Tanach (Bible)

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  1. Nesivos Shalom was authored by Rabbi Shalom Noach Berezovsky, the Slonimer Rebbe zt”l, and is one of the most popular Chassidic works of our generation. Although it was intended for his Chassidim and followers, it is revered and cherished by Jews across the religious spectrum all over the world. Unlike most Chassidic works, which contain difficult language or topics, this sefer presents the basic concepts of Chassidus clearly and concisely.

    For the first time ever, these practical Torah teachings are available in English, so that a much wider audience can imbibe its nurturing wellsprings Learn More

  2. The Torah is not simply a set of laws, but a living guidebook to our everyday lives.

    Welcome to "The Spirit of Torah" which will give you the opportunity to connect with the actual text of our great spiritual thinkers and teachers. Words can be so powerful, communicating deep meaning and delivering a message so rich and accurate. The words selected by the Rishonim and Achronim to communicate their ideas are full of life with a perpetual and very relevant message for us all. Become inspired as you allow the ideas and insights presented in this book penetrate your heart and offer new understandings of the Torah - and life.


    I am sure it will bring great benefit to all who read it, and especially in that you bring the words of the Acharonim in full, enabling them to see the actual source. I am certain that the work will bring great satisfaction to all who learn it, thereby bringing them benefit and causing great satisfaction in the Heavens above, in that every reader will be uplifted from the ideas he learns thereof.

    --Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky

    His Torah thoughts are not presented merely as a condensed gut vort tailored for the "on the run" reader known for its brevity and conciseness. Rather, the intent of the author is to give the reader the opportunity to actually learn the text in the original Lashon Hakodesh form and is accompanied with its English translation, as he skillfully weaves and develops the thought to its conclusion. At the end, one is left with a new insight food for thought, that if incubated could shape one's future conduct and deepen his relationship with Hashem, his fellow Yid, and himself.

    Rav Shmuel Brazil

    About the Author

    Aaron Muller is originally from Brooklyn, New York. He attended Yeshivas Mercaz HaTorah of Belle Harbor as a talmid of Rabbi Levi Dicker, zt"l, and subsequently Yeshivas Mir, Yerushalayim. He resides with his family in Monsey, New York and works as a speech-language pathologist. He is also the founder and creator of the popular Torah website Parshasheets.com, which shares hundreds of weekly divrei Torah from authors around the globe. Learn More

  3. A captivating book of divrei Torah based on insights and stories of the great Roshei Yeshivos, Mashgichim, Poskim and Chassidic Rebbes of recent generations.

    As a rebbe in Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah, the author, Rabbi Mosher Krieger, knows what messages are relevant to students, and he understands exactly how to present them - with the right story and the right insight; Gedolei Yisroel on the Parashah is a testimony to that!


    ….well written, interesting, informative, and inspiring…

    Rabbi Zev Leff Learn More

  4. סיפורים על הרבי מליובאוויטש לאור פרשת השבוע - דברים Learn More
  5. סיפורים על הרבי מליובאוויטש לאור פרשת השבוע - ויקרא Learn More
  6. The oppressed Jewish nation faces complete annihilation, but is miraculously saved by an unexpected series of natural events. Was the chain of changes a string of natural coincidences and events, or was it a medley of masterfully orchestrated miracles? Is the Purim story a one-time occurrence? Or is there a deeper, timeless message hidden within this ancient account?

    In Glimpses of Light, Rabbi Yehudah Steinberg, delves into Megillas Esther and extracts the underlying messages hidden in the seemingly straightforward Purim story. Presenting the words of Chazal, midrashim, parables, and anecdotes in a lucid fashion, the author brings home the profound relevance of the Megillah's lessons for us, even today, so that we can truly appreciate the concept of hashgachah pratis and discover a fresh inspiration for trust in Hashem.

    An invaluable sourcebook for rabbis, educators, and laymen alike, this enlightening and inspiring book is vital for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of and appreciation for Megillas Esther and a more meaningful Purim experience.

    Rabbi Yehuda Steinberg is a product of the Yeshivahs of Gateshead, England, and Be'er Yaakov, Eretz Yisrael. He is the author of the popular books Harvest of Kindness on Megillas Rus and Tears of Hope, Seeds of Redemption on Megillas Eichah. Glimpses of Light is the third of a projected five-volume series on the Megillos. He is also the author of Kavei El Hashem (Hebrew) on bitachon. Rabbi Steinberg resides in England with his family where he is the Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Zichron Nosson Tzvi and a popular and sought-after speaker. Learn More

  7. Understanding the names of parshios and people Learn More
  8. Parsha Pearls  -  Bereishis/Shemos
    Parsha Pearls - Bereishis/Shemos Learn More

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