevant halachic and civil processes, and arms you with the knowledge needed to make sound decisions at every crossroad. Learn More

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