Holiday Books

  1. A great Pesach book for little ones!

    This delightful book will excite your child about the wonderful mitzvah of matzah that comes just once a year! Learn More

  2. "We gather together, on this night, to commemorate our exodus from Egypt into Hashem's embrace, thus becoming His nation and His servants till the end of time. We discuss, in detail, all the suffering that we endured in Mitzrayim, all the miracles Hashem did, and all the gratitude we have to Him for doing all this for us. We are expected to get into such detail that we can actually experience it ourselves, on this night, as if it were all happening to us, and to reach the level of joy and gratitude that the Jewish people had at the time of our exodus. This is supposed to bring us to a heightened level of emunah that will infuse our service of Hashem throughout the year. "…Therefore, I have written this Sefer, to serve as an emunah primer for the Haggadah. To make the concepts of emunah readily available so that those leading the seder on this night can easily access them and share them with their family, which will inspire ourselves and, in turn, our children, in the joy of being a Yid."

    - Excerpt from Introduction

    "The thrust of this commentary is to show how the basic theme of the Seder night is to show our emunah in, and our gratitude to, Hashem for our physical and spiritual redemption. Every section of the Haggadah is elaborated on in this manner, and at the end of each section a short, to-the-point synopsis of the commentary is presented, to guide one's fulfillment of the mitzvah of Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim "On This Night".

    Rabbi Zev Leff Shlit"a

    "... Great and important to add clarity in the foundations of emunah in a way that can be easily taken to heart... Cannot overemphasize the importance of strengthening these matters of emunah…"

    Rav Chaim Stein Zt"l

    "…To bring benefit to Jewish homes about the great value of this night of yetzias Mitzrayim."

    Rabbi Noson Tzvi Finkel Zt"l

    " I am certain that those who read it will have spiritual pleasure and a bright light in understanding the words of the author of the Haggadah."

    Rabbi Gabriel Cohen Shlit"a

    Learn More

  3. Tales of great individuals and ordinary people who displayed unparalleled heroism, extraordinary kindness and tremendous love for Hashem.

    The best esrogim go missing, an entire bedroom is filled with feathers, Reb Chaim dresses up as a Rebbe, Moshe Cossack promises matzah for Pesach, there is a potato shortage in Krestir, an old bus breaks down on the way to Meron, Gemara and Rashi heal a troubled soul, the Rebbe pays a thief handsomely, and more. Learn More

  4. An adorable Seder companion!

    Every little child practices saying Ma Nishtana for the Seder. With this book, kids can join Yosef and Yael as they share and explain the Four Questions in a delightful, endearing way.

    Ages 2 to 5 Learn More

  5. This Passover, save on flipping through the full-length Siddur with this cleverly crafted version made for the holiday. Includes the prayer services from the beginning of Passover through its end, Psalms, and the complete Seder. Learn More
  6. Regular Price: $16.00

    Special Price $14.95

  7. We Can Do Mitzvos Around the Jewish Year

    The days go past, the weeks fly by,

    Around and around we go.

    Let's read about the Jewish year,

    There's lots to learn, you know!

    Come be part of the action as Jewish children join their parents and get involved in the holidays! With lively rhymes and vivid illustrations,We Can Do Mitzvos Around the Jewish Year tells what each Yom Tov is all about, showing mitzvos that kids can do on each of these special days. Learn More

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