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  1. Beautiful, carefully designed illustrations elucidate otherwise complex subjects, allowing readers to better grasp the forgiveness of Yom Kippur in a visual way.

    The Yom Kippur story goes back in time to the birth of the Jewish Nation and the Giving of the Torah. Trouble began when the new nation thought their leader Moshe was gone. They were quickly convinced that worshiping a golden calf would keep them safe in the desert. They forgot what they had just heard at Har Sinai: not to worship anything besides Hashem. Moshe’s shocking action upon his return helped them realize their terrible mistake. But was it already too late to save the Jewish People? This captivating book retells how Moshe and the Jewish Nation were able to turn things around. Their sincere efforts to return to Hashem gave us the holiday of Yom Kippur forever, and the power to always make our connection to the One Above even better than before!

    This story is followed by a 23-page supplement, “How To Celebrate” which sheds light on the laws and customs of the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Thoughtful illustrations clarify details of how to prepare for and observe this momentous day. Discover the meaning behind our traditions and enhance the way you celebrate Yom Kippur. Learn More

  2. RETURN is a sefer, not a book. It presents an in-depth understanding of the mitzvos and tefillos of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkos, in a new light.

    THIS LIGHT, the light from the ohr ha’ganuz (the hidden light) was originally revealed in the sifrei Maharal. After centuries of neglect, it was rekindled for the Torah world by the appearance of the famous maamarim of Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l, and recorded in his sefarim, Pachad Yitzchak.

    “He was planted in this generation to bring light to the world and all who dwell in it - a new light”

    (From the inscription on his tombstone)

    A commentary to enlighten the hearts of the probers of Torah. The spirit of Rav Hutner is evident.

    Rav Moshe Shternbuch

    He has plumbed the depths of the deep waters of Torah, and drawn its secrets, with acumen and richness.

    Rav Aaron Schechter

    I sensed the aroma of the perfume shop of my father-in-law’s Torah, transmitted with sweetness and wisdom.

    Rav Yonasan David

    His very being is suffused to the source - the well of pure waters, the Torah of Rav Yitzchock Hutner.
    Rav Alster himself has become a well of pure waters.

    Rav Moshe Shapiro Learn More

  3. Unlock the profound beauty of Elul's fleeting moments with this captivating guide.

    Immerse yourself in the enchanting mizmor of "LeDovid Hashem Ori" and delve deep into the essence of the Thirteen Middos HaRachamim. Discover the secrets to embodying the holy Ushpizin and so much more. Within these pages lies the treasure trove of wisdom.

    Don't miss out — this is the sefer you've been waiting for. Learn More

  4. The period from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Sukkos is a time to rekindle one’s relationship with Hashem through avodah and teshuvah. To Return and Rekindle will give readers the chizuk, motivation and ideas needed to not only come back to Hashem but also to continuously reach new heights of avodah and awareness of Him. Learn More
  5. The Balabusta's Daily Organizer Sep. 2023- Dec. 2024, Desktop Edition Learn More
  6. 5784 Pocket Daily Memo Calendar 2023-24

    6 1/2" X 3 3/4" Learn More

  7. How is a shofar made? Follow its amazing journey from a ram roaming in a field to a shofar blown on Rosh Hashanah Learn More
  8. For Jonah life as a prophet is a gift and a privilege. When he receives a prophecy that challenges his beliefs, he is forced to confront himself and take a stand. A reluctant prophet, loyal man of the people, and loving husband. In his attempt to escape his Divine mission, he must leave it all behind.

    Discover the Biblical tale of Jonah anew, as experienced educatorIlana Harris blends classic and contemporary sources with historical details to bring this story to life.

    Packed full of fascinating insights and revelations, this enthralling tale offers a fresh perspective on the prophet Jonah, addressing issues relevant to our everyday lives.

