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  1. Do you have a role model in your life — someone whose guidance you can trust implicitly, knowing it stems from daas Torah and mesorah?

    Toras ImechaGlimpses of Greatness for the Aspiring Bas Yisrael provides brief biographical sketches and inspiring vignettes from the lives of nashim tzidkaniyos who lived in contemporary times.

    Through their mesiras nefesh, America was built into a makom Torah.

    In collaboration with families and talmidos, Mrs. Malka Weisman has produced a book that highlights the noble deeds and characters of these outstanding women, so that we can apply their practical teachings to our everyday lives.

    Artist Dr. Leslie Michal Elder has succeeded in capturing the nobility of twenty-two tzidkaniyos through her brilliant full-color oil portraits. The portraits draw the reader in and make the book appealing and relatable to bnos Yisrael of all ages.

    Whether you are just becoming a bas mitzvah, are already a venerable grandmother, or are at any other life stage, these narratives offer an authentic echo of our Imahos to learn from. Like a cherished companion, this treasury flows with timeless wisdom, whispering guidance on the path towards our greatest selves.

    “This work distills gems from the lives of some of our finest heroines, tailored to nurture the growth of our daughters.”

    Rav Mattisyahu Chaim Salomon, zt”l

    “Toras Imecha stirs the heart toward yiras Shamayim and good middos.”

    Rav Nechemia Kaplan

    “I hope, that all the great, chashuva ladies who are mentioned in this book will serve as role models to the readers for what a real bas Yisrael is.”

    Rebbetzin Shoshana Gifter

    “Your scrupulous research has painted a breathtaking tapestry of the n’shei chayil that touched our world. Each one is captured in small vignettes that highlight relevant lessons for today’s frum woman.”

    Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner

    “This masterpiece of a book will surely serve to show women of all ages the heights to which they can aspire.”

    Rebbetzin Malka Paretzky Learn More

  2. The transmission of the Laws of the Torah and its teachings has been faithfully practiced from Moses at Sinai until this day. Jews can never accept the claim by any leader of any people that he was sent to replace Judaism. It is simply a false claim.

    Likewise, because of their status as God’s elected people, Israel never gets away with their transgressions. When the Divine Justice strikes them, it is not because they are rejected by God, as the Quran claims (Surah 5:18), rather, it is on account of their proximity to God.

    Maimonides writes: 

    Just as God is everlasting, so is His Torah. No one may add to it nor remove any law from it, as it says: “The entire word that I command you, that shall you observe to do, you shall not add to it and you shall not subtract from it” (Deuteronomy 13:1). Therefore, if a man, be he Jew or gentile, will declare that God sent him to add a commandment to the Torah of Moses or subtract from it, or to add an explanation which we have not learned from Moses or who would claim that those commandments which the Israelites have inherited are not for all generations to come, this man is a false prophet.

    .(Maimonides, Laws of Torah Principles, 9:1) Learn More

  3. The Power of Ideas: Words of Faith and Wisdom H/C Learn More
  4. The Chofetz Chaim’s Mussar Masterpiece

    In Sefer Shemiras HaLashon, the Chofetz Chaim shows us the disastrous results of speaking lashon hara, and the innumerable rewards of positive speech. A masterpiece of mussar, it also includes chapters on the importance of Torah learning, of keeping peace and avoiding machlokes, judging favorably, and many more vital topics.

    Sefer Shemiras HaLashon includes the full Hebrew text, a phase-by-phrase translation and elucidation, and explanatory notes to enhance our understanding. Learn More

  5. Have you ever wondered... why?

    • Why do we need science if everything is contained in the Torah?
    • Why are there so many scientists who are atheists and non-believers?
    • Why did G-d create such a huge universe?
    • Why don’t the medicinal remedies mentioned in the Talmud work nowadays?

    If you have, then ABCs of Torah and Science is for you! Here are just a few of the many benefits you will gain by reading this one-of-a-kind book:

    • Fulfill the mitzvos of ahavas and yiras Hashem by reflecting upon the profound wisdom contained in the universe.
    • Strengthen your emunah.
    • Enrich the meaningfulness of your tefillos and berachos.
    • Understand science — from a Torah-first approach rather than a science-first perspective. Learn More
  6. “There is a secret panel beneath the carpet in my bedroom. Under a hidden floorboard, there is money and a cache of diamonds, for emergencies like this. If you see that I am delayed returning, you will take Mamme and the rest of the family, along with the hidden valuables, and cross the river to find me.”

    Amidst falling bombs and enemy approach, Tatte leaves Reginna with a mission to bring Mamme and the family across the San River to the relative safety of the Soviet side. She promises Tatte she will do it. She is sixteen years old.

    Following Tatte’s instructions, she bundles her family away from the German invasion and crosses the river that now designates the border between Germany and Soviet Russia. She leaves her hometown of Yaroslav far behind. Withstanding loss and years of enforced imprisonment in Siberia, she is relentless in her quest of finding her beloved Tatte, of protecting her ill Mamme, and of keeping her family together. Never losing faith, she holds tight to her belief that the Aibeshter is with her. And that she and her family will survive.

    Based on the true story of Rivkah bas Moshe Yosef Learn More

  7. To captivate young minds and stimulate meaningful conversations

    Energize your Shabbos table conversations with a wide variety of exciting quiz questions -- 50 quizzes in all -- from easy to hard! Everyone will enjoy the challenge! Answer keys included in back. Learn More

  8. Pathways To Personal Growth H/C

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