Mishnah / Talmud

  1. Pirush Chai - Sukkah - פירוש חי סוכה Learn More
  2. Dynamics of Dispute

    A superb introduction to the Jewish Oral Law

    This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the workings of the Talmud. What did the Sages do when they found themselves without answers to halachic (legal) questions? What processes were used to discover the answers? Why did these processes sometimes lead to different conclusions? Rabbi Lampel examines these issues and provides intelligent answers to questions that beginners in Talmud study frequently wonder about. A fascinating perspective on the development of law in Talmudic times! Students of the Talmud love this book! Learn More

  3. Aiding talmud study

    Delving into Talmud is a fascinating if formidable journey, but with this book as a companion, you'll be off to a great start. This handy study aid contains key Aramaic words, phrases, and abbreviations, with English translation, enabling you to navigate more clearly and cogently. Also includes Rabbi Shmuel ha-Naggid's 'Introduction to the Talmud,' in English. Learn More

  4. Now that you've learned the daf, how will your life be transformed?

    Whether you've been doing daf yomi for years or you're not quite ready to commit but want to be part of the daf yomi global movement, there's something in The Transformative Daf for everyone.

    It's about joining the conversation. It's about talking over the daf with your family, your friends, your colleagues. It means never being short of a discussion-starter or a meaningful devar Torah.

    Every page of the Gemara, every word, every letter, contains the secrets of the universe to achieving a life of simchah and purpose. Transform your life today! Learn More

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