Browse our large selection of Jewish books, including prayer books, siddurim, tehillim, history, Halacha, Chassidus, Chabad books, basic Judaism, story books, novels, dictionaries, etc

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  1. Are you searching for your soulmate?

    Is the person you are dating now the one?

    Daniel Ratner, sought-after speaker and life coach, is here to guide you to happily ever after. With his proven and successful Four Phases of Love formula, you will reach the loving and fulfilling marriage you’ve always dreamed of.

    Infinite Marriage offers concepts that are simple and relatable, guidelines that are easily remembered with the use of catchy phrases, and a dating worksheet to help you discover your soulmate and “merit your bashert”!

    “Original, creative, and innovative…”

    Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg

    About the Author:

    Coach Ratner is a former world-class rare coin dealer and real estate developer in America. He now lives in Israel, teaching and giving stimulating seminars throughout the country. His focus is on personal growth, relationships, and spiritual motivation. He also has a weekly show, “The Living in Clarity Podcast,” on YouTube and all major podcast outlets. You can find him speaking weekly at the Aish Essentials program in the Old City of Jerusalem, or at Learn More

  2. Sinai presents an in-depth understanding of the Sinaitic revelation that took place on Chag Hashavuos, in a new light.

    This light, the light from the ohr ha’ganuz (the hidden light) was originally revealed in the sifrei Maharal.

    After centuries of neglect, it was rekindled for the Torah world by the appearance of the famous maamarim of Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Hutner, zt”l, and recorded in his sefarim, Pachad Yitzchok.

    “He was planted in this generation to bring light to the world and all who dwell in it — a new light”

    (From the inscription on his tombstone)

    Several compositions on the days of the Omer and Geirus are included.

    Rav Moshe Shternbuch:

    A commentary to enlighten the hearts of the probers of Torah. The spirit of Rav Hutner is evident.

    Rav Aaron Schechter:

    He has plumbed the depths of the deep waters of Torah, and drawn its secrets, with acumen and richness.

    Rav Yonasan David:

    I sensed the aroma of the perfume shop of my father-in-law’s Torah, transmitted with sweetness and wisdom.

    Rav Moshe Shapiro:

    His very being is suffused to the source – the well of pure waters, the Torah of Rav Yitzchok Hutner.
    Rav Alster himself has become a well of pure waters. Learn More

  3. The Mystical Power of Lag BaOmer, Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai, and the Zohar HaKadosh

    Discover why a day whose origins are shrouded in mystery has become one of the most joyous days on the Jewish calendar. In Lag Baomer: The Fire and the Soul, Rav Daniel Glatstein reveals the inner meaning of this hallowed day and why it has gained almost supernatural momentum in our times.

    Rav and Mara D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai and founder of Machon Maggid Harakiah in Cedarhurst, New York, Rav Daniel Glatstein is one of the contemporary Jewish world’s most popular speakers and respected Marbitzei Torah. His more than 10,000 recorded shiurim have garnered literally millions of views on TorahAnytime, his own site,, and numerous other platforms.

    Enter the world of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai and the Zohar HaKadosh, and experience an exalted realm of Torah that will bring Klal Yisrael closer to the final redemption. Learn More

  4. For more than a decade, readers of Hamodia have derived chizuk from columns by Rabbi Avraham Y. Heschel, son of the Kopyczynitzer Rebbe, zy"a, and an inspirational writer and motivational speaker. Now, for the first time, some of these uplifting columns are appearing in book form.

    Rooted in reality, the lessons are based on moving true stories and insightful parables. They address real-life scenarios and provide coping tools for a wide range of life's challenges - all based on Torah hashkafah, teachings of Chazal and of tzaddikim of previous generations.

    The book provides profound, thought-provoking insights in a light, easily readable format.
    Divided into seventy short lessons, it will provide a daily source of chizuk for readers across the spectrum of the Jewish world for all ages and stages.

    I am convinced that, b'ezras Hashem Yisborach, all who read this sefer will benefit tremendously and will be inspired to come closer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, with a deep sense of joy. 
    - Harav Moshe Wolfson, Rav of Emunas Yisrael and Mashgiach Ruchani of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas

    It consists of a mishnah sedurah [methodical guide] to strengthen a person to remain steadfast in emunah and bitachon in Hashem and not to be confused by the trials and tribulations of our times.
    - Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivah, Mirrer Yeshivah
    Learn More
  5. In Mareh Kohen, the stirring liturgical poem recited on Yom Kippur, the radiant appearance of the kohen gadol after completing the avodah of the holiest day of the year is compared to the look of a chosson on his wedding day, and with good reason. A newlywed bride and groom emerge from under the chuppah with radiant faces, envisioning all their dreams unfolding before them, sure that their home will be a model of happiness and holiness.

