Marriage & Relationships

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  1. No more whispering behind closed doors!

    Intimacy is vital to authentic marital relationships and profoundly affects each of us in deep and meaningful ways.
    Bringing this ever important subject to the forefront of Jewish conversation, Morozow and Slonim beckon the reader to join them in an exploration of the spiritual side to intimacy.

    Expertly weaving together Torah, halacha, chassidut, and psychology, they imbue the conversation with inspirational insights and practical advice.

    With an empathetic emphasis on contemporary issues — from the effect of social media on a couple’s intimacy to the dangers of pornography and other forms of objectification of women’s bodies, from the importance of female sexual pleasure to scientific breakthroughs regarding fertility — this groundbreaking book is vital and inspirational reading for women of all ages, levels of observance, and Jewish backgrounds.

    As a physician and Nishmat trained 

    yoetzet halacha … I know how important it is for women to have such information and how much accurate knowledge prevents suffering … I highly recommend this book.
    Deena Zimmerman, MD, MPH, IBCLC

    Morozow and Slonim carry their balancing act through with panache, delicacy and realism, all shot through with holiness, practicality and even humor. They take the most popular topic in the world, and project an inspirational view of the marriage relationship … Such an important book.
    Kate Miriam Loewenthal, PhD Learn More

  2. A Comprehensive Torah-Based Guide To A Happy And Well-Balanced Marriage

    The Dos and Don’ts of Staying Happily Married gives couples the proper keys to achieving happiness throughout their married lives. Proper hadrachah is the first step to a successful marriage. Entering marriage without it is like trying your luck to repair a complicated electronic device. You could be lucky and connect the right wires to make it work, but making a slight mistake could ruin the entire device.

    In this essential book, readers will benefit from the clear guidelines of Torah teachings, including Chazal and contemporary rabbanim, as well as from the author’s extensive counseling experience. Together, these provide life-changing tools for staying happily married — forever.

    “Marriage opens the door to simchas ha’chaim and has the ability to improve every dimension of one’s life. However, one needs the proper keys to enter; if the keys are broken, he’ll break through the door, causing disastrous results and the ruination of his life.”

    Rav Moshe Aharon Stern

    Rabbi Morgenstern is a world-renowned authority on shalom bayis and chinuch ha’banim.

    A native New Yorker, Rabbi Morgenstern attended Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, then continued his studies in Israel at Yeshiva Torah Ore and Kollels Brisk and Mir, where he received his rabbinical ordination.

    Rabbi Morgenstern is presently affiliated with Arachim, one of the leading Jewish outreach organizations, and has been active in Jewish education and outreach for over two decades. He lectured internationally in high schools, girls’ seminaries, and adult groups, and was the senior halachah teacher in EYAHT, Aish Hatorah’s College of Jewish Studies for Women, for almost two decades.

    He also practices family counseling and lectured extensively in Israel and abroad on shalom bayis, chinuch ha’banim, family communication, shidduchim, and dating, and has produced a popular MP3 series on these topics. His articles on these topics and Jewish hashkafah have appeared internationally in Jewish newspapers and magazines.

    Rabbi Morgenstern also hosts interactive teleconferencing classes on the halachos of daily living, and workshops on child-raising and family relationships. Learn More

  3. Every strong, lasting structure must be built upon a firm foundation, including marriage! Harmony in the Home provides a Torah-based blueprint for a successful, fulfilling marriage, written by one of the gedolim of our age.

    Rabbi Chaim Friedlander zt”l, noted mashgiach of Yeshivas Ponevezh, realized over thirty-five years ago that young men were lacking in basic concepts relating to marriage. His response was his classic work, now available in English, that addresses the ideas, insights, strategies, and guidelines — the fundamental building blocks — that go into creating a satisfying, lifelong marriage relationship.

