Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

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  1. This is a book about the world we inhabit. Not the outside world. Not the world we read about on the news. Our world. The situations that we face on a daily basis.

    The challenges that we find ourselves dealing with.

    The beauty and caring and warmth and richness and excitement and color – that make up the frum experience.

    These stories reflect our reality. In a sense they didn’t happen. But they could have happened. In fact they could have happened to you.

    These stories are fiction.

    But only on one level.

    On another level they are a true and honest look at our society and a reflection of our lives.

    Or in other words – you are about to be introduced to a world where “Truth Meets Fiction.” Learn More

  2. The transmission of the Laws of the Torah and its teachings has been faithfully practiced from Moses at Sinai until this day. Jews can never accept the claim by any leader of any people that he was sent to replace Judaism. It is simply a false claim.

    Likewise, because of their status as God’s elected people, Israel never gets away with their transgressions. When the Divine Justice strikes them, it is not because they are rejected by God, as the Quran claims (Surah 5:18), rather, it is on account of their proximity to God.

    Maimonides writes: 

    Just as God is everlasting, so is His Torah. No one may add to it nor remove any law from it, as it says: “The entire word that I command you, that shall you observe to do, you shall not add to it and you shall not subtract from it” (Deuteronomy 13:1). Therefore, if a man, be he Jew or gentile, will declare that God sent him to add a commandment to the Torah of Moses or subtract from it, or to add an explanation which we have not learned from Moses or who would claim that those commandments which the Israelites have inherited are not for all generations to come, this man is a false prophet.

    .(Maimonides, Laws of Torah Principles, 9:1) Learn More

  3. Reach for this sefer full of life-altering strategies for whenever you need to raise your spirits and transform crisis into serenity. The many inspirational stories are guaranteed to increase your bitachon, thus evoking Hashem's kindness and showering you with blessing and joy. Learn More
  4. For years, Rabbi Chaim Veshnefsky has been providing thousands of teenagers (and adults), from all over the world, with clear answers to tough hashkafahquestions, and an enhanced appreciation for the depth of Yiddishkeit and the accuracy of our mesorah. Now, for the first time, the material of his popular lectures is available in book form!

    InTell Me the Truth! Rabbi Veshnefsky tackles challenging hashkafah issues, such as:
    *How we know that Yiddishkeit is the truth

    *Since the evidence is so clear to the truth of Torah, why doesn’t everyone get it?

    *What is the brachah of shelo asani ishah all about?

    *Why is there so much misery and suffering in the world?

    In the words of one teenager, the answers Rabbi Veshnefsky shares are not "fluff and bluff," but are the unadulterated truth. His concise, logical, and humorous style has endeared him to many, and shines through the pages of this amazing work.

    Rabbi Veshnefsky has produced an important work that offers clarity on the fundamental issues that are on the minds of today’s Torah students – young and old alike. 

    --Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein

    Torah Umesorah Director of Publications and Communications


    Rabbi Chaim Veshnefsky’s sefer empowers and inspires! He provides clear, concise, and honest answers to common hashkafah questions in the setting of an engaging and exciting read. 

    -- Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal

    Rav, White Street Shul, Lakewood, NJ

    This exceptional sefer is truly a gamechanger! The depth and sheer breadth of the material used, combined with a very easy to read style, is exactly what is needed...

    --Mrs. Gina Levenberg

    Founder and Educational Consultant,

    Torah Umesorah Teachers Centre, Manchester, U.K. Learn More

  5. Vivid true-to-life stories culminating in moral dilemmas, experly navigated by Harav Gershon Ribner

    Mr. Spitz is aware that his son-in-law has been stealing from him for years. Should he leave him out of his will, causing a possible rift in the family?

    On the day of her wedding, Shifra discovers that she and her chassan test positive as carriers of infantile Tay-Sachs disease. Should they call off the wedding?

    Yaakov, a baal teshuvah, is asked by his assimilated brother how he, as an Orthodox Jew, views his brother's marriage to a non-Jewish woman. The whole family, including the gentile spouse and their children, are watching, waiting for Yaakov's answer. How should Yaakov respond?

    Boris's treacherous behavior caused his pious father to disown him and forbid him from saying Kaddish for him after his passing. Should Boris obey his father's wishes and refrain from honoring him with Kaddish?

    Consequential Choices 

    is a riveting collection of true-to-life stories. A masterfully captivating odyssey, each story culminates with a profound and challenging moral dilemma. The reader finds himself confronted with predicaments that force him to reach deep within, tapping into his innate ideals and values, thereby mustering the conviction, strength, and courage to rise above his personal gains and interests. Following the dilemma is Rabbi Ribner's penetrating and insightful outlook. Startling in its intelligence and sense, it shows a path to cultivate solutions in an honest and pure manner, clearly discerning right from wrong.

