Philosophy & Jewish Thought

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  1. The Chafetz Chaim famously wrote that we will only be fully redeemed from the hardships of exile and the Temple will only be rebuilt when we have repaired our speech and created a strong unified bond among our people.

    In light of this, Rabbi Menachem Salasnik, a popular motivational speaker and educator, invites us to join him on his own personal journey to find inspiration towards better speech and identify the underlying causes of negative conversation.

    Words Change Worlds contains deep insights, uplifting stories and fascinating real-life cases that will challenge and inspire the reader in this important and often neglected area of self-growth. The ideas are linked to the weekly Parashah, making this book a perfect Shabbos table companion for the whole family. Learn More

  2. Here is a book that can change your life.

    It will help you:

    …grow in emunah and bitachon

    …develop a real personal and intimate relationship with Hashem

    …live with simchah, enthusiasm, and gratitude

    …deal with nisyonos and challenges

    and much more!

    Do you long for closeness and meaning, for connection and joy?

    This book is for you.

    Especially for You.

    Mrs. Chana Levkovitz, a distinguished mechaneches of many years, has compiled a series of essays for young Jewish women… based on authoritative Torah sources augmented by her deep rich experiences with hundreds of talmidos over several decades. Her enthusiasm, passion, and love both for Hashem and His Torah and for the precious souls of Bnos Yisrael are apparent on every page… This sefer is an invaluable guide to living as a Jew. Every woman will benefit from its perspective and (although not the intended audience) so will men.

    Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz Learn More

  3. It happened more than four thousand years ago. 
    The world lost its direction and was filled with thievery.
    There was no choice but to restart. 
    The mabul rained down for forty days.
    Forty days straight of cleansing, of purity and renewal. 
    On the 41st day, the world was new.

    The same is true in our times. Each of us copes with a personal mabul. The mabul, the deluge, isn't a punishment. It's a means for internal purification. 

    Hashem uses the flood to push us to the start of a new journey 
    that we need to take. 

    This isn't a typical self-help book. It's so much more. 
    This work discusses 40 topics that will lead you on a personal journey of renewal. My suggestion: Don't run through the book too quickly. Dedicate the next forty days to the journey and focus on one chapter each day. 
    Internalize your journey so that the forty-first day will bring you 
    to a place of true renewal. 
    This book isn't meant to change you. 
    It will serve as a guide as you take your personal journey. 
    With these 40 steps, you will discover the unique within you. Yourself.

    Good luck! Learn More
  4. This is a book about the world we inhabit. Not the outside world. Not the world we read about on the news. Our world. The situations that we face on a daily basis.

    The challenges that we find ourselves dealing with.

    The beauty and caring and warmth and richness and excitement and color – that make up the frum experience.

    These stories reflect our reality. In a sense they didn’t happen. But they could have happened. In fact they could have happened to you.

    These stories are fiction.

    But only on one level.

    On another level they are a true and honest look at our society and a reflection of our lives.

    Or in other words – you are about to be introduced to a world where “Truth Meets Fiction.” Learn More

    • Why is G-d’s knowledge of the future not a contradiction to your free choice?
    • Why do women make the berachah She’asani Kirtzono?
    • Why must we express gratitude to a friend if everything comes from G-d?

    In this groundbreaking work, Judaism’s most challenging questions are addressed with solid proofs and spectacular stories, amassed from thirty years of intense Torah learning. Readers will come away inspired, with a lucid understanding of many of the foundational ideas in Judaism.

    “Rabbi Hool has produced a thought-provoking work that will benefit thinkers of all backgrounds and levels of religious knowledge. It is not only deep but very readable as well — an unusual combination!”

    Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

    “My dear talmid, Rav Doniel Hool, has faithfully transferred the teachings of Gedolei Yisrael that he has heard firsthand over decades of learning in yeshiva.”

    Hagaon Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky

    “I have my own ‘why’: Why is this book called Why? if Rabbi Hool gives such enlightening answers?”

    Rabbi Shraga Kallus

    About the Author:

    Rabbi Doniel Hool, raised in Kingsbury, London, has been learning full-time for over thirty years, with most of that time in Ponovezh in Bnei Brak and in Mir Yerushalayim. He is a sought-after public speaker in both English and Hebrew, and he has recently completed a sefer on all the Tosafos in Maseches Kesubos.

    He and his wife, Avigayil, live in Yerushalayim and have nine children and a growing number of grandchildren. Learn More

  5. The Izhbitzer RebbeHagaon Harav Mordechai Yosef Leiner, zt”l, was a revolutionary Torah thinker. His unique approach continues to inspire those seeking the deepest levels of understanding.

    Embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of Izhbitz. Discover hidden dimensions of the parshiyos and Yamim Tovim, drawn from the landmark works of the Mei Hashiloach, Beis Yaakov, Ne’os Deshe, and the writings of Rav Leibeleh Eiger and Rav Tzadok HaKohen. With wit, wisdom, and clarity, Rabbi Schwartz opens a sacred wellspring of Torah that will rejuvenate readers with its transformative power.

    “I can’t see how an inquisitive mind wouldn’t rush to acquire From the Waters of the Shiloach by the revered talmid chacham, Rav Yitzchok Dovid Schwartz, zt”l.”

    Rav Dovid Cohen

    “The sefarim [of Izhbitz] are a great challenge even for those steeped in the study of Chassidus… [Rav Schwartz] dedicated much of the final years of his life to understanding the depths of Toras Beis Ishbitz, so that our generation may be inspired and transformed by the light of this holy beis midrash.”