    Written specifically for Jewish men, the author discusses: the goal and purpose of marriage from a Torah perspective, understanding the different natures of men and women, the role and responsibility of the husband, the importance of gratitude, how to create positive emotional bonds, how to foster love, giving, pleasant communication, and much more.

    Throughout the text, the translator also includes many precious gems from the classic work of another renowned mashgiach, Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt”l, relating to newlyweds and shalom bayis. These two groundbreaking works complement each other to create a treasure trove of wisdom indispensable to a successful marriage.

    We live in challenging times, in a corrosive culture where marriage is constantly under attack. Filled with everlasting wisdom, encouraging insights, and practical guidelines, Harmony in the Home not only equips you with the ingredients needed for a joyous marriage and flourishing family life — it also fortifies you with the perspective and direction needed to thrive in such trying times. Learn More

  4. The Mysteries Revealed

    Do you know why a kallah carries flowers? Or what kind of candle should be used when walking a chassan or kallah down the aisle? Or the importance of the type of veil worn by the kallah?

    A Jewish wedding and its secular counterpart are as different as day and night. The purpose of a Jewish marriage is for the chassan and kallah to construct a bayis ne'eman, to create a home that welcomes the Shechinah in its midst, to help build Klal Yisrael. To that end, the chasunah, which is the commencement of this marriage, is an extremely holy day, filled with tremendous meaning, and replete with many customs that carry great significance.

    If a chassan and kallah prepare for their wedding properly, understanding the kedushah of the day and its vast potential, they will be empowered to build a magnificent edifice together, with vast gains both in the physical and spiritual realms. This book, which provides a glimpse into the traditions done at a Jewish wedding and the deep meanings behind them, is a wonderful tool to help chassanimkallahs, and their families appreciate the value of each detail of the big event.

    Rabbi Dovid Meisels, author of the popular Secrets series, has done extensive research into the what's, how's, and why's of the many customs performed at a Jewish wedding, the results of which is this book. As with all of Rabbi Meisels's books, the material has been culled from midrashimChazal, and the sefarim hakedoshim. Enter your marriage with the right mindset. Understand why we do what we do at a wedding, and begin building your own beautiful bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael

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  5. With haskamos from the leading poskim of the previous generation, Sefer Orchos Taharah is a classic. The halachos are written in a clear, concise manner, making it the option of choice for anyone wanting a quick reference or a full review. The explanations found at the back of the sefer give the reader a glimpse into the depth, complexity, and mesorah that goes into every psak. They are all-encompassing and unambiguous, appealing to layman and scholar, young and old alike.

    With this new, easy-to-read translation, Rabbi Tessler makes this sefer, so integral to a Jewish home, more accessible to men and women who want to learn, review, and retain these beautiful and important halachos.

    [T]he translation is thorough, accurate, and reads exactly as intended by Rabbi Isaac Kahana… I cannot recommend this sefer enough.

    –Rabbi Shmuel Weiner

    Sefer Orchos Taharah is a very popular sefer… Rabbi Netanel Tessler, shlita, has done a beautiful job in translating it into English…easy to read and accessible to all.

    –Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst

    A unique gift to the Torah world. Reb Netanel has prepared many chassanim for marriage and understands the complexities and challenges that face our youth in building Torah-true homes… [T]his volume will be a significant addition to the olam haTorah.

    –Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Senter

    About the Author

    Rav Yitzchok Isaac Kahana, hailing from a family of rabbanim, learned by the poskei ha’dor of the last generation, including Rav Moshe Aryeh Friend, the Gaavad of Yerushalayim; Rav Henoch Padwa, the baal Cheshev V’Ephod; the Maharitz Dushinsky; and Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss, the Raavad of Yerushalayim and the baal Minchas Yitzchok. He was the rav in Brachfeld before becoming a rav in Zupnick, where Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss was rav previously. The constant stream of people asking his halachic and hashkafic guidance at his beis horaah is a reflection of his tireless efforts and deep-rooted drive to understand and have a crystal clear understanding of halachah in order to help each and every one of them.