    The decisions portrayed in this book clearly illustrate how the Torah is a comprehensive guide that contains directives for every facet of life - relevant to all centuries, every continent, and any situation. Direction and wisdom are embedded in every page of the Gemara, and a scholar can unearth and extrapolate every proper and noble sentiment, while learning to differentiate between what is to be cherished and what is to be rejected; what is to be encouraged and what is to be frowned upon; what is essential and what is irrelevant; what is eternal and what is finite; what is real and what is illusory. Learn More

  6. Building Better Interpersonal Relationships

    Stories and Inspiration

    Choose Right

     is a powerful resource for crafting amazing interpersonal relationships. It's packed with expert advice on how you can improve yourself--and improve your bein adam l'chaveiro in the process. So many of us struggle with building and maintaining relationships, and end up trudging through life, missing out on countless joyful experiences with others. Expanding your circle of concern will make you the kind of loving person you would like to be. Additionally, when you behave with kindness, caring angels champion your endeavors, eventually escorting you all the way to Gan Eden

    In this book you will find many ideas, tips, and suggestions on how to communicate and bond with others. Simple exercises are offered at the end of each chapter, to facilitate mastery of these transformative interpersonal skills. Also included are numerous stories that offer practical lessons and concrete inspiration, which will guide the reader to achieve the necessary emotional clarity and make the right choices in the area of bein adam l'chaveiro Learn More
  7. With in-depth treatment of numerous passages from the Scripture, these and other topics from the Jewish Scripture troublesome to many 21st-century readers are analyzed in Is the Good Book Bad?

    Stern also makes the case that a morality based on belief in God is more compelling than one based on scientific materialism. While the content and argumentation are unique and nuanced, he takes on modern-day criticism without making modern-day compromises on the authenticity of Scripture and how it was interpreted by the sages of the Talmud and the scholars who followed in their footsteps.

    The author presents the various challenges that are made that question the morality of the Torah vis-à-vis the politically correct morality of the secular world, and he answers them in an extremely effective manner. The sources he quotes both in presentation of the challenges and in his presentation of the Torah sources in rebuttal are extremely impressive, and his vast scholarship in both areas is evident.

    Rabbi Zev Leff

    This work fills a great vacuum, and iy”h will prove to be an invaluable aid in making the word of Hashem accessible to all.

    Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky

    Rabbi Michoel Stern spent over a decade learning in yeshiva and kollel, and has been involved in various teaching, outreach, and community leadership roles ever since. His articles on the intersection of Jewish thought and contemporary questions have appeared in numerous Jewish publications around the United States and have achieved wide acclaim. Rabbi Stern specializes in the works of scholars of philosophy and religion, a longtime passion, and corresponds regularly with the scholars themselves. He currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with his wife and children. Visit him at Learn More

  8. Have you ever wondered... why?

    • Why do we need science if everything is contained in the Torah?
    • Why are there so many scientists who are atheists and non-believers?
    • Why did G-d create such a huge universe?
    • Why don’t the medicinal remedies mentioned in the Talmud work nowadays?

    If you have, then ABCs of Torah and Science is for you! Here are just a few of the many benefits you will gain by reading this one-of-a-kind book:

    • Fulfill the mitzvos of ahavas and yiras Hashem by reflecting upon the profound wisdom contained in the universe.
    • Strengthen your emunah.
    • Enrich the meaningfulness of your tefillos and berachos.
    • Understand science — from a Torah-first approach rather than a science-first perspective. Learn More
  9. With a uniform and predictable structure, each of the shmuzim in this compilation provides readers with a quick burst of inspiration.

    Psychology and Personal Growth in the Torah is a collection of inspiring and intriguing weekly emails on the parashah of the week that were sent to thousands of readers. These divrei Torah have piqued the interest of both observant and non-observant Jews through their novel insights and themes relevant to everyday life.

    For all knowledge levels and backgrounds, this edition is a perfect accompaniment to the Shabbos table, an enjoyable independent read, and a useful tool for Torah teachers. Learn More

  10. Seventy Faces: Traditional Methods for Revealing Inner Dimensions of Torah
    The Sages teach that there are seventy faces to the Torah: expressing the truth that there are multiple levels of meaning hidden beneath the surface of the text. Over the ages, various interpretive methodologies have been employed to reveal these deep and profound teachings, ranging from the literal to the mystical. These methods and the insights they yield impact every aspect of Jewish life including practical law, custom, tradition, and world-view. 

    Seventy FacesTradicional Methods for Revealing Inner Dimensions of Torah is a truly unique work that brings together, in a highly organized and accessible manner, over eight hundred fascinating explanations based on seventy different textual methodologies developed and used by the Sages, Rabbis, and Jewish mystics for thousands of years.

    Not only will the reader be drawn into the captivating inner dimensions of the Torah, but they will also gain important skills and inspiration to unearth new insight and meaning while finding their own unique face in Torah

    I found it informative, interesting, and inspiring insofar that one gains an insight as to the infinite Divine wisdom contained in Torah. The general categories themselves are important to understand as a tool to Torah study and the myriad examples convey in themselves important Torah ideas. — Rabbi Zev Leff Learn More

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