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  1. Mastering the art of effective communication with your spouse Learn More
  2. Family life as a key to personal growth. Learn More
  3. Chinuch In Turbulent Times

    Practical Strategies for Parents and Educators

    Every Jewish parent wants to know that he or she has equipped every child of the family to deal with the challenges of growing up in this turbulent era. That goal is attainable, thanks to the wise and compassionate counsel of noted educator Rabbi Dov Brezak.

    A talented and creative yeshivah principal for many years, Rabbi Brezak deals with every manner of child and family, and his creative yet practical techniques have won him an international audience. His popular tape series on parenting has guided countless families through the complex situations confronting them daily. Now the richness of his experience has been distilled in this outstanding book, offering sustained chizuk, spiced with personal anecdotes and flowing with a love of children that comes across on every page.

    Clearly written, with realistic examples and practical techniques, Chinuch in Turbulent Times will benefit every member of your household. Learn More

  4. Fire. Water. Wind. Earth. Understand the four elements - and you will better understand others, and yourself. Master their secrets - and you will master your relationships.

    Rav Chaim Vital, Rambam, the Gaon of Vilna, the Aruch Hashulchan and the Baal HaTanya are just a few of the many Torah Sages who discuss the four elements that compose all matter - including all of humanity: fire, wind, water and earth. These elements represent different traits that make up our personalities.

    By better understanding these elements, and the way they play out in human behavior, we can better understand ourselves and the people around us. And by achieving that understanding, we can vastly improve our relationships.

    Rabbi Mordechai Weinberger LCSW is a master therapist, acclaimed public speaker, and popular radio show host who has helped thousands of people build better, more satisfying, and happier lives. Using fascinating case studies, and a considerable dose of humor, Rabbi Weinberger shows us how to identify our own "elements" as well as those of others; how to capitalize on our traits so they lead to success and not disaster; how to balance our natures and complement our strengths, making them even more effective; and how to interpret people’s behavior so we can deal properly with them. He explains how a husband with a "fiery" temperament can understand his wife, whose nature is dominated by "wind."”A businessman characterized by the traits of "earth" will be afraid of risk; perhaps he needs to strengthen his attitude of “"water" in order to succeed.

    Yes, it's fun to take Rabbi Weinberger's quizzes and figure out which traits dominate in your personality, and in that of your spouse, your child, your mother-in-law, your boss. And it's fun to read about the various case studies, and see how people can understand, and misunderstand, each other. Indeed, this book is a lot of fun.

    And it's also life-changing. For the better. Much better. Learn More

    • The power of daily readings
    • The insights of two world-class educators, drawing upon countless Torah sources
    • Practical halachos with comments of leading contemporary poskim
    • And hundreds of personal, inspiring stories .

    Here is a book that will enrich and transform your life - in just a few minutes a day.

    Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, famed founder of Ohr Naava, joins bestselling author Rabbi Shimon Finkelman to share with us a step-by-step guide to one of the most fundamental - and sometimes one of the hardest - mitzvos of the Torah, the mitzvah of kibbud av va'eim, honoring our parents.

    In short daily readings, we will discover how to honor and revere our parents, through true stories, Torah insights, and practical advice. By reading about kibbud av vaÂ’eim every single day, we will incorporate these ideas into our minds, hearts - and actions.

    The Torah itself promises special reward to those who properly honor their parents. This book will help us to do that in the best possible way. Learn More

  5. Special voices, special stories, in a very special book.

    Everyone who knew him was mesmerized by Saadya Ehrenpreis a”h, the young man with Down Syndrome who confounded all the experts. He would be totally dependent for every basic need, the doctors predicted; he had little or no chance of ever communicating. Yet Saadya developed into a man who could read in Hebrew and English, traveled by himself to learn in Eretz Yisrael, and attended the Makor College Experience program at Yeshiva University.