    Rav Moshe Weinberger Learn More

  6. The transmission of the Laws of the Torah and its teachings has been faithfully practiced from Moses at Sinai until this day. Jews can never accept the claim by any leader of any people that he was sent to replace Judaism. It is simply a false claim.

    Likewise, because of their status as God’s elected people, Israel never gets away with their transgressions. When the Divine Justice strikes them, it is not because they are rejected by God, as the Quran claims (Surah 5:18), rather, it is on account of their proximity to God.

    Maimonides writes: 

    Just as God is everlasting, so is His Torah. No one may add to it nor remove any law from it, as it says: “The entire word that I command you, that shall you observe to do, you shall not add to it and you shall not subtract from it” (Deuteronomy 13:1). Therefore, if a man, be he Jew or gentile, will declare that God sent him to add a commandment to the Torah of Moses or subtract from it, or to add an explanation which we have not learned from Moses or who would claim that those commandments which the Israelites have inherited are not for all generations to come, this man is a false prophet.

    .(Maimonides, Laws of Torah Principles, 9:1) Learn More

  7. They say that you can’t judge a book by its cover. But this book is different.

    Think Outside the Lox is a new collection of transformative essays revealing fresh perspectives on Jewish teachings and traditions, based on age-old Chassidic texts and the insights of the Baal Shem Tov.

    These essays—sharing the Torah’s rich meaning and mystical light—can be read on their own or according to the weekly Torah readings and yearly holidays. The book also features, among other arcane tidbits, a flying fish.

    Captivating, imaginative, fun—this book is rendered in a delightful style that anyone can appreciate, from the Hebrew school dropout to the advanced Talmudic scholar, leaving readers both inspired and entertained.

    Rabbi Boruch Cohen was born on a snow-blown night near the end of 1960, while five colored Chanukah candles burned on the kitchen counter of his family’s American Dream house in a pretty little town in the suburbs west of Boston.

    But it took almost twenty-eight years until he saw the light.

    In the meantime, he attended public schools (nothing short of Kafkaesque) and a small liberal arts university (bachelor’s degree in philosophy), then pursued a career in writing, first as a journalist, later as an aspiring fiction writer. Hebrew school at a temple named Beth had ended years earlier, after he’d cashed his last bar mitzvah check. But at age twenty-seven, his inner world opened like a flip phone (pardon the anachronism), when he unexpectedly met a Chassidic rabbi—his first exposure to meaningful Judaism—and the warm alluring light of Jewish mystical wisdom, not to mention the irresistible appeal of donning a rakish black hat.

    Within months, he left one of the country’s most prestigious fiction writing graduate programs to learn Torah full time in rabbinical college. In 1994, after six years of intensive study, he became a rabbi and, together with his wife, Ita Leah, settled in an assimilated neighborhood in search for the precious souls and holy sparks that can only be found through dedicated Jewish outreach. The essays collected in this book were written during those twenty-five-odd years.

    The couple now lives in Oak Park, Michigan. They have four sons and two daughters. Learn More

  8. Nesivos Sholom. One of the most widely celebrated volumes on Jewish thought in recent history.

    The magnum opus of Reb Sholom Noach Berezovsky zt"l, saintly Rebbe of a vibrant chassidic dynasty, the impact of the Nesivos Sholom extends well beyond the tight-knit enclave of Slonimer adherents. Since its publication in the latter half of the twentieth century, Nesivos Sholom has become a standard text in the study-halls and homes of Torah Jews from one end of the spectrum to the other.

    For the first time ever, this modern-day classic is now accessible in the English language. With the release of the twentieth volume - focusing on the messages and lessons of emunah - the English-speaking public can discover what it is about Nesivos Sholom that has captured the hearts and minds of Jewish seekers worldwide.

    Is it the crisp, engaging treatment of such a wide range of relevant topics? The masterful blend of chassidic thought and scholarly analysis, mystical concepts and illustrative narratives, penetrating insight and inspirational messages? Or is it simply the pristine beauty that emanates from the sacred words of an individual referred to by some as the "Mesillas Yesharim of our generation"?

    For the accomplished scholar or the earnest layman; the educator or the parent; anyone - young or old - seeking to advance their Torah knowledge and connection with the Creator - this volume has a wealth to offer. With Hashem's help, these teachings of the Nesivos Sholom will greatly enhance your life. Learn More

  9. Lighting the Way
    Hadrachah for life by Rav Moshe Rabinowitz zt"l

    Based on the weekly parshah

    Rav Moshe Eliezer Rabinowitz zt"l was a beloved rav and mechanech who inspired and guided thousands. His dynamic shmuessen, featuring his trademark wit and vivid stories and parables, were popular among bachurim, yungeleit, as well as ba'alei batim. With his clear, down-to-earth style, he had the unique ability to really "bring a lesson home" with audiences of all types.

    His shmuessen were based on the Ohr Hachaim and the lessons and ideas that Rabbi Rabinowitz had learned from his great rabbeim, primarily among them Rav Chaim Shmulevitz, Rav Yitzchak Feigelstock, Rav Elya Roth, and Rav Chaim Brim, zichronam l'vrachah. He would also sprinkle in stories and concepts that he had heard from the many other gedolim with whom he had forged a close connection. Thus, the shmuessen became known as a solid source of pure, Torah-true hashkafas hachaim.

    Lighting the Way: Hadrachah for Life by Rav Moshe Rabinowitz is a compilation of these much sought-after shmuessen, in written form. In each page, in each shmuess, readers will be able to "hear" Rabbi Rabinowitz's vibrant voice, and the fundamental lessons he taught, coming through clearly. And the inspiration will last long after each piece has been read. Learn More

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