Biographies & Memoirs

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  1. During and after World War II, a leader of exceptional stature emerged in Klal Yisrael. He was a dynamo, a brilliant talmid chacham who displayed unwavering dedication to Hashem and His people, and above all, unparalleled self-sacrifice. He was Rav Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, the Klausenburger Rebbe.

    Despite enduring unspeakable personal tragedies, he ascended to remarkable spiritual heights while inspiring his suffering brethren. His indomitable spirit continued to inspire fellow survivors, offering hope and illuminating faith in a world shrouded in darkness.

    In this meticulously researched and powerfully written biography, we encounter this extraordinary figure, whose unwavering faith served as a beacon, singlehandedly drawing thousands to Torah observance and rebuilding the Torah world. He instituted programs like Mifal Hashas that were revolutionary and transformative. His private avodas Hashem seemed superhuman, as he spent hours on end immersed in Torah learning and tefillah, inspiring other towards greater spiritual aspirations.

    Read this biography and learn of the unfathomable heights to which a human being can reach. Learn More

  2. Thousands of students were educated by the legendary gaon and mekubal Rabbi Menachem Zev HaLevi Greenglass—affectionately known as "Volf"—throughout his close to seventy years of serving as mashpia in Tomchei Temimim Montreal, the yeshiva he helped establish by direction of the Frierdiker Rebbe.

    Born in Lodz, Poland, to Aleksander Chassidim, Reb Volf was attracted at a young age to the derech of Chabad, enrolling in the Tomchei Temimim in Otvotzk. The outbreak of WWII sent him on a remarkable journey through Lithuania, Russia, Japan, and China, until he ultimately arrived in Montreal, Canada.

    In Montreal, Reb Volf served as the chief mashpia, mentoring generations of students and even concerning himself with their physical needs. Unassuming and with a cheerful disposition, he was always equipped with a witty response.

    Proficient in all areas of Torah, Reb Volf played a crucial role in compiling Sefer Haminhagim and publishing a halachic composition, Likutei Dinim, at the Rebbe’s instruction. Fluent in Kabbalah, he developed a fascinating relationship with contemporary kabbalists, orchestrated by the Rebbe.

    Aside from his immense Torah knowledge, Reb Volf was a treasure trove of Chassidic stories, fond of telling them during classes and farbrengens to deliver important messages.

    This English volume includes a comprehensive biography of Reb Volf’s life from Poland to Montreal, hundreds of stories and vertlach told by Reb Volf, and his writings and correspondence. Learn More

  3. Rav Yisroel Alter, the Beis Yisroel, became the Rebbe of Gur at a time of deep darkness. Just a few years earlier, tens of thousands of Gerrer chassidim had perished in the Holocaust, and the few who’d survived faced the daunting challenge of beginning new lives.

    Rav Yisroel became the Rebbe – and he rebuilt a world, miraculously leading Gerrer chassidus to almost unimaginable levels of greatness.

    At the same time he was a loving, empathetic, wise shepherd, gently and patiently giving people the time and space they needed to grow.

    Written with the flair and emotion that have made Yisroel Besser’s biographies so beloved, The Beis Yisroel tells both stories -- the story of the Rebbe’s immeasurable impact on a nation still reeling, and the individual stories of how he was able to heal, encourage and uplift. From a sign painter to his beloved talmidim, from survivors whose horrific experiences had sent them far from their chassidic routes to bachurim struggling with the lures of secular society – whatever the challenges, the Rebbe was there to help and guide and find the greatness of every Jew. Learn More

  4. “I searched through everything I have done, and I have found nothing to argue in my merit in the World to Come, other than having trained my student, Rav Shlomo.”

    The Mashgiach, Rav Yechezkel Levinstein

    Rav Shlomo Leib Brevda was a world renowned ba’al mussar, public speaker and personal guide to countless students. Devoted talmid of some of the greatest Torah authorities of his time — including Rav Yechezkel Levenstein, the Chazon Ish and the Brisker Rav — he was instrumental in passing their wisdom on to the next generation. He also authored extensive commentaries on the writings of the Vilna Gaon and was considered a world authority on the Gra’s writings.

    In this fascinating biography, we see the tremendous influence of the Mashgiach Reb Chatzkel, Rav Brevda’s own startling impact and his passionate commitment to truth. Overcoming the materialism that surrounded the society of his youth, he grew to such spiritual heights that one could easily have imagined him to have been born and raised in the mussar yeshivos of pre-war Europe. Now his life and teachings can inspire a new generation thirsting for the word of Hashem. Learn More

  5. “When I look at a person, I see a tzelem Elokim, a person made in the image of G-d.”

    “When I hear a person knocking on the door, I run with the same enthusiasm as if it was Eliyahu Hanavi.”

    These were axioms by which Rav Mordechai Schwab lived. Many would turn to him for his advice and prayers on their behalf and cannot forget the great respect and care with which he treated them.

    Having learned under the great Torah teachers: Rav Yerucham in Mir, Rav Baruch Ber in Kaminetz and Rav Chatzkel in Shanghai, Rav Mordechai personified different aspects of their greatness and molded them into his unique and unassuming style.

    In this volume you can journey alongside this humble tzaddik who saw the divine in every person and embraced the pursuit of perfection in all areas of service to Hashem to the extent where Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky said, “Rav Mordechai’s daled amos is kodesh kadoshim.”

    Although he constantly tried to keep his service of Hashem private, in this volume you will be privileged to see glimpses of his greatness.

