Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

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  1. A delightful interactive book for the young ones!

    Can you figure out which mitzvah object I am?

    Let me give you a hint ... then lift the flap to discover the answer!

    Ages 3 and up. Learn More

  2. It’s a beautiful day for a picnic in the park!

    As Yael gets ready to enjoy the delicious food, Mommy reminds her to make a brachah. “But why?” asks Yael. Join Yael as she discovers why making brachos is so important!

    Yael is a Lite Girl, and you can be one, too!

    The Lite Girl Series -- love ... inspire ... teach ... encourage Learn More

  3. Every child needs this book!

    It’s easy for kids to feel discouraged when they make mistakes. Kayla made a mistake. And then another one. And another.

    But it’s okay … Everybody does! In this heartwarming book, Kayla learns that our mistakes don’t define us. Even when we make mistakes, we’re still good. We just need to try our best! Learn More

  4. Every mitzvah is an adventure!

    This exciting book introduces children to mitzvos while challenging them with two different fun activities.

    Perfect for ages 4 to 7 Learn More

  5. Discover a Classic Work - And Watch Your Own Tefillos Soar!

    Of course, we daven. Of course, we say the words.

    But have you ever wanted to bring authentic passion and fire to your tefillos?

    Have you ever wanted to truly feel connected to Hashem through your mitzvos, and even through your day-to-day activities? This classic sefer will help.

    Published close to 250 years ago by Rav Alexander Ziskind of Horodna, Sefer Yesod VeShoresh HaAvodah outlines the kavanos, the intentions we should have before performing any mitzvah. It also brilliantly describes the intensity and kavanos we should have in our prayers, and the deeper meaning of specific tefillos.

    This volume includes a phrase-by-phrase translation, elucidation, detailed explanatory notes and a summary at the end of each chapter. Each feature has been carefully designed to guide the reader into understanding the sefer's many vital teachings and make the sefer accessible to all.

    Finally, we can bring the author's passion, fervor and holiness into our own lives, and into our own mitzvos and tefillos, profoundly deepening our connection to prayer and to our Creator.

    Vol. 2 contains She'arim (Gateways) 5-7 of the sefer, covering the following topics, among others:

    • Shaar 5 — The Gate of the Offering: Inspirational thoughts to enhance our Shemoneh Esrei and the conclusion of Shacharis, as well as halachos and minhagim pertaining to those parts of the davening and Krias HaTorah.
    • Shaar 6 — The Gate of the Spark: An exposition of the tremendous value of Torah study, a program for mastering all areas of Torah, and kavanos to be pondered before learning each area of Torah.
    • Shaar 7 — The Gate of the Firstborn: How to serve Hashem through one’s eating (based on the teachings of Arizal), a related discussion delineating a proper approach to enjoying worldly pleasures, kavanos for Bircas HaMazon, and inspirational thoughts to enhance our prayers of Minchah, Maariv, and the Bedtime Krias Shema. Learn More
  6. The period between Pesach and Shavuos comes with the customs and sadness of mourning and the joyful halachos of counting S’firas Ho’Omer. In this book, Rabbi Meyer Bodner adapts the style and clarity of his distinguished father’s widely circulated sefarim (Halachos of Muktza, Halachos of Brochos, etc.) to elucidate the practical need-to know customs and halachos of S’firas Ho’Omer.

    For example:

    • May one attend and dance at a friend’s wedding and Sheva Brochos on days when it is his custom to show aveilus?
    • Is it permitted to listen to relaxing music when it is his custom to show aveilus?
    • May a women cut her nails, tweeze her eyebrows or have electrolysis done while keeping the customary aveilus?
    • Is it permitted to take a haircut or shave on the first day of Shloshes Yemei Hagbola?
    • May a bar mitzvah celebration be scheduled on a day other than the boy’s birthday (not bo b’yom)?
    • If one mistakenly counted the days but omitted the weeks, or cannot remember if yesterday he counted correctly, may he continue counting with a brocha?
    • May a woman count with a brocha and may she be motzi her friend?

    Reviewed for halachic accuracy by Rabbi Shmuel Felder shlit”a and edited and reviewed by Rabbi Yisroel Pinchos Bodner shlit”a, this sefer accurately provides the answer to these and a myriad of other questions and quandaries concerning the customs and halachos of S’firas Ho’Omer. Learn More

    • What constitutes a halachic discussion?
    • How do we arrive at each conclusion?
    • Why is the process so complex?
    • Who may serve as a halachic authority?
    • When can one ask a second halachic opinion?

