Philosophy & Jewish Thought

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  1. Thoughts that open the heart and stir the soul through simchah. Learn More
  2. This extraordinary compilation before you, ‘18 Frames of Being’, is a contemporary collage of experiences, stories and inspirations. It is woven together with the striking mind view of the noted Chasidic writer Rabbi Bentzion Elisha. Many of these unique literary renderings have been publicized and published in various websites and in print, made available to thousands of readers. For the first time ever, these 18 cutting edge vignettes of life are united together in their full unabridged versions and spice. Learn More
  3. A 40-Day Mission … Countless Blessings!

    We all know the many blessings that come with shemiras halashon, with being careful with our words. Blessings of unity. Of friendship. Of healing relationships. Blessings of tranquility and satisfaction.

    The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has created a unique 40-day program to jumpstart our shemiras halashon and make positive speech a wonderful new habit!

    40 Days of Caring includes:

    • The “Daily Dilemma”: A short, relatable shemiras halashon scenario emerging from an everyday situation.

    • “Growing One Day Greater”: A few brief paragraphs providing an insight into speech and its impact on our relationships.

    • “Go for It”: A daily practical step for us to implement.

    • “Look at It This Way”: A thought-provoking quote offering a new perspective on some aspect of ahavas Yisrael, shemiras halashon and better relationships. • A quote from one of the Chofetz Chaim’s original works • Plus! A special section of 120 true stories that bring the power of shemiras halashon and ahavas Yisrael to life. Learn More

  4. For more than a decade, readers of Hamodia have derived chizuk from columns by Rabbi Avraham Y. Heschel, son of the Kopyczynitzer Rebbe, zy"a, and an inspirational writer and motivational speaker. Now, for the first time, some of these uplifting columns are appearing in book form.

    Rooted in reality, the lessons are based on moving true stories and insightful parables. They address real-life scenarios and provide coping tools for a wide range of life's challenges - all based on Torah hashkafah, teachings of Chazal and of tzaddikim of previous generations.

    The book provides profound, thought-provoking insights in a light, easily readable format.
    Divided into seventy short lessons, it will provide a daily source of chizuk for readers across the spectrum of the Jewish world for all ages and stages.

    I am convinced that, b'ezras Hashem Yisborach, all who read this sefer will benefit tremendously and will be inspired to come closer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, with a deep sense of joy. 
    - Harav Moshe Wolfson, Rav of Emunas Yisrael and Mashgiach Ruchani of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas

    It consists of a mishnah sedurah [methodical guide] to strengthen a person to remain steadfast in emunah and bitachon in Hashem and not to be confused by the trials and tribulations of our times.
    - Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivah, Mirrer Yeshivah
    Learn More
  5. Each day a Jew arrives at the Bridge Called Prayer. He consciously decides whether or not to connect each blessing and challenge to the Almighty. Crossing the bridge initiates an intimate relationship with Avinu Malkeinu. Failing in this assignment, he becomes entangled in a web of distractions and ignores his treasured heirloom.

    In these days of chaos and confusion, before the arrival of the Mashiach, Chazal advise us to strengthen our emuna and rely more on our bond with the Almighty and less on our own exertions. Prayer is the catalyst of our salvation.

    A Bridge Called Prayer offers insight and practical tools in these critical areas of spiritual growth. The aim of this sefer is to inspire the reader to design and construct his own Bridge Called Prayer through…

    Fascinating explanations and insights from classic and contemporary sources.

    Practical advice and encouragement to help improve your prayer experience immediately!

    Inspiring anecdotes and stories of Sages, past and present.

    About The Author:

    Rabbi Yehonason Alpren was born in Birmingham, England. Formerly a talmid of Yeshivas Kerem B'Yavne and Gateshead Yeshiva, he trained as a lawyer and has been a member of the Kollel of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem for the last thirty-five years.

    Rabbi Alpren guides his listeners with practical lessons and suggestions from Chazal, adapting and applying them into everyday lifetime situations. He transforms Torah study into a delightful experience through inspirational insights and personal experience. Learn More

  6. Bitachon. How to get it. How to strengthen it. How to learn to rely on Hashem. In every part of our lives.

    Bitachon – knowing that you can fully rely on Hashem, and only on Hashem -- is an essential part of our Chovos HaLevavos, our “service of the heart.” It is the wondrous gift that enables us to enjoy the blessing of “menuchas hanefesh” – a hard-to-define concept that includes serenity, tranquility, and peace of mind.

    Rabbi David Sutton, author of many important works including Beis HaLevi on Bitachon and Embrace Shabbos, shares with us more than 130 readings, designed for the consistent daily use that enables truly effective change. Drawn from the classic wisdom of the Chovos HaLevavos Shaar HaBitachon, these insights into this “service of the heart” are remarkably contemporary, speaking to our own challenges. Each reading ends with a practical takeaway, ensuring that we incorporate bitachon into our everyday encounters. And of course, Rabbi Sutton shares stories that show us the amazing power of bitachon.

    In these readings we will learn how to reframe our thoughts. We will explore hashgachah pratis. We will see how to properly balance hishtadlus, human effort, with bitachon in Hashem, and how to strengthen our connection to Hashem both in good times and hard ones.

    Fitness experts say that to keep your heart strong and healthy, you need to do a cardio workout. And you need to do it regularly and consistently. It’s the same with bitachon: To keep your “service of the heart” strong and healthy – you need a daily workout. And that’s what this book gives you: A cardio workout of the spirit! Learn More

  7. The purpose of this book is to present you with a cast of characters who are defined by the Torah as your role models. Their voices are in the Text, the Midrash, the Talmud, the works of the earlier and later scholars, and the fruit of the pens of greats of the last centuries. 

    Will we ever understand their true greatness? The answer is, of course, no. The women depicted will always remain beyond your reach and mine; their spiritual stature places them beyond our limited vision. Nonetheless, the Torah presents them for us to learn from their lives. To do so, you must learn to listen and then to step back with the recognition that you have at best heard the echo of their voices.

    A Distant Mirror is structured to give you the information presented in the text under the heading, "What Does It Say?" Next, you will find a taste of what the commentators tell you, under the heading, "What Does It Mean?" And finally, essays on practical ways in which you can bring these women into your lives as your role models under the heading, "What Does This Mean for You?" along with true stories of how other women did just that.

    Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, popular teacher, lecturer, and Hamodia columnist, is the author of Battle Plans (with Sara Yocheved Rigler), Return, You Are Here, Let's Face It!, Our Bodies Our Souls, The Balancing Act, This Way Up, and More Precious Than Pearls.

    "A Distant Mirror, by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, is a guidebook for life, with many wonderful insights and messages for women as well as for men on how to deal with life's various situations.

    The book is full of profound insights into the human personality and conveys a tremendous optimism and belief that people can reach their potential for greatness."

    - Rabbi Hershel Reichman, President, Learn More

  • A Gift For Yom Tov - Softcover
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