    After his untimely passing from COVID-19, his mother, Ahava Ehrenpreis, a talented author, chose to memorialize his life through filling a pressing need — providing a book that would serve as both a resource and an inspiration to parents, relatives, friends, and professionals dealing with children and adults who have special needs. More: To compile a book for everyone who believes that every person is special and should be treated with understanding, compassion, acceptance, and respect.

    More Than Special is that book — a book for those who want to deepen and expand their own ahavas Yisrael. And doesn’t that mean all of us?

    More Than Special includes:

    The voices — authentic, honest, and heroic — of parents who give us a greater understanding of the challenges — and miracles — of raising special needs children

    Advice from social workers and experts in the field of special education on how to create opportunities for individuals with special needs

    Guidance in legal and financial safeguards for special-needs children and adults

    Rabbanim discussing halachic and hashkafic issues of the special-needs population, including poignant and heartfelt words of chizuk from Rav Moshe Shapiro and the Pnei Menachem Learn More

  6. Is my newlywed child’s behavior normal? Money stuff — so sticky!

    How much do I call and how much do I give them space? What kind of a relationship am I supposed to have with the mechutanim? Why do I feel so alone at the most intense juncture in my life?!

    When it comes to marrying off children, the beautiful journey to Nachasville can be punctuated by myriad bumps in the road. But now there’s no need to fly solo.

    With her trademark sparkle, Riva Pomerantz presents real stories from real people, then addresses tough issues by interviewing some of the biggest names in the Torah world: Rabbi Aryeh Nivin, Rebbetzin Feige Twerski, Mrs. Slovie Jungreis Wolff, Rebbetzin Rochel Lubin, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker, Mrs. Chani Juravel, and many others.

    This spectacular collection navigates confusion and conundrum, paving the way to happiness and fulfilling, healthy relationships for both parents and married children. No matter when that chasunah was or will be, everyone will benefit enormously from this practical, realistic handbook, the very first of its kind.

    The journey navigated in these pages will surely propel you from where you are to where you’d like to be. Learn More

  7. The Dos and Don'ts of Staying Happily Married
    A Comprehensive Torah-Based Guide To A Happy And Well-Balanced Marriage

    The Dos and Don’ts of Staying Happily Married gives couples the proper keys to achieving happiness throughout their married lives. Proper hadrachah is the first step to a successful marriage. Entering marriage without it is like trying your luck to repair a complicated electronic device. You could be lucky and connect the right wires to make it work, but making a slight mistake could ruin the entire device.

    In this essential book, readers will benefit from the clear guidelines of Torah teachings, including Chazal and contemporary rabbanim, as well as from the author’s extensive counseling experience. Together, these provide life-changing tools for staying happily married — forever.

    “Marriage opens the door to simchas ha’chaim and has the ability to improve every dimension of one’s life. However, one needs the proper keys to enter; if the keys are broken, he’ll break through the door, causing disastrous results and the ruination of his life.”

    Rav Moshe Aharon Stern

    Rabbi Morgenstern is a world-renowned authority on shalom bayis and chinuch ha’banim.

    A native New Yorker, Rabbi Morgenstern attended Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, then continued his studies in Israel at Yeshiva Torah Ore and Kollels Brisk and Mir, where he received his rabbinical ordination.

    Rabbi Morgenstern is presently affiliated with Arachim, one of the leading Jewish outreach organizations, and has been active in Jewish education and outreach for over two decades. He lectured internationally in high schools, girls’ seminaries, and adult groups, and was the senior halachah teacher in EYAHT, Aish Hatorah’s College of Jewish Studies for Women, for almost two decades.

    He also practices family counseling and lectured extensively in Israel and abroad on shalom bayis, chinuch ha’banim, family communication, shidduchim, and dating, and has produced a popular MP3 series on these topics. His articles on these topics and Jewish hashkafah have appeared internationally in Jewish newspapers and magazines.

    Rabbi Morgenstern also hosts interactive teleconferencing classes on the halachos of daily living, and workshops on child-raising and family relationships. Learn More

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