Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

  1. In The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage, Rabbi Reuven Epstein provides a thorough and practical handbook for individuals navigating the journey of dating for marriage. This book is designed for singles, and those supporting singles through this process, covering everything from the initial research stages to the date itself. This book demystifies the secrets to dating successfully to ultimately walking down the aisle.

    With a focus on guiding readers through the various stages, this book includes essential questions that anyone exploring this stage should ask others… and themselves. Organized into progressive sections, starting with "The Dater's Mindset," this book offers a comprehensive analysis, equipping individuals with strategies to uncover the potential in each date.

    This book is as much a self-discovery book as it is a dating guidebook. "The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage" is a vital resource for Jewish singles and an essential manuscript that addresses all aspects of the dating journey.

    “This work is a must for all considering entering shidduchim”

    — From the approbation of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits Learn More

  2. Choosing the person with whom to spend the rest of your life is a major decision. Yet there has probably never been more confusion, more conflicting ideas, or more fear regarding how to find one’s zivug than we have today.

    M’nucha Bialik, an experienced shidduch coach and former “older” single, clears up the fog! The accumulated guidance of her newsletters, teleconferences, webinars, and workshops are all organized in this one book, inspiring and empowering at the same time. Now you too can join the many young men and women of all ages who have been led by M’nucha, step-by-step, on the road to finding their bashert.

    Whether you are just beginning to date or have been dating for years; a shadchan, mentor, parent, or friend; or simply fascinated by the topic — here is the source for skills, knowledge, and clarity to successfully navigate the shidduch maze with calmness.

    M’nucha Bialik has authored an important work that attempts to give both men and women the tools they need to make responsible decisions. The book contains chapters identifying external and internal obstacles to the shidduch process; the importance of knowing yourself; what to look for and what is less important; juggling and prioritizing values; tefillah and bitachon; how to deal with rejection and disappointment; and how to develop menuchas hanefesh (serenity of spirit) — a beautiful middah for both marrieds and singles. What makes the work especially valuable is the inclusion of exercises that translate the teachings of each chapter into actual practice. This work truly has the power to transform lives for the better.

    Rabbi Yitzchak A. Breitowitz

    Mrs. M’nucha Bialik helps you… become more open to Hashem’s hashgachah. The book gives you much needed guidance towards maintaining a positive attitude, plus chizuk and practical advice in navigating your way through one of life’s difficult journeys.

    Tziporah (Heller) Gottlieb

    This book will iy”H be of great help for all those just entering the shidduch scene, as well as for those who have been dating for a while.

    Rabbi Moshe Chalkowski Learn More

  3. Shanah Rishonah: Build Your Dream

    Mazel tov! The engagement was glorious, the wedding was a joy. Now comes that magical, mysterious, and crucial time, shanah rishonah, the first year of marriage, when two separate people learn to become one beautiful new entity, to create the strong, enduring and happy home they long to build.

    Guess what? It's not always easy.

    He's punctual and orderly, you're a creative free spirit. Your family sat down to a full dinner every night, his mom orders takeout. He says one thing - and you hear another. You were destined for each other from before you were born, but how do two such different people learn to live together in harmony?

    In From Me to We: A guide to the first year of marriage... and beyond more than 50 wise, wonderful and experienced women (and some men too!) share their memories of shanah rishonah, the lessons learned, the adventures and misadventures of that unforgettable first year of marriage. It's all here: realistic, and unrealistic, expectations; how to communicate so that your spouse really hears you; how to fight right; starting out married life in Eretz Yisrael; dealing with mothers-in-law; what happens when you're expecting during the first year, and what happens when you're not. Here are stories, a good dose of humor, plenty of practical advice, and a deep understanding of every kallah's hopes and fears, doubts and dreams.

    In your shanah rishonah you leave "kallah la-la-land" to something so much richer - a shared life, a bayis ne'man b'Yisrael. This book will help make that journey into the joyful and exciting adventure it should be. Learn More

  4. The Jewish Home #2, Married Life

    As Illuminated By Kabbalah & Chassidus Learn More

  5. Effective Keys to a happier marriage.

    Here is a down-to-earth, no-nonsense guide to creating a more meaningful marriage. This volume combines profound insight into human relationships, together with practical wisdom resulting in a powerful set of tools that can enhance the lives of both newlyweds and longer married couples. Learn More

  6. Enhancing the success of your marriage right from the start - and even before it begins! Learn More

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