Family & Parenting

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  1. A Torah approach to personal growth, marital harmony and childrearing Learn More
  2. How to bring the power and passion of Torah into our homes, our children - and ourselves Learn More
  3. Make Me, Don't Break Me

    Motivating children for success at home and in the classroom. A practical guide for parents and teachers. Learn More

  4. Effective Keys to a happier marriage.

    Here is a down-to-earth, no-nonsense guide to creating a more meaningful marriage. This volume combines profound insight into human relationships, together with practical wisdom resulting in a powerful set of tools that can enhance the lives of both newlyweds and longer married couples. Learn More

  5. Transmitting Torah Values to Our Children Learn More
  6. Regular Price: $25.75

    Special Price $24.75

    My Father, My Mother & Me

    So many books about parenting. Finally - a book about our parents.

    Everyone knows the importance of kibud av va'eim. Honoring parents is one of the Ten Commandments, something that every Jewish child learns in school.

    And then we grow up. Of course, we still want to be good sons and daughters. And yet, do we really understand how to fulfill this never-ending mitzvah — as adults?

    Do we know how the Torah expects us, grownup children, to treat our parents? What about stepparents or in-laws? What are our financial obligations? How do we balance our own needs, and the needs of our family, with those of our parents? What happens when our parents divorce? Or if a parent has a difficult or abusive personality? Do we have to love our parents?

    Rebbetzin Yehudis Samet, veteran educator and author of the classic The Other Side of the Story, brings us a book that is a game-changer; or, rather, a life-changer. It's a tour-de-force that includes:

    More than 170 stories of sons and daughters - of all ages - rising to the challenge of kibud av v'eim

    Strategies and common sense advice on dealing with the sensitive issues of "the sunset years"

    Comprehensive and clear halachos of kibud av v'eim

    My Father, My Mother and Me is a must-read book for everyone. Because everyone is someone's child. Learn More

  7. Shanah Rishonah: Build Your Dream

    Mazel tov! The engagement was glorious, the wedding was a joy. Now comes that magical, mysterious, and crucial time, shanah rishonah, the first year of marriage, when two separate people learn to become one beautiful new entity, to create the strong, enduring and happy home they long to build.

    Guess what? It's not always easy.

    He's punctual and orderly, you're a creative free spirit. Your family sat down to a full dinner every night, his mom orders takeout. He says one thing - and you hear another. You were destined for each other from before you were born, but how do two such different people learn to live together in harmony?

    In From Me to We: A guide to the first year of marriage... and beyond more than 50 wise, wonderful and experienced women (and some men too!) share their memories of shanah rishonah, the lessons learned, the adventures and misadventures of that unforgettable first year of marriage. It's all here: realistic, and unrealistic, expectations; how to communicate so that your spouse really hears you; how to fight right; starting out married life in Eretz Yisrael; dealing with mothers-in-law; what happens when you're expecting during the first year, and what happens when you're not. Here are stories, a good dose of humor, plenty of practical advice, and a deep understanding of every kallah's hopes and fears, doubts and dreams.

    In your shanah rishonah you leave "kallah la-la-land" to something so much richer - a shared life, a bayis ne'man b'Yisrael. This book will help make that journey into the joyful and exciting adventure it should be. Learn More

  8. Chinuch with Confidence, Practical guidance for parents and teachers
    My 16-year-old son texted me to say hello. Is that disrespectful? Or his way of showing love?

    "Everyone else's parents let." Is that a valid argument, or an opening to unacceptable behavior?

    How do I deal with jealousy between siblings? A 7-year-old who lies? A nice boy who doesn't want to make trouble, but is suffering socially because of his good behavior?

    Raising children has never been simple. And in the 21st century? It's complex. It's challenging. It's really, really hard.

    So what is a parent to do?

    Obviously, mothers and fathers have to spend time building connections and relationships with their children. And of course, they must daven for siyata d'Shmaya in their childrearing efforts. Beyond that - they must turn for guidance to experts, people who have made understanding and educating today's youth their vocation and their passion, people who understand parents, and children, and the world in which we all live.

    Rabbi Shneur Aisenstark is one of the most respected of those experts, a world-class educator whose experience encompasses all ages and countless situations. In Chinuch with Confidence he answers hundreds of questions that parents have asked about chinuch issues. The questions are very real (after all, they came from real parents with real children!), the answers are insightful and practical. More: Rabbi Aisenstark explains the reasons for his answers, the educational and Torah principles behind them, allowing us to integrate his profound understanding of youth into our own relationships and issues.

    Rabbi Aisenstark's answers to the questions of concerned, caring parents searching to do the best for their children are sometimes provocative and always realistic and on target. Chinuch with Confidence gives us access to a master mechanech with decades of experience – and gives us the tools, and the confidence, to become great parents of great children. Learn More

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