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  1. Are you searching for your soulmate?

    Is the person you are dating now the one?

    Daniel Ratner, sought-after speaker and life coach, is here to guide you to happily ever after. With his proven and successful Four Phases of Love formula, you will reach the loving and fulfilling marriage you’ve always dreamed of.

    Infinite Marriage offers concepts that are simple and relatable, guidelines that are easily remembered with the use of catchy phrases, and a dating worksheet to help you discover your soulmate and “merit your bashert”!

    “Original, creative, and innovative…”

    Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg

    About the Author:

    Coach Ratner is a former world-class rare coin dealer and real estate developer in America. He now lives in Israel, teaching and giving stimulating seminars throughout the country. His focus is on personal growth, relationships, and spiritual motivation. He also has a weekly show, “The Living in Clarity Podcast,” on YouTube and all major podcast outlets. You can find him speaking weekly at the Aish Essentials program in the Old City of Jerusalem, or at Learn More

  2. In Mareh Kohen, the stirring liturgical poem recited on Yom Kippur, the radiant appearance of the kohen gadol after completing the avodah of the holiest day of the year is compared to the look of a chosson on his wedding day, and with good reason. A newlywed bride and groom emerge from under the chuppah with radiant faces, envisioning all their dreams unfolding before them, sure that their home will be a model of happiness and holiness.

    But sometimes, once the routine of ordinary life sets in, that radiance gives way to tension and sadness; the young spouses look like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, dragging themselves around as if old age has caught up with them prematurely.

    Is this disenchantment inevitable? What does it take to sustain a marriage and keep it blissful, all the way from the chuppah to the golden years?

    This illuminating book, by Rav Dovid Levy of the Pele Yoetz Center in Jerusalem, explains how to build a strong and durable framework for marriage. No matter what challenges come their way, a couple that puts this knowledge to practice will be able to look to each other and yes, really find the ahavah, achvah, shalom v'reus that everyone was singing about at their sheva brachos. Learn More

  3. When a loved one passes away, it is a time of darkness and mourning for those left behind.

    Presented from the authentic Torah viewpoint and filled with chizuk and emunahWhen You’ve Lost a Loved One will bring light and hope to those feeling bereft and lost in a world forever altered. In his soft and uplifting style, Rabbi Keilson transforms the year of aveilus to one of healing and comfort—for aveilus is very real, but so is nechamah. And there is room for both.

    “I rejoiced when they told me that your precious sefer…to strengthen broken hearts with emunah, is about to come out.”

    Rav Yitzchok Kolodetsky

    “Harav Dov Keilson has taken upon himself to strengthen and give solace to people who have experienced sadness in their lives…the broken hearts of Klal Yisrael will gain great chizuk from this sefer.”

    Rav Yaakov Bender

    About the Author:

    Rabbi Dov Keilson resides with his family in Far Rockaway, New York, and serves as the mashgiach ruchani of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo/Yeshiva Darchei Torah for the past twenty-two years. He counsels talmidim throughout the day and gives mussar vaadim at night. He is the author of three books prior to this one and gives classes to young men in preparation for marriage as well. He is sought after for his guidance and advice, which is given over with warmth and heart. Learn More

  4. In The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage, Rabbi Reuven Epstein provides a thorough and practical handbook for individuals navigating the journey of dating for marriage. This book is designed for singles, and those supporting singles through this process, covering everything from the initial research stages to the date itself. This book demystifies the secrets to dating successfully to ultimately walking down the aisle.

    With a focus on guiding readers through the various stages, this book includes essential questions that anyone exploring this stage should ask others… and themselves. Organized into progressive sections, starting with "The Dater's Mindset," this book offers a comprehensive analysis, equipping individuals with strategies to uncover the potential in each date.

    This book is as much a self-discovery book as it is a dating guidebook. "The Complete Guidebook to Dating for Marriage" is a vital resource for Jewish singles and an essential manuscript that addresses all aspects of the dating journey.

    “This work is a must for all considering entering shidduchim”

    — From the approbation of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits Learn More

  5. From newlyweds to seasoned couples, you “2” can become a dynamic duo! Wise, practical, down to earth, this book on marriage provides an outstanding tool kit with clear instructions for DIY couples. This book will strengthen marriages in a world where the institution of marriage is being threatened in many ways.

    “Wise, practical, down-to-earth... Couples who use the wisdom in this book are sure to benefit. Highly recommended."

    Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, Author, “10 Really Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make."

    “More than ever, we need ‘maintenance and repair’ to keep our marriages running smoothly. This book provides an outstanding tool kit with clear instructions for DIY couples. An extraordinary contribution."

    Rabbi Avrohom Braun, Dean Emeritus, Ohr Somayach Monsey

    “This book is an absolute must-read! Highly practical and down-to-earth. I highly recommend it, especially considering the current state of communication deficits in our society. I will recommend it to all parents in our program.”