    In The Making of a Halachic Discussion, Rabbi Moshe Walter explores the history of halachic decision making, beginning with the Rif and Rambam continuing through the Mishnah Berurah and contemporary halachic works. Comprehensive definitions of halachic terminology are elucidated along with the laws of ruling on halachic queries and their application. Explore the fascinating world of p’sak halachah with this newly revised and designed edition. Your questions on the halachic process will be acknowledged and examined, ultimately resulting in an infinitely deeper appreciation of the ins and outs of this area of Torah.

    “I am positive that anyone who brings this book into his house will be helped in many issues.”

    Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt

    “Many will learn from here how to successfully reach ture p’sak halachah.”

    Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky

    “This work will be of great benefit to both teachers and students.”

    Rabbi Dovid Cohen

    “This sefer clarifies in a profound and fundamental manner the method of p’sak and the basics of halachic decision making. It seems to me that it is very important for both poskim and laymen. … It excels in clarity, integrity, and great breadth.”

    Rabbi Asher Zelig Weiss

    Rabbi Moshe Walter serves as the Rav of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah and is the executive director of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington. Learn More

  7. Do you have a role model in your life — someone whose guidance you can trust implicitly, knowing it stems from daas Torah and mesorah?

    Toras ImechaGlimpses of Greatness for the Aspiring Bas Yisrael provides brief biographical sketches and inspiring vignettes from the lives of nashim tzidkaniyos who lived in contemporary times.

    Through their mesiras nefesh, America was built into a makom Torah.

    In collaboration with families and talmidos, Mrs. Malka Weisman has produced a book that highlights the noble deeds and characters of these outstanding women, so that we can apply their practical teachings to our everyday lives.

    Artist Dr. Leslie Michal Elder has succeeded in capturing the nobility of twenty-two tzidkaniyos through her brilliant full-color oil portraits. The portraits draw the reader in and make the book appealing and relatable to bnos Yisrael of all ages.

    Whether you are just becoming a bas mitzvah, are already a venerable grandmother, or are at any other life stage, these narratives offer an authentic echo of our Imahos to learn from. Like a cherished companion, this treasury flows with timeless wisdom, whispering guidance on the path towards our greatest selves.

    “This work distills gems from the lives of some of our finest heroines, tailored to nurture the growth of our daughters.”

    Rav Mattisyahu Chaim Salomon, zt”l

    “Toras Imecha stirs the heart toward yiras Shamayim and good middos.”

    Rav Nechemia Kaplan

    “I hope, that all the great, chashuva ladies who are mentioned in this book will serve as role models to the readers for what a real bas Yisrael is.”

    Rebbetzin Shoshana Gifter

    “Your scrupulous research has painted a breathtaking tapestry of the n’shei chayil that touched our world. Each one is captured in small vignettes that highlight relevant lessons for today’s frum woman.”

    Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner

    “This masterpiece of a book will surely serve to show women of all ages the heights to which they can aspire.”

    Rebbetzin Malka Paretzky Learn More

  8. Fascinating True Stories About Good Children Like You

    Something goes very wrong during Bentzy's haircut. What thank-you gift does he give his friends afterward? And can they even be called friends?

    Aryeh doesn't like his grandfather's treats. What happens 
    when he suddenly wants just one more?
    Chaim Dov is newly orphaned of his mother. He decides to be very kind to his father and not tell him how sad he feels. Is it the right thing to do? Will it make things easier?
    Yehudah has a fever - so why is he being forced to go to  cheder? 
    And what happens thirty-two years later?
    Duvi insists on dragging his father to the big shul on Shavuos night. But will they be in the beis midrash or in the kitchen?
    Elimelech is the king of the class, and he makes an embarrassing mistake. Can anything convince him to admit it?
    A collection of fascinating true stories about good children like you, from bestselling author Moshe Gutman

    Stories about all the different parts of your lives, at home, school and shul. Stories about your thoughts and feelings, your friends and family. Stories that will increase your inner strength and your love of chessed.
    As you read, you will surely find yourselves among the heroes of the book. And you'll be happy to learn that there is always a good path that you can follow, and that every situation has a good solution.

    Enjoy! Learn More
  9. Canceled, A Novel
    Could one plane ride change a person's entire life?

    Influencer Leslie Stone is flying from New York to  Los Angeles, minding her own business, when fate steps in and changes everything. An innocent exchange takes place, a hidden camera records it all, and before the plane even lands, Leslie is persona non grata. 
    A viral video has cost her 300K followers on social media. For all intents and purposes, she has been canceled.

    Is the solution in Vietnam? 

    Or maybe on the Staten Island ferry?

    If the old Leslie was canceled, who will the new one be? Learn More

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