    About the Translator

    Rabbi Tessler is a talmid of Yeshivas Ohr Hameir in Peekskill, New York. After marrying and settling in Eretz Yisrael, he learned in Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom under Rabbi Yaakov Hillel before becoming a first-seder rebbi in Yeshivas Aderes Hatorah, headed by Rabbi Senter, where he taught for five years. During his years in Eretz Yisrael, Rabbi Tessler developed deep relationships with Rabbi Shmuel Weiner and Rabbi Leizer Haltufsky, with whom he remains in close contact, and received semichah from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg.

    Rabbi Tessler is a sought-after chassan rebbi, as well as an EMT and a graduate of Harvard Business School Online. Upon moving to Toronto, he became the director of first seder at the Thornhill Torah Educational Center, where he gives the daily shiur. Learn More

  6. Incredible shidduchim stories about real people and true events, past and present
    With selected halachic questions and fascinating anecdotes from RABBI YITZCHAK ZILBERSTEIN

    "'You have two problems: You have a daughter who needs to get married, and she's a top girl.' I smiled, but I didn't agree. True, a top girl sometimes has a harder time in shidduchim, but why not be optimistic?"

    "Sometimes a person thinks to himself, Who will want someone with a scar? Who will marry someone my age? Why did HaKadosh Baruch Hu do this to me? This person doesn't understand that everything that his Father in Heaven does for him is only a kindness and a mercy. It was specifically because of his scar that the bachur merited finding his special zivug who was waiting for him..."

    "A date was arranged. Then a second and a third. A few weeks later the shadchan was invited to the vort. When she entered the room, she was shocked when she saw who the kallah was--it was the older sister, not the younger sister whom she'd had in mind when she suggested the shidduch!"

    "As she waited for the storm to pass, she was reminded of the waiting inherent in the process of shidduchim. Waiting for your bashert. Waiting for the chasunah. Waiting to start a new life. Waiting and waiting for the right time... A rebellious tear slid, unbidden, down her cheek. How much longer must she wait?"

    We are living in a time of hester panim, when Hashem's providence is hidden from us. It's often hard to see how at every single moment everything is being orchestrated by Him, even though we know it's true. Yet there is one area, one time in a person's life, when Hashem's hashgachah can be seen openly, when one can palpably feel that Hashem is with him, orchestrating events. That area is shidduchim.

    When it comes to finding one's zivug, one's soul mate, there is no doubt: only HaKadosh Baruch Hu could have brought about the sequence of events that led to the creation of another bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael.

    A new story collection from the author of Bar Mitzvah and Tefillin and 102 Stories That Changed People's Lives Learn More
  7. Rabbi Yosef Shapiro has shared the personal struggle that he and his wife went through on their path to parenthood. This is a powerful story that offers information, hope, and encouragement for those on similar journeys. A Rabbi who counsels infertile couples in his community, Rabbi Shapiro has the unique vantage point to offer practical tips to those who are struggling, as well as advice to friends and family supporting them. In It Together will open your eyes to the world of infertility. When you read this book, be ready to cry during moments of pain, laugh during moments of joy, and experience the whirlwind of emotion that is ever-present during a couple's journey through infertility.

    "I highly recommend to anyone dealing with infertility, whether personally or by association, that they take the time to read this book. "

    Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky

    "Most impressive is how they shared their experiences and went to print to make use of their pain, disappointment, and gained knowledge in the service of those in need of support. "

    Rav Yitzchak Berkovits

    "For Rabbis and others in the helping professions advising couples, the experiences and emotions he so selflessly shares are irreplaceable if we want to accompany these couples as they walk this path. "

    Excerpt from the foreword by Rav Ilan Feldman Learn More

  8. Choosing the person with whom to spend the rest of your life is a major decision. Yet there has probably never been more confusion, more conflicting ideas, or more fear regarding how to find one’s zivug than we have today.