    Reading about Rav Mordechai will awaken you from complacency and inspire you to grow. You cannot help but to aspire to be a better Jew after reading this book. Learn More

  6. He started literally with nothing, and built an empire of business – and chesed.
    He was a brilliant businessman whom Rabbi Moshe Sherer called “the malach of shalom.”
    He was a man who blended startling financial acumen with mussar hashkafah – and made it work!
    He was the unique, inimitable Reb Benny Fishoff. And this is his story, his wisdom, in his own words.

    B’Ahavah, Benny – the story of Reb Benny Fishoff -- is not a typical “rags to riches” story. Rather, it’s a “riches to riches” story. The story of a young man, sole survivor of his family after the Holocaust, who took the riches of chassidic devotion, the riches of years of intense yeshivah learning, the riches of memories of his warm and loving family, and who used those riches to build, to listen, to counsel and to enrich others. It is a story of amazing business savvy combined with profound “mentschlichkeit,” a story filled with siyyata dishmaya and ultimate triumph.

    Reb Benny’s story takes us from Lodz to Shanghai to the executive suites of New York City skyscrapers – and to the hearts of countless Jews whom he helped with money, advice, and overflowing love. His wise counsel – and, indeed, his life – will show us how to appreciate the riches of our own lives. Learn More

  7. From the frozen forests of the Soviet Union, under the murderous eyes of the KGB, came a man of miracles, of almost unbelievable mesiras nefesh...

    The Ribnitzer.

    He was a tzaddik. A ba’al mofes, a miracle worker. In time, he became a living legend, the address for thousands seeking berachos, first in Russia, then in Eretz Yisrael and, eventually in America. His intense avodah included fasting, hours and hours of profound tefillah. And, of course, immersion in in the holy waters of the mikveh. Despite the Nazis, who occupied his town during World War Two. Despite the KGB, who was determined to snuff out Yiddishkeit. Despite the desperate cold of a Russian winter: Reb Chaim Zanvil, the Ribnitzer Rebbe, would find a way. A way to serve Hashem through immersion. Through traveling for hours and days, in order to secretly give a Jewish baby a bris in Stalinist Russia.

    Yes, this is a story about miracles. But more: it’s the story of a man who was a miracle himself. Learn More

  8. Where Ahavah and Emes Meet: A Life to Learn From

    “He lived and breathed kevod Shamayim and kevod habriyos and accomplished everything ... quietly, without fanfare.”—Rabbi Eytan Feiner

    “So, doctor, my brother has an especially huge heart … right?” Rabbi Aaron Brafman’s brother, famed attorney Ben Brafman, said to a cardiologist after Rabbi Brafman’s heart surgery “Rabbi Brafman never chose to do what was easy for him. He loved his talmidim with all his heart and looked to do what was best for each one.” – a talmid’s memory

    Rabbi Aaron Brafman was the much-beloved and revered menahel of Yeshiva of Far Rockaway. He was also a respected author and a dedicated askan. But more: He was a man who loved every Jew, who saw potential where others saw failure. In the words of a talmid, he was a man “who lived and breathed Klal Yisrael; whose days were filled with Torah and maasim tovim ... and most of all, who epitomized the term ‘rebbi.’”

    This is the compelling story of a guide and teacher who blended greatness and modesty, piety and humor, a deep aversion to anything not “emes” with an amazing ability to see the good in all. As we read one unique story after another, we’ll see why talmidim adored him, friends revered him, and his entire community felt fortunate to have him in their midst. And we will discover what a difference a great rebbi can make. Learn More

  9. Rav Meir Schuster was very shy. But he knew he had to help all the lost Jews he saw at the Kosel. He wanted to bring them to yeshivos, where they could learn about Torah and mitzvos.

    But what if he didn’t say the right thing? What if they didn’t want to come with him?

    The Man at the Wall tells the awe-inspiring story of a man who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Children will be inspired by this leveled reader and enjoy its detailed illustrations. Learn More

  10.  Rav Chaim, The Life & Legacy of the Sar HaTorah Rav Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky
    Rav Chaim Kanievsky was the Sar HaTorah, master of every area of Torah knowledge and author of dozens of Torah works on topics ranging from the basic to the arcane. He was a fount of guidance, comfort, and blessing to tens of thousands. His diligence in Torah was legendary, yet he opened his home and his heart to all who sought him.

    But despite all the stories we have heard, there is so much more. And Rabbi Naftali Weinberger is the perfect person to give us the rest of the story.

    Rabbi Weinberger has had a uniquely close relationship with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his family for nearly thirty years — so much so that Rav Chaim authorized him to write the bestselling biography Rebbetzin Kanievsky.

    His unparalleled access to Rav Chaim and his family enabled him to produce this fascinating biography, giving us an insider’s view of the Sar HaTorah’s remarkable life and achievements, including warm and personal stories heard directly from the family and rare photographs appearing in print for the very first time.

    In these pages, we will come know the Torah aristocracy that was Rav Chaim’s family — the Chazon Ish, the Steipler, Rav Elyashiv, and others — from the family’s unique perspective. We will encounter the Torah giants and “simple” Jews who were part of Rav Chaim’s life, and see how he interacted with them.

    The Prince of Torah gave our People so much in his lifetime, and through this extraordinary volume his memory and example will continue to inspire us. We will aspire to emulate his diligence and love for Torah, his shalom bayis, and the chinuch he instilled in his family. We will learn to care for and welcome every Jew. And we will see how a Torah giant who valued every moment of Torah study freely gave of his time for others. Learn More

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