    Rabbi Yaacov Goodman, Founder and Director, EPIC Family

    “Clear, concise, and on point, this book will certainly be helpful to many.”

    Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President, Orthodox Union

    “The Making of a Dynamic Duo will guide you to achieve the most important connection of your lives. Reach this goal by studying this book daily with your life partner to learn all the wonderful lessons it has to offer.”

    Shaya Ostrov, LCSW, Author, “The Menuchah Principle in Marriage”

    “A quality presentation that will strengthen marriages in a world where the concept of marriage is being threatened in many ways… The book is presented in an interesting manner, with ideas that make sense and reflect normalcy (which is rare today!).”

    Rabbi Zev Leff, Rabbi of Moshav Matityahu/Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Gedolah Matityahu

    “A dynamic book for those who want to build a meaningful and lasting marriage… A great read with many important and practical lessons to implement into our marriages and lives.”

    Professor Ari Wasserman, Lecturer, Author, “Making it All Work”

    Donny Frank is a licensed marriage and family therapist and has been connecting couples and families though private practice and workshops for over 25 years.

    He can be reached at [email protected] Learn More

  6. A great marriage is about connection.

    In this book, world-renowned speaker Rebbetzin Debbie Greenblatt shares her decades of wisdom and experience and reveals the secrets that can make an ordinary marriage extraordinary.

    “This is a magnificent work guaranteed to strengthen your marriage. Read every line.”
    -- Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, New York

    "This is an outstanding book from someone who has years of experience in helping people develop themselves and their marriages. It combines real depth with the most practical advice. The many fascinating stories lend a tangible reality to her critically important insights. This work manages to teach serious material while still being easy reading (and entertaining!). Highly recommended!”
    -- Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, Noted scholar, physician, and author

    “What if the solution for a great marriage is as simple as learning the basics of connection? This book can help you embrace the Divine gift of your spouse, turn a difficult marriage into a deep connection, or make a good marriage great!”
    -- Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, Renowned scholar, speaker, and educator Learn More

  7. In Never Alone, geared for teens who have lost a parent, popular writer, educator, and speaker Rabbi Y. Y. Rubinstein - himself orphaned of his father as an adolescent - sensitively and thoughtfully shares a path toward healing and moving forward. There are so many feelings a young teen in this position might be feeling - sadness, anger, pain, and guilt, among others - in addition to having numerous loaded questions about it all. With warmth, wisdom, and understanding, Rabbi Y. Y. offers validation, reassurance, answers, advice, and even some smiles.

    Also included are pieces written by world-renowned maggid Rabbi Paysach Krohn; highly sought-after psychologist Mrs. Mindy Blumenfeld; and others who experienced profound losses yet whose experiences built them into the strong and supportive people they became.


    The heartwarming real-life stories offer hope and encouragement and remind us that we are not alone in our pain. If you're looking for a book that will reassure, empower, and uplift you, here it is!
    -Rabbi Aron Litwin, MA, director of Mekimi, UK


    Rabbi Rubinstein has for many years been involved in Pillars and Links, the two largest organizations dedicated to helping children who have sadly lost a parent. His new book, Avi Yesomim, is a lovely, kindhearted book. I highly recommend it.
    -Rabbi Shimon Russell, LCSW, world-renowned parenting, marriage, and educational expert


    Avi Yesomim captures the real-life candor, clarity, and charisma that are synonymous with Rabbi Rubinstein's approach... This book is a heartfelt analysis of the realities relevant to orphaned children; a book that is valuable and necessary to bear them through loss and grief...

    -Shoshana Rube, director of Pillars Learn More
  8. The Raavad explains that had woman been created from the earth as was man, they would have gone their separate and independent ways. Instead, Hashem created one from the other to demonstrate the need for them to live together as a single unit. This concept is reflected in the commentaries of the Ramban and Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch on the pasuk, “והיו לבשר אחד — And they shall become one flesh” (Bereishis 2:24), which explain that “one flesh” constitutes one mind, one heart, and one soul. Indeed, the Zohar teaches that before uniting in marriage, man and woman are only a plag gufa, half a person.

    Standing under the chuppah transforms two separate individuals into that single cohesive unit that Hashem intended. Maintaining that indivisibility, central to achieving a successful marriage, requires vigilant focus on

    shalom bayis


    As a pioneer in the field of Jewish publications in the English language, Rabbi Chaim Press began his luminous career with a holiday series entitled What Is the Reason? which became a popular teacher’s aid in the classroom.

    His latest publications are:

    The Future Festival: Laws, Traditions, and Customs of the Three Weeks and Tishah B'Av, Their Origin and Rationale, Concern for the Living: A Compendium of Laws, Traditions and Customs on Mourning; Their Origin and Rationale, The Eternal Bond: A Guide to the Laws, Customs, and Traditions of the Jewish Wedding Learn More

  9. Written by a husband-and-wife team who have been teaching taharas hamishpachah to a wide spectrum of men and women for over a decade — and who have ongoing interaction with well-known poskim — Wellsprings of Taharah is an ideal resource for chassanim, kallahs, married couples, and marriage instructors.

