Holiday Books

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  1. Let Me Join Your Nation - Megilas Ruth

    In Rabbi Yosef Deutsch’s skillful hands, the remarkable story of Ruth comes to life as never before. The unique era of the Judges, its grand, narrative sweep; the soul-stirring events and personalities: Elimelech’s descent to Moav, Naomi’s relationship with her daughters-in-law, Ruth’s inspiring transformation from pagan princess to matriarch of the Davidic dynasty; her mysterious marriage to Boaz, planting the seed of Mashiach.

    With his trademark storytelling skills, Rabbi Deutsch weaves together teachings from Talmud, Midrash, and other classic sources to create an unparalleled reading and learning experience.

    Includes Hebrew-English Megillas Ruth.

    Make sure this Shavuos is unlike any other - treat yourself to Let Me Join Your Nation. Learn More

  2. Shavuos Secrets

    What special name is assigned to the Shabbos before Shavuos? What lesson do we derive from the custom of eating dairy foods on Shavuos? Why is it critical to remember the Giving of the Torah every day of the year? Why do we read Megillas Rus on the second day of Shavuos?Of the three major festivals, Shavuos is distictly different. It is different in duration-just one day of celebration, instead of seven. It is different in action-no specific mitzvos are associated with this day. Most significant of all, it is different in purpose. For while Pesach and Succos recall the past, celebrating the Exodus and Hashem's special care of His people, Shavuos celebrates an ongoing event: the receiving of the Torah. For as our sages tell us, the Torah should always seem new to us-as if we received it afresh every single day. And while Shavuos may not have a specific mitzvh associated with it, it is rich in a variety of customs. Dairy foods, learning through the night, decorating with flower and greenery-Shavuos is marked by customs as no holiday is. The minhagei Yisrael, the customs of our ancestors, are not to be trivialized. Shavuos teaches us the importance of keeping every detail of our mesorah. As the Rambam tells us in Igerres Taimon, it is vitally important to remember the great event of the Giving of the Torah-and to vividly relate this event to our children. For it is fundamental to our faith! It is a mitzvah to recall this event on Shavuos-and on every single day of the year.Shavuos Secrets is an essential tool in this task. Discover the Yom Tov of Shavuos, and celebrate anew the Giving of the Torah.Over 100 Amazing full-color photos! Learn More

  3. Enjoy a vast collection of beautiful and diverse Divrei Torah on the Parshah. Each “Pshetl” begins with a question and ends with a thought provoking answer. An eclectic array of sources is given to explain how the author drew his concluding thought. The commentaries quoted are culled from Rishonim, Achronim, Litvish, Chassidish, Sefardic, Kabbalah, and everything in between. Challenge yourself to have a deeper understanding of the Parshah!

    This Sefer is a perfect resource for those looking to gain a concise, yet insightful, look at each week’s Parshah, and is an excellent reference for those preparing a Dvar Torah, or speech for a Simcha, or just looking to learn more on the Parshah. It is also a unique and useful gift for a Bar Mitzvah Bochur, friend, host, or anyone wanting to get a taste and understanding of the powerful life lessons intrinsically woven into each Parshah.

    Parshah Pshetl is sure to become a favorite for all those who wish to incorporate and infuse their lives with the timeless lessons of the weekly Parshah. Learn More

  4. An original and exciting modern-day portrayal of the bringing of the First Fruits to the Beis Hamikdash

    Bikkurim is a very special mitzvah. Every mitzvah is special, of course ...But the mitzvah of bikkurim is unique because it was a major event. Masses of Yidden participated, and it was always very moving and extraordinary.

    The bikkurim were not brought by individuals, all the people of an area went together. They made their way to Yerushalayim in a huge procession, with singing and dancing. Many people joined them along the way. Can you imagine how wonderful the scene was? How much joy was in the air? How much excitement?

    In this book-which is entirely imaginary-we will try to experience a bit of the simchah and kedushah we would absorb, if we had the Beis Hamikdash in our day.

    Hopefully, Hashem will bring the geulah sheleimah and rebuild the Beis Hamikdash very soon, so we can once again bring our bikkurimthere, with great joy, each and every year! Learn More

  5. May an ebay seller set his auction to conclude on Shabbos? May one rent advertising space on his website to others for an entire week, including Shabbos?

    Should a person worry about ayin hara? What are the most effective defenses against ayin hara?

    May one who will be on an airplane for an entire night of Chanukah use a flashlight for ner Chanukah?

    If it is difficult for someone to make it to shul, may he hear krias haTorah or Megillas Esther read over the telephone?


    Rav Zev Smith is a popular maggid shiur and much sought-after speaker on halachic issues who has thousands of recorded shiurim in circulation on a wide range of interesting and relevant, day-to-day topics. His unique blend of halachah and hashkafah, and his knack for explaining difficult concepts in a down-to-earth, practical way, draw both scholars and laymen who seek a thorough grasp of halachah topics. In this fascinating book, he and Rabbi Dovid Kaiser, a previously published author of Torah works as well as a maggid shiur in halachah, have adapted some of the best of Rav Smith's halachah shiurim into written form. Arranged according to the months of the year, What's the Halachah? follows a specific, reader-friendly format. Each chapter begins with a set of intriguing questions on a topic in halachah, which is followed by a broad discussion of the halachic issues the topic involves. The chapter concludes with an application of the information discussed to the initial queries.

    What's the Halachah? is a book that will do more than just teach you halachah; it will open before you the vastness and the beauty of the world of halachah. Learn More

  6. This Shavuos, save on flipping through the full-length Siddur with this cleverly crafted version made for the holiday. Includes the prayer services from the beginning of Shavuos through its end, includes Tikun Leil Shavuos & Tehillim (Psalms).

    colors vary Learn More

  7. I was totally mesmerized by this outstanding, extraordinary original and creative analysis of the role the Shalosh Regalim play in representing the most fundamental elements of Jewish faith. In this work, which is organized, compelling, and full of deep wisdom, Rabbi Neil Lauer combines highly rigorous halakhic analysis with deeply thoughtful homiletical insights in a most seamless and clearly presented way. He extracts great wisdom hitherto hidden in plain sight on these important celebrations as well as on a multitude of other Jewish concepts and practices. Over and over again I found myself saying, “I knew this source, but never realized its true full meaning and significance. Of course, now it is obvious.” We owe Rabbi Lauer a great debt for the exceptional gift he has given us. Your understanding and appreciation of the Shalosh Regalim, like mine, will never be the same again.

    Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter

    Eye opening insights that will benefit scholar and layman alike. Will most certainly enhance the spiritual pleasure of the hagim.

    Rabbi Eli Mansour

    A refreshing and unique viewpoint. For those looking for a deep and penetrative fresh look at the Jewish holidays, enjoy The Tripod!

    Rabbi Shalom Rosner

    Neil (Nachman) Lauer received rabbinic ordination from RIETS, an MA in medieval Jewish philosophy from the Bernard Revel Graduate School, and an MS in secondary Jewish education from the Azrieli Graduate School. He commutes every workday between his home in Teaneck, New Jersey, and his suspender factory in Brooklyn, New York. Learn More

  8. המועדים בחיי, חגים ומועדים
    המועדים בחיי, חגים ומועדים Learn More

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