Family Life

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  1. Taharah K"Halochoh - טהרה כהלכה ב"כ Learn More
  2. The Jewish Woman's Clinical & Halachic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth! A complete guidebook including up-to-date clinical information; diagrams, illustrations and full-color photos of fetal development; prenatal care and laws of prenatal testing; nutrition, exercises, and Lamaze techniques; laws pertaining to childbirth and and bris; inspiring Torah thoughts and commentary. Approved by leading Rabbinic and medical authorities.

    Now with a beautiful new design, this revised and updated edition includes genetic testing and an expanded nutrition section.

    It's the only maternity guidebook a Jewish couple will ever need. Learn More

  3. What Did They Think of the Jews? Learn More
  4. Halichos Bas Yisrael, Volumes I & II Learn More
  5. The purpose of this Sefer is to provide the English-speaking public the full breadth of Halachic and Hashkafic knowledge on everything related to the subject of intimacy. This book is primarily a compilation of Halachic rulings and sources which are scattered throughout the Talmud and Poskim, as well as the acts of piety recorded in the Sifrei Mussar and Kabbalah. Gathering all this Halachic information compiled from hundreds of sources into a single book, will allow the reader to research any questions he may have relating to marital intimacy, as sensitive and shy as it may be. Another aspect of this book is the delineation of the proper perspective that a Jew should have towards intimacy according to Torah and the classical works of Mussar and Kabbalah. There is a unique Jewish philosophy recorded regarding intimacy, and being indoctrinated with this perspective is as important as the study of the laws themselves. With this book we desire to encourage Jewish couples to perform intimacy in a most pious and holy manner, and to give them the knowledge to differentiate between law and stringency so they can know when and where they maintain the flexibility to be lenient, if needed. We aspire that the raising of the level of Kedusha that this book is set to influence will have a long and lasting effect on the current and coming generation, meriting the Jewish people with pure and holy children. Learn More
  6. Happily Married For Men/For Women - 2 Volumes

    The Complete Guide to a Successful Jewish Marriage Learn More

  7. A Women's Guide To The Laws Of Niddah

    Knowledge of the laws of niddah is absolutely essential for every married woman, and in this new book, Rabbi Forst performs an invaluable service. Unlike his previous works, this book is not geared for someone studying the subject in depth. Instead, it is tailored to the specific needs of women and contains several chapters that are particularly important for kallos. It is complete, yet not too technical, so that one will not be overwhelmed by the material. It is authoritative, but does not claim to replace the competent Rav. It will remove unnecessary doubt and insecurity from countless delicate family situations, and let conscientious people know what to do and when and how to ask. Learn More

  8. The Unique Avodas Hashem of the Jewish Woman Learn More
  9. Mourning In Halachah

    The laws and customs of the year of mourning.The Laws and Customs of the Year of Mourning. For generations, people have wanted a book that sets forth the laws of mourning clearly and accurately, citing relevant sources and the customs of various communities in Israel, America and Europe. The Hebrew "P'nei Baruch" filled that need. Now after painstaking translation, adaptation, and review it is available to the English-speaking public, offering answers to questions that cannot wait, for virtually every conceivable situation. Includes:

    • laws of visiting the sick
    • laws and customs from the sickbed, through burial, shivah, shloshim, the first year, through yahrzeit
    • prayers and Psalms at the cemetery
    • exhaustive index of almost any possible eventuality
    • source notes
    • appendix of prayers
    • 45 chapters
    • Over 500 pages. By Rabbi Chaim Binyamin Goldberg. Translated by Shlomo Fox-Ashrei. Edited by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz.


    Learn More
  10. Meant To Be

    Incredible shidduchim stories about real people and true events, past and present
    With selected halachic questions and fascinating anecdotes from RABBI YITZCHAK ZILBERSTEIN

    "'You have two problems: You have a daughter who needs to get married, and she's a top girl.' I smiled, but I didn't agree. True, a top girl sometimes has a harder time in shidduchim, but why not be optimistic?"

    "Sometimes a person thinks to himself, Who will want someone with a scar? Who will marry someone my age? Why did HaKadosh Baruch Hu do this to me? This person doesn't understand that everything that his Father in Heaven does for him is only a kindness and a mercy. It was specifically because of his scar that the bachur merited finding his special zivug who was waiting for him..."

    "A date was arranged. Then a second and a third. A few weeks later the shadchan was invited to the vort. When she entered the room, she was shocked when she saw who the kallah was--it was the older sister, not the younger sister whom she'd had in mind when she suggested the shidduch!"

    "As she waited for the storm to pass, she was reminded of the waiting inherent in the process of shidduchim. Waiting for your bashert. Waiting for the chasunah. Waiting to start a new life. Waiting and waiting for the right time... A rebellious tear slid, unbidden, down her cheek. How much longer must she wait?"

    We are living in a time of hester panim, when Hashem's providence is hidden from us. It's often hard to see how at every single moment everything is being orchestrated by Him, even though we know it's true. Yet there is one area, one time in a person's life, when Hashem's hashgachah can be seen openly, when one can palpably feel that Hashem is with him, orchestrating events. That area is shidduchim.

    When it comes to finding one's zivug, one's soul mate, there is no doubt: only HaKadosh Baruch Hu could have brought about the sequence of events that led to the creation of another bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael.

    A new story collection from the author of Bar Mitzvah and Tefillin and 102 Stories That Changed People's Lives Learn More

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