    Ilana Harris is a writer and educator living in Jerusalem with her husband and five children. She has been involved in Jewish educational frameworks for many years, with a focus on pedagogy and Jewish texts. Her experience teaching in formal and informal programs in the UK and Israel led her to develop a creative approach that is inspiring, relevant, and thought-provoking. A graduate of Cambridge university, her further studies include an Educator’s Fellowship in conjunction with the Hebrew University, as well as time in Midreshet Tehilla and Lindenbaum seminaries. Learn More

  9. Kesivah V’Chasimah Tovah: Help make it happen! You owe it to yourself – and your family.

    The days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur are some of the busiest in a woman’s life – and the most important. It is now that we have the best chance to do authentic teshuvah, deepen our connection to Hashem, and engage the incredible power of tefillah.

    Designed to fit in with Jewish women’s busy lifestyles, The Yamim Noraim Treasury features brief and powerful insights and stories on Chodesh Elul and the power of teshuvah, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, as well as commentary on selected prayers and Torah readings.

    The Yamim Noraim Treasury is for women who want to enrich and enhance the upcoming Yamim Tovim (and take a few well-earned minutes from holiday prep!). It’s for women staying home with their children on Yom Tov and for women enjoying a few quiet minutes in shul. Indeed, it is for every Jewish woman as she looks forward to a healthy, happy, and prosperous year. Learn More

  10. The Shofar, Halachos, Minhagim, & Mesorah

    “The art of blowing the shofar is a knowledge-based skill.”

    (Siddur Rav Hertz Sheliach Tzibbur)

    With the publication of this sefer, the halachos, hanhagos, eitzos, and mesorah related to tekias shofar are now available to the English-speaking readership. Fully annotated, The Shofar is the product of consultations with many baalei tekiah, poskei Gedolei Yisrael, responsa, and sifrei halachah. An enormous contribution to Torah literature, this volume includes:

    • Minhagim from communities and kehillos around the world
    • An analysis of each kol, its acceptable length, and possible complications
    • Customs that are practiced prior to, during, and after tekias shofar
    • Important but little-known issues regarding the shofar itself
    • What to look out for when buying a shofar

    “A literal encyclopedic compendium of laws, customs, and practices of shofar blowing...The work is spiced with anecdotes, stories, and rulings of contemporary halachic poskim.”

    Rav Zev Leff, Moshav Matityahu

    “Anyone who reads this will obtain a ‘Panim Chadashot’ regarding the mitzvah.”

    Dayan Eleizer Dunner, Bnei Brak

    “The author unfurls the tapestry of customs belonging to kehillos world over.”

    Novominsker Rebbe, Lakewood

    Rabbi Bentzion Ettlinger is a product of the Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael institutions and learned in its Bais Hamedrash Jeshurun during the ten-year tenure of Rav Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe, zt”l, who was its rosh hayeshiva. During that time, he became a close talmid.

    He enjoyed a filial relationship with Rav Shimon Schwab, zt”l, and had the unique zechus to be meshamesh him for twenty-three years, and later Rav Zechariah Gelley, zt”l, as well as Rav Shach’s son-in-law, ybl”t, Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman of B’nei Brak, during Rav Bergman’s annual stays in Washington Heights.

    He is a member of the editorial board of L’dor Va’dor, a bi-annual Torah journal, a mentor in Mesivta R.S.R.H., and has been a baal tokeia in K’hal Adath Jeshurun for more than thirty-five years.

    His penchant for tekias shofar has enabled him to traverse far and wide to bring to light the myriad of rich minhagei Yisrael from multitudes of beautiful communities within Klal Yisrael. His eye-opening feature articles that have appeared in the magazine section of Hamodia have generated wide interest.

    He uses his very extensive collection of horns, shofaros, shofar stories, and shofar manufacturing slides for presentations on all levels, from pre-schools, elementary schools, and mesivtos to seniors, Daf Yomi shiurim, and kollelim. He lives in Washington Heights with his wife, Debbie. Their many children and grandchildren live in Lakewood, NJ; Chestnut Ridge, NY; Monsey, NY; and Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. Learn More

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