Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

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  1. How is a shofar made? Follow its amazing journey from a ram roaming in a field to a shofar blown on Rosh Hashanah Learn More
  2. Tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem.

    The best esrogim go missing, an entire bedroom is filled with feathers, Reb Chaim dresses up as a Rebbe, Moshe Cossack promises matzah for Pesach, there is a potato shortage in Krestir, an old bus breaks down on the way to Meron, Gemara and Rashi heal a troubled soul, the Rebbe pays a thief handsomely, and more. Learn More

  3. When Rabbi Reuven Bauman wrote a manuscript of yom tov poems for children, it was his fervent wish to find a publisher who would share it with the world. This delightful book will inspire, entertain, and most importantly, encourage children to do mitzvos with sincerity and joy.

    Rabbi Reuven Bauman grew up in Teaneck, New Jersey. He lived in Elizabeth, New Jersey; Savannah, Georgia; and most recently Norfolk, Virginia, where he was a beloved rebbe at Yeshivas Toras Chaim. He left a profound impact on his students and all who came into contact with him. He also authored the children’s book Yanky’s Amazing Discovery. Learn More

  4. Tefillos of Chodesh Tishrei for Soldiers of Tzivos Hashem Learn More
  5. Here's a great way for kids to learn about the yomim tovim (holidays) and have fun at the same time! On each big, beautiful page, they can search and find objects connected to each yom tov as they count from 1 to 10! Then, at the end, they can test their smarts as they match up each object with its yom tov.

    Learning and enjoyment for kids ages 3 to 8! Learn More

  6. The forty days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur provide a unique opportunity for spiritual awakening. They engender an urgent call for heartfelt and lasting teshuva to carry us through the rest of the Jewish year and beyond.

    But however powerful this awakening might be, what is its longterm impact? Does the desire to change actually last, or does it quickly dissipate, leaving us year after year in more or less the same (frustrating) place? How can we ensure that our sincere intentions and lofty aspirations for teshuva should translate into actual change?

    Teshuva: Restoring Life offers answers to these vexing questions by drawing on Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin's seminal work Nefesh HaChaim, transforming its profound insight into a practical, readable and user-friendly guide to teshuva.

    Rabbi Reuven Leuchter, a prominent disciple of the late Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt"l, is a leading ba'al mussar of our generation and author of a recently published Hebrew commentary on Sefer Nefesh HaChaim. Rabbi Leuchter has served as a Mashgiach in several Yeshivos. He currently delivers numerous weekly Mussar vaadim and other shiurim throughout Israel and abroad, as well as training budding young rabbis for rabbinic or kiruv careers with Ner Le'Elef.

    Teshuva: Restoring Life was originally presented in a series of vaadim to a diverse group of students, whose positive experience was the impetus for this book. Learn More

  7. We Can Do Mitzvos Around the Jewish Year

    The days go past, the weeks fly by,

    Around and around we go.

    Let's read about the Jewish year,

    There's lots to learn, you know!

    Come be part of the action as Jewish children join their parents and get involved in the holidays! With lively rhymes and vivid illustrations,We Can Do Mitzvos Around the Jewish Year tells what each Yom Tov is all about, showing mitzvos that kids can do on each of these special days. Learn More

  8. Winning Recipes for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur & Sukkos Learn More
  9. Wake Up To The New Year

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