Teachers Aids

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  1. Student Assighment Book 5784 2023/24 Learn More
  2. Challenging Chinuch Questions and Sensitive Answers

    In You Asked Volume 2, Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg, renowned principal, mechanech and newspaper columnist, addresses pressing questions, with wisdom, honesty, and unusual insight into a child's emotions and motivations. Using clear and contemporary examples to express age-old concepts, Rabbi Ginsberg shows you how to prepare your children to successfully face challenges later in life by training them from a young age to deal with every situation.

    Rabbi Ginsberg, who was a talmid in both the Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland and in the Slonimer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, has been a Jewish educator for more than 30 years. His approach to children and the complexity of chinuch is unique and out of the box. A talmid of the Nesivos Sholom zt"l, Rabbi Ginsberg looks back to the teachings of his Rebbi for any and all advice and guidance he shares.

    Rabbi Ginsberg is currently in private practice, offering consultations for schools and families, and he lectures on a wide range of topics. He is a sought-after presenter and serves as an advocate for many children. Learn More
  3. Pathways to Success offers parents, educators, therapists, and anyone affected by this challenge practical wisdom and firsthand accounts about ADHD in all varied forms - from hyperactivity to daydreaming, from impulsivity to burnout.

    With compassion and insight, best-selling author and psychotherapist Rabbi Aharon Lerner offers astute advice, dispels and common myths, and explains treatment options for ADHD. He acknowledges the struggle while focusing on the positives that come with this challenge - including enthusiasm, creativity, and determination. This sensitively written book gives hope to parents, teachers, and children - leading everyone on a path to success. Learn More

  4. Whether one is learning the Prophets for the first time or the hundredth time, in a 10-minute-a-day “Perek Yomi” style or in an in-depth comprehensive fashion, A Deeper Look can add much insight and meaning to one's study — providing illuminating sources, penetrating analyses, and much more.


    “A ben Torah who is attempting to study Tanach on his own will either find works that offer a myriad of pirushim (commentaries) on each point but no comprehensive thematic overview; or works that give thematic and structural overviews, but seem to be the product of the author’s sense of things, with no basis in Chazal (our Sages) or Rishonim (early commentators). This presents no small dilemma for the ben Torah seeking to study Tanach. Rabbi Stohl… bridges this gap. [His commentary] is thematic in nature and looks at the big picture, while finding his source in Chazal and other works of the great teachers.”

    RAV AHRON LOPIANSKY SHLITA Rosh HaYeshivah, Yeshiva of Greater Washington

    “The mechaber (author) makes extensive use of a wide range of traditional mekoros (sources) — Chazal, Rishonim, Gedolei Acharonim, Parshanim — alongside the works of more contemporary talmidei chachomim (Torah scholars) … It is evident throughout that the author’s methodological approach is fueled by ahavas haTorah (love of Torah), a sense of humility, a feeling of wonderment about the depth and grandeur of Torah, and especially a deep reverence — yiras Shamayim... It is a work that truly reflects that yiraso kodemes l’chochmaso (his fear of Heaven precedes his wisdom), notwithstanding considerable chochmah (wisdom).”

    RAV MICHAEL ROSENSWEIG SHLITA Rosh Yeshivah & Rosh Kollel, Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan

    “I have known Rabbi Raphael Stohl for many years. He is a young accomplished talmid chachom who has taught many talmidim (students) over the years… Although the book is small in size, it is big in content… His extensive notes provide additional analysis and excellent references so that one can delve into Sefer Yehoshua at an even higher level. This is an important work, and I feel confident that the reader will derive much benefit from it.”

    RAV SHIMON KRASNER SHLITA Author, Nachalas Shimon on Sifrei Nach

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  5. Chayeinu is an easy to use, comprehensive curriculum geared to teaching basic, jewish knowledge. Currently, there are 6 levels with over 50 topics introduced. Included in these are a broad range of subjects such as the hebrew months, important sons/daughter/husbands/wives in tanach, al hamichya, gematria values, as well as a jewish timeline. The basic model of the series is to provide a topic, followed by worksheets and then interspersed with review sheets after every few topics as well as at the end. Because the underlying principle is reinforcement, any new topic introduced will appear in all higher levels, along with enhancements according to the grade level.

    A topic such as the five books of the torah will begin by giving the parshios in sefer bereishis for cheilek aleph and continue progressing throughout the next levels to later include all 54 parshios as well as the 24 books of tanach, the authors of each, as well as a detailed chain of the giving of the torah down to the writing of the gemarah. The modern graphics and illustrations, as well as the kid-friendly and thought provoking worksheets appeal to children of every level. Over 70 schools (from co-ed day schools to religious bais yaakovs) in the us and canada are currently using the books with much excitement and success. Learn More

  6. The Rebbe has given us chinuch directives appropriate for the unique characteristics and challenges of our generation. The Rebbe’s teachings are clear, thought-provoking, awe-inspiring and most importantly, practical and achievable.

    In this sefer we have translated the Rebbe’s teachings on parenting and education on a broad variety of topics. It is appropriate for parents, soon-to-be parents, as well as educators of children of all ages, from before birth to adulthood.

    Be prepared: The Rebbe’ s uniquely positive approach will transform the way you see your child and student and infuse meaning and vitality into the way you see your role as a parent or educator! Learn More

  7. Includes:

    • 84 full color pages
    • Chirik, Kubbutz, Shuruk (25 activity pages per Nekudah)
    • Extra Shva rules and practice pages
    • Full color games included inside the workbook!
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  8. Back2Basics is a program/curriculum that allows students to learn and appreciate the Rebbe’s sichos and simultaneously teaches the skills/tools necessary in order for the student to learn on their own from the original Yiddish text. It is a chavrusa based program that is maximized when the learning is done in pairs rather than in a typical classroom setting. This empowers the students to think for themselves and challenges them to come up with answers on their own. The targeted age is anywhere between 14-18, but the program has seen tremendous success both with younger children and adults. Our workbooks are the result of several years of fine tuning a system that engages the student and allows them to successfully learn independently.

    Back2Basics Goals:

    1) For the student to build the necessary skills in order to learn a Yiddish sicha on their own and understand it well.

    2) For the students to master the actual content of the sichos they will be learning in the curriculum.

    3) For the students to identify with the horaos (lessons) the Rebbe teaches in the sicha and apply them to their lives.

    Every element of the b2b curriculum fits into one of these three categories and assists in attaining these goals.Learn More

  9. Aleph Is For Apple Workbook
    Developed in a Hebrew School classroom, Alef is for Apple is geared to young children who are beginning to learn the Hebrew letters. Alef is for Apple is a unique, phonics-based curriculum created to help English-speaking children easily learn the Hebrew Alef-Bet. Alef is for Apple has been proven to grab each child’s interest and guide the youngest students to a mastery of the Alef-Bet, while having a whole lot of fun in the process. Learn More

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