
  1. While there exists a plethora of sefarim on hilchos Shabbos, never before has the topic been covered in such a comprehensive yet simplified manner. In Shamor V'zachor, veteran mechanech Rabbi Reuven Levine takes readers-both tweens/teens and adults-by the hand and walks them through each melachah, from A to Z.

    First the background to each melachah is given-how and why it was performed for the Mishkan, and then the practical applications-the various ways the melachah is relevant nowadays-are explained. Each concept is fully illustrated, and the text is color-coded in a way that enhances the reader's understanding and retention of the material. Also included is a "test yourself" section, which quizzes readers on what the halachah is in various situations, based on the information they've been given.

    Ideal for family learning, this illustrated guide to the 39 melachos will fast become a favorite at your Shabbos table! Learn More

  2. A Comprehensive Question-And-Answer Guide To The Halachos Of Shabbos As They Apply To The Kitchen And Beyond

    Shabbos comes every week, with all types of questions…

    Are twist ties permissible to use?

    What is the way to clean up a spill?

    Can napkins be folded into nice shapes?

    How may one reheat food?

    Is it permitted to use a whipped cream aerosol?

    Cutting, grinding, cooking, tying, muktzeh, opening packages… how can you know what to do?

    Now there’s a way! Shabbos in the Kitchen gives the answers to over 600 common dilemmas — in a user-friendly format. Plus, each section contains a handy summary of its particular halachah.

    Easy to read, with a question-and-answer style and comprehensive index, this sefer will enhance your knowledge of both the underlying issues and the practical laws of Shabbos in their most common areas of application — the kitchen and dining room! Whether you’re a busy housewife who needs on-the-spot answers, a layman who wants to learn the basics, or a scholar who is looking for a quick and reliable review, here is a guidebook that no home should be without.

    “Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld has already achieved renown for his expertise, knowledge and clarity in the presentation of relevant halachic topics… I have no doubt that Shabbos in the Kitchen is consistent with the standard of his previous seforim, and that both the beginner and the experienced will have much to learn from its contents.”

    HaGaon HaRav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman

    “Shabbos in the Kitchen is a comprehensive study of many melachos of Shabbos, combining clear principles and definitions with the common practical applications of the principles. I am confident many will benefit greatly and gain a clear working knowledge of some of the more complicated melachos.”

    HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits

    Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Dovid — a yeshiva for English speakers in Israel whose mission is to imbue its talmidim with a love for Yiddishkeit together with a solid understanding of halachah and hashkafah. Rabbi Wiesenfeld also serves as a Rav for the Kav Halachah Beis Hora’ah hotline. A sought-after speaker in the U.K., U.S.A., South Africa, and Israel, his hashkafah shiurim, practical halachic slideshows, along with his energy and passion, are making a powerful impact on individuals and communities. He has numerous on-demand audio and video recordings available on the website. He is also the author of the widely popular Pocket Halacha Series — a collection of small halachah booklets available on a wide range of topics.

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  3. Are You:

    Aspiring to gain a firm understanding of the laws of Shabbos?

    Looking for guided learning material for group or individual learning?

    Do you need to get to the source of a Shabbos issue?


    Hilchos Shabbos: The Inside Story makes in-depth study of halacha accessible to both scholar and layman alike, by guiding the reader to uncover the depths of the words of our Sages.

    Prepare yourself for the rewarding journey of studying halacha from the original sources and delving into its concepts and principles.

    “Shabbos: The Inside Story has been written with great toil and clarity in Torah. It will definitely be of great benefit to all those who wish to approach the study of these subjects.” Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman Av Beis Din, Federation of Synagogues UK “This book brings together the intellectual rigour of iyun and lomdus — the analytical understanding of Torah — with the world of practical halacha.” Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein Chief Rabbi of South Africa" Learn More

  4. In Thirty Years, the Kedushah, the Holiness of Shabbos, Has Not Changed...
    But Your Kitchen Has.
    The Shabbos Kitchen -- Fully Revised and Expanded

    Thirty years ago, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen published his halachic masterwork, The Shabbos Kitchen. With its clear, understandable explanations of the issues involved and extensive notes, tens of thousands turned to The Shabbos Kitchen to understand the often complex halachos of preparing food and other kitchen activities on Shabbos.

    With the passing of time and massive changes in technology, many new questions have been raised, many new piskei halachah have been developed. Raw fish, once considered inedible, now graces our sushi — has its status of muktzeh changed, as well? What issues are raised by modern-day water coolers, warming drawers, and digital features on refrigerators?

    The Shabbos Kitchen -- Fully Revised and Expanded includes ten completely new chapters discussing halachos and scenarios not included in the earlier volume. In addition, as a world-class posek, Rabbi Cohen has heard countless shailos about Shabbos observance in these decades, and he has incorporated many of them into existing chapters. Indeed, one chapter with common applications is twice the size of the original, and two others, also pertaining to melachos that apply frequently, are three times the size!

    While many things have changed in these past decades, some things stay the same. Things like our devotion to Shabbos, and our desire to show our love for it by keeping its halachos properly. This sefer will enable us to do just that. Learn More

  5. This highly praised and comprehensive book on the laws of Shabbos is designed for daily learning.

    With its unique, easy-to-understand format, thousands of day-to-day practical examples, and user-friendly index, this book will be an indispensable reference for anyone who wants to study and know the laws of Shabbos… In just 3 minutes a day!


    "The most practical laws of Shabbos are presented in an easy format and language, and this will certainly bring great benefit to those who wish to grow."

    Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Ra'avad of Jerusalem

    "It has been written with great clarity and in a way that will benefit many people."

    Rav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Rov of Gateshead

    "Learn Shabbos in Just Three Minutes a Day is an ideal way to master the intricate laws of Shabbos without that much effort."

    Rav Yitzchak Berkowits, Rosh Kollel

    "Rabbi Braude has provided a truly valuable source for one to learn the laws of Shabbos in a very effective and clear manner.

    Rav Zev Leff Learn More

  6. Halachos of Muktza

    This extensive work simplifies and clarifies the detailed laws of muktza, objects forbidden to be moved on Shabbos. With responsa by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, zt"l. Hebrew references and notes. Learn More

  7. Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume I Learn More
  8. a contemporary Guide to the Laws of Shabbos Learn More

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