    No matter your background or stage in life, you will gain new insights and attain a newfound appreciation for the laws of Jewish family purity from this work. With comprehensive explanations, practical tips, Torah-true hashkafah, and illustrative stories, Wellsprings of Taharah is a significant and welcomed addition to Torah literature.

    “This is a wonderful sefer which will contribute to the klal.”

    — Rav Asher Weiss

    “This work covers the full gamut of the topics relevant to taharas hamishpachah. I commend the authors for a quality presentation.”

    — Rav Zev Leff

    “Everything was done with expert knowledge. [This sefer is] beautifully organized and is written in exact and clear easy-to-understand language.”

    — Rav Dovid Yosef

    Rabbi Yitzchak and Miriam Goldberg are well-known educators, residing in Sanhedria, Yerushalayim. Rabbi Goldberg has been learning in kollel for close to two decades, currently learning in the Torah Ore beis midrash. He received semichah from Dirshu, and has been meshamesh Harav Yitzchak Berkovits, shlita, for more than a decade. He has also sat in numerous batei horaah, most notably that of Harav Nissim Karelitz, zt”l. He is currently partaking in a program learning Choshen Mishpat under the guidance of Harav Elchanan Peretz, shlita, a talmid muvhak of Harav Hagaon Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg, zt”l, the previous rosh yeshiva of Torah Ore.

    The Goldbergs have been teaching chassanim and kallahs for over a decade, as well as providing halachic and marital counseling for married couples. The Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael have been directly involved with Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg, both in the preparation of this sefer as well as in the shiurim they offer, guiding them in the halachos and hashkafos of taharas hamishpachah and other marriage-related matters. With the ongoing hadrachah of these Gedolim, the Goldbergs are ideally suited to address the ever-growing challenges that face our generation in these areas from a Torah-true perspective.

    Rabbi Goldberg is also the author of Matza Chen, a sefer on hilchos shaliach tzibbur, and Mrs. Goldberg is the author of Purely Inspired, a compilation of inspirational taharas hamishpachah stories.

    Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg offer separate in-person sessions and recorded series for men and women in taharas hamishpachah, shalom bayis, emunah, and tefillah, which have become popular internationally. You can learn more about them at Learn More

  10. The Simchah of Marriage, A Life Of Connection

    Every woman has the ability to joyously develop her relationship with Hashem and to build herself through the circumstances of her life. Every woman can be a world of positive influence for those around her. But sometimes, we need a little help figuring out how to do it.

    Ohel Rochel is the instruction manual we need.

    For over twenty-five years, Rochel Miller has shared the wisdom of this sefer with women all over the world. The Simchah of Marriage is a taste of her classes: a combination of deep Torah ideas coupled with practical exercises and easy-to-remember catchphrases. This is the mesorah of learning to understand who we are and maximizing our potential to create a life and a marriage brimming with the satisfaction of simchah.

    “Rochel Miller’s classes transformed my marriage and my life. She taught me that if you change your own attitude and behavior, you will change your marriage — with amazing results.”

    Sara Yoheved Rigler, bestselling author

    “Mrs. Miller's shiurim on building the Jewish home have changed the lives of thousands.”

    Rabbi Leib Kelemen, Rosh Kollel, Center for Kehillah Development

    Rochel Miller was raised in Boston, Massachusetts, the daughter of Holocaust survivors. She married Manny Miller, z”l, and together they raised a beautiful, growing family in Queens, NY, until they immigrated to Israel in 1993. Mrs. Miller spent her first eleven years in Israel learning the secrets of the eternal Jewish home with Rebbetzin Talya Helfer. The class was based on the sefer, Ohel Rochel. Realizing that this precious learning was missing in the English-speaking world, Mrs. Miller was inspired to share her learning through teaching. Her classes began in Jerusalem 25 years ago, and now take place in person and over Zoom in Israel, USA, South Africa and England. The classes have been called “life-changing,” “healing,” and “medicine for our generation.” This book, The Simchah of Marriage, is a continuation of Mrs. Miller’s classes, a gift for the many women who have felt deprived and unaware of the true inner peace and goals of the Jewish marriage. Information about Mrs. Miller’s classes and hashkafic marriage counseling can be found on our website,

    Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rebecca has a BA in Bible from Stern College and an MA in Medieval Jewish History from Revel. For over two decades she had the privilege, together with her husband, Rabbi Ely Allen, and their children, to run the Jewish Outreach Network kiruv organization from their home in New Jersey. In 2015 the Allen family made aliyah to Ramat Beit Shemesh. In addition to writing this book, Rebecca has also done freelance writing and editing for several publications, and occasionally posts Torah thoughts on her website, Learn More

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