Teachers Aids

  1. The Teachings of Kabbalah Series Learn More
  2. This textbook might be the same size, weight, and color as your science, history, or math textbook, but the information that you will find inside is worlds apart from anything else that you have ever seen before. Torah is not like history, math, or science, which just gives you information. Torah is a way of life, with every sentence, word, and letter filled with lessons, meaning, and messages that apply to your life today! Learn More
  3. Yahadus #4

    This textbook might be the same size, weight, and color as your science, history, or math textbook, but the information that you will find inside is worlds apart from anything else that you have ever seen before. Torah is not like history, math, or science, which just gives you information. Torah is a way of life, with every sentence, word, and letter filled with lessons, meaning, and messages that apply to your life today! Learn More

  4. Pathways to Success offers parents, educators, therapists, and anyone affected by this challenge practical wisdom and firsthand accounts about ADHD in all varied forms - from hyperactivity to daydreaming, from impulsivity to burnout.

    With compassion and insight, best-selling author and psychotherapist Rabbi Aharon Lerner offers astute advice, dispels and common myths, and explains treatment options for ADHD. He acknowledges the struggle while focusing on the positives that come with this challenge - including enthusiasm, creativity, and determination. This sensitively written book gives hope to parents, teachers, and children - leading everyone on a path to success. Learn More

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