Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

  1. This new Mid-size All-Hebrew edition of the Chumash is specifically designed and constructed for synagogue use! Large, clear type on 7 1/2" x 8 3/4" pages makes it easy to read and follow the Torah reading; and the ultra-reinforced side-sewn binding means there will be no need to rebind these durable volumes, despite heavy use, for many, many years to come. Gilded page heads add dignity and importance to each volume.

    The text and commentaries in this new Chumash - Onkelos, Rashi, Ikkar Sifsei Chachamim and Baal HaTurim - have all been reviewed for total accuracy. The pages have been specially designed so that the Torah and Onkelos texts begin each page at the same word. This chumash also features markers indicating the Sabbath Minchah/weekday aliyos.

    The pesuchos and setumos structure of the parshiyos found in the Torah are presented visually and using text markers.

    In addition to the Chumash text, the Haftaros and the Five Megillos are also included.

    The features and sturdy construction of The Shul Chumash make it ideal for school and home use, as well.

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  2. Cultivate your faith with this precious volume. An inspiring collection of stories, insights, and anecdotes on the subject of trust in G-d, culled from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sources, this book puts true faith and trust in G-d in every reader's grasp. This book is a wonderful tool for bringing the joy and comfort of real faith into your life. Vowelized Hebrew text with facing English translation. Learn More
  3. Funny You Should Think About a Return to Judaism/A Journey From Comedy Stages to the Wisdom of Sages By Richard Morris This book is about priorities. A ship that is changing course will inevitably move forward to another destination. And that course might, indeed, lead that vessel to more inviting and fulfilling waters than at first imagined. Richard Morris is a stand-up comedian and writer who was one of the original writers, and a frequent guest, on NBC's Late Night with David Letterman. He has written a book about his transformation from total devotion to a show business lifestyle, to how he had the chance to realize a deeper, more personal awareness: the story of how he learned about his Judaism again. The spiritual and practical level he had the opportunity to go searching for turned out to be the funny, inspiring and very personal story of his travels, his encounters, and the great clarity that he found. Richard's story is told here. But everyone who is Jewish can apply it to his or her own journey; their own circumstances; their own dreams. Everybody has a story. With Richard's book, non-Jews can also certainly be inspired by this story of Jewish return, to look at their own respective religions in a new, practical, and yes, funny way. It's all about feeling connected to something substantial, of real value, and also about being able to laugh about something that's often looked at as something very serious. Look for this book to entertain, inspire and be revealing. And as it's been said in many Jewish delicatessens through the years: Enjoy! Learn More
  4. Jews, Judaism, and Israel in the Twenty-first Century Learn More
  5. Derech Eretz

    A Torah guide to proper behavior in everyday life

    We want to behave with derech eretz. Most of us think we behave with derech eretz. But what does that actually mean? It’s not as obvious as we think.

    Derech eretz, the Torah approach to interacting properly with others, is a subject worthy of serious study. Fortunately, Chazal offer bountiful advice on this matter. This invaluable guide by renowned author and posek Rabbi Shaul Wagschal, z”l, will show you how to truly act with derech eretz and open your eyes to the tremendous refinement of the Torah’s approach to proper behavior. Learn More

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