    But sometimes, once the routine of ordinary life sets in, that radiance gives way to tension and sadness; the young spouses look like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, dragging themselves around as if old age has caught up with them prematurely.

    Is this disenchantment inevitable? What does it take to sustain a marriage and keep it blissful, all the way from the chuppah to the golden years?

    This illuminating book, by Rav Dovid Levy of the Pele Yoetz Center in Jerusalem, explains how to build a strong and durable framework for marriage. No matter what challenges come their way, a couple that puts this knowledge to practice will be able to look to each other and yes, really find the ahavah, achvah, shalom v'reus that everyone was singing about at their sheva brachos. Learn More

  6. Mivtzoim, the Rebbe’s Mitzvah Campaigns, represent the ultimate in Ahavas Yisroel and encapsulate what Chabad is all about.

    The rhyming text and cheerful illustrations of Let’s Go on Mivtzoim let your child to ride along as a Tatty takes his son and daughter to meet a wide variety of people and introduce them to the beauty of performing mitzvos.
    “When a mitzvah is new to our fellow Jew,
    We reach out and make sure they know what to do.”
    The back of the book lists the original ten Mivtzoim, seasonal yom tov Mivtzoim,  as well those added over time.  The perfect way for young children to understand and appreciate going on Mivtzoim, just as the Rebbe would want them to!  An important title for every preschool classroom and home.

    Toddler Experience Series This series, with its rhymes and gentle watercolor illustrations, helps toddlers prepare for – and share- some of the most basic everyday events in their lives.



    Ages 2-5 Learn More

  7. The Great Depression represents a fascinating and challenging historical period. To make history relatable to emergent readers, this book follows the changes that come into our young heroine’s life when everyone is struggling.

    Sara is only ten, but she already knows that the Depression, with a capital D, means jobs and money are scarce. Since no one can afford new furniture, Papa has no customers at his shop, and Sara sees that Mama and Papa are worried. She needs her best friend, Etty, more than ever, but life is changing for the girls, too.

    Sara knows that Hashem is in charge, but how will things every be good again?

    About the Fun-to-Read Series:

    Once children can read on their own, they need short chapter books that have bright, clear letters, well-placed illustrations, and lot of excitement! Fun-to-Read Books are packed with historical adventure, humor, and all the positive midos and mitzvos that discriminating parents and teachers have come to expect from Hachai Publishing.

    Ages 7-10 Learn More

  8. Until recently, the time that the Rebbe spent in Paris was shrouded in mystery. Over the years, however, many details have come to light, making us thirsty to know even more.

    Our book gives an overview of the Rebbe's time in Paris, opening a small window into the Rebbe's extraordinary personality. Learn More

  9. When a loved one passes away, it is a time of darkness and mourning for those left behind.

    Presented from the authentic Torah viewpoint and filled with chizuk and emunahWhen You’ve Lost a Loved One will bring light and hope to those feeling bereft and lost in a world forever altered. In his soft and uplifting style, Rabbi Keilson transforms the year of aveilus to one of healing and comfort—for aveilus is very real, but so is nechamah. And there is room for both.

    “I rejoiced when they told me that your precious sefer…to strengthen broken hearts with emunah, is about to come out.”

    Rav Yitzchok Kolodetsky

    “Harav Dov Keilson has taken upon himself to strengthen and give solace to people who have experienced sadness in their lives…the broken hearts of Klal Yisrael will gain great chizuk from this sefer.”

    Rav Yaakov Bender

    About the Author:

    Rabbi Dov Keilson resides with his family in Far Rockaway, New York, and serves as the mashgiach ruchani of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo/Yeshiva Darchei Torah for the past twenty-two years. He counsels talmidim throughout the day and gives mussar vaadim at night. He is the author of three books prior to this one and gives classes to young men in preparation for marriage as well. He is sought after for his guidance and advice, which is given over with warmth and heart. Learn More

  10. Escape! #2
    The Battle continues...

    Four Jewish partisans narrowly escaped the Nazis' concentration camp, but that was just the beginning. They now find themselves in Japan's most heavily guarded prison, and with time running out, freedom is nowhere to be found. In exciting, comic-book format, this action-packed adventure - steeeped in Emunah & Hashgacha Protis - is graphic storytelling at its captivating best. Learn More

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