    M’nucha Bialik, an experienced shidduch coach and former “older” single, clears up the fog! The accumulated guidance of her newsletters, teleconferences, webinars, and workshops are all organized in this one book, inspiring and empowering at the same time. Now you too can join the many young men and women of all ages who have been led by M’nucha, step-by-step, on the road to finding their bashert.

    Whether you are just beginning to date or have been dating for years; a shadchan, mentor, parent, or friend; or simply fascinated by the topic — here is the source for skills, knowledge, and clarity to successfully navigate the shidduch maze with calmness.

    M’nucha Bialik has authored an important work that attempts to give both men and women the tools they need to make responsible decisions. The book contains chapters identifying external and internal obstacles to the shidduch process; the importance of knowing yourself; what to look for and what is less important; juggling and prioritizing values; tefillah and bitachon; how to deal with rejection and disappointment; and how to develop menuchas hanefesh (serenity of spirit) — a beautiful middah for both marrieds and singles. What makes the work especially valuable is the inclusion of exercises that translate the teachings of each chapter into actual practice. This work truly has the power to transform lives for the better.

    Rabbi Yitzchak A. Breitowitz

    Mrs. M’nucha Bialik helps you… become more open to Hashem’s hashgachah. The book gives you much needed guidance towards maintaining a positive attitude, plus chizuk and practical advice in navigating your way through one of life’s difficult journeys.

    Tziporah (Heller) Gottlieb

    This book will iy”H be of great help for all those just entering the shidduch scene, as well as for those who have been dating for a while.

    Rabbi Moshe Chalkowski Learn More

  9. Is my newlywed child’s behavior normal? Money stuff — so sticky!

    How much do I call and how much do I give them space? What kind of a relationship am I supposed to have with the mechutanim? Why do I feel so alone at the most intense juncture in my life?!

    When it comes to marrying off children, the beautiful journey to Nachasville can be punctuated by myriad bumps in the road. But now there’s no need to fly solo.

    With her trademark sparkle, Riva Pomerantz presents real stories from real people, then addresses tough issues by interviewing some of the biggest names in the Torah world: Rabbi Aryeh Nivin, Rebbetzin Feige Twerski, Mrs. Slovie Jungreis Wolff, Rebbetzin Rochel Lubin, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker, Mrs. Chani Juravel, and many others.

    This spectacular collection navigates confusion and conundrum, paving the way to happiness and fulfilling, healthy relationships for both parents and married children. No matter when that chasunah was or will be, everyone will benefit enormously from this practical, realistic handbook, the very first of its kind.

    The journey navigated in these pages will surely propel you from where you are to where you’d like to be. Learn More

  10. 10 Really Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make


    The straight-talking marriage book that Klal Yisrael has been waiting for.

    Every smart young couple starts their marriage with the same dreams, goals, and ideals. They’re one hundred percent sure that they will live in married bliss forever.

    Until they aren’t.

    Until the bickering, fighting, and loneliness become second nature and they are left wondering where they went wrong. Unfortunately, making a happy marriage is not intuitive, and most couples make the same fatal errors when trying to build their Torah home. They’re not aware that these minor infractions are ruining the most precious relationship of their life.

    Ten Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make will give you a new level of understanding for what makes a marriage work. It will coach you on the practical techniques you need in order to increase the intimacy and love in your marriage.

    Make sure that your marriage doesn’t succumb to the same mistakes that Rabbi Shafier has seen so many others make. Avoid these ten fundamental errors and build the most satisfying relationship imaginable.

    “I found the book enjoyable, easily understood, enlightening, and inspiring. This is truly an aid in enabling one to understand oneself and one’s spouse. I recommend this work to all couples who want to strengthen their marriages, whether or not they are experiencing problems. I also recommend it to all those in the process of finding a spouse as an excellent preparation for marriage.”

    HaRav Zev Leff shlita

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