Books about Prayer

  1. Unlock the Blessing of Your Day!

    In those first moments of the day, we raise our eyes to Heaven in thanks. We begin with gratitude, connection and prayer -- with Birchas HaShachar, the Morning Blessings -- precious words for a precious time of day.

    Following the format of his bestselling work, Nishmas: Song of the Soul, Rabbi Yisroel Besser brings us a a riveting combination of insights based on the classic commentaries and true stories that inspire and enlighten us.

    Transform the first moments of your day by discovering the power and potency of its prayers, and you will realize that the morning tefillos are not just for morning, but for every moment of every day. Learn More

  2. On Shabbos morning, as the world is wrapped in a blanket of peace and serenity, we are given a gift, the chance to recite a sacred tefillah. Whenever and wherever it’s recited, Nishmas carries the same power and glory, an ode that expreses our deepest emotion, the gratitude and hope and simple joy in being alive.

    Across the world, the tefillah has become a precious segulah, a shared treasure, belonging to a nation, but also a private heirloom, property of each individual.

    In this volume, for the first time ever in English, Rabbi Yisroel Besser gives us a whole new understanding of the magnificent words of Nishmas, with a sweeping, fresh and contemporary commentary, chock full of enlightening stories and insights that illustrate the many concepts discussed in Nishmas.

    With this book, you can join the “Nishmas army,” those committed to saying Nishmas regularly, a concept suggested by Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, who’d received the tradition from her revered father-in-law, the Steipler Gaon. Reciting Nishmas daily or in times of challenge, they have seen wonders, the secrets of prayer itself hidden within the words of this tefillah, thanksgiving and entreaty merging in every line and phrase.

    And aside from salvation, they have experienced a connection with the Master, itself the greatest gift of all and the reason for existence. Learn More

  3. Yanky Yankovich and Baruch Blessing are SUPER excited: as part of the school's program to learn about Shemoneh Esrei, they've arranged a tour of the palace of His Royal Majesty, King Roderick Herculè Falmouth Ericsson. On their trip, they meet Prince Bernard II, Alfredo the maitre-di, Larry, the prince's majordomo, and many others. But a dropped notebook turns this dream trip into a nightmare, as the boys are arrested as spies! Can their friends from school help them? Will they succeed in proving their innocence? Will Rabbi Benedict find a way to intercede? Be careful! When you're in the king's palace, anything could happen